
CyanogenMod (pronounced sigh-AN-oh-jen-mod), is a customized, aftermarket firmware distribution for several Android devices. Based on the Android Open Source Project, CyanogenMod is designed to increase performance and reliability over Android-based ROMs released by vendors and carriers such as Google, T-Mobile, HTC, Lenovo, etc. CyanogenMod also offers a variety of features & enhancements that are not currently found in these versions of Android.

This is Team Superluminal cyanogenmod 12.1 port for your Lenovo K910

Not officially supported, but might work on K910L and K910e

CM12 is no longer developed, we have moved to CM12.1

Already CM12.1 feels more stable than CM12 ever was.

NOTE: This is beta, expect bugs!

- Beta releases are not updated over OTA

- Beta releases has adb insecure & root mode by default

- If you dare to try this, please see reporting bugs section

CM12.1 ROM Highlights

- No manufacturer pre-installed crappy software, you choose what to install!

- Privacy Guard, you choose what permission apps can have!

- Lots of UI tweaks, you choose the UI features!

- LiveDisplay

- CM Theme Engine (lots of themes available)

- Overall fast & smooth

- Good battery life

- Performance modes (also power save mode)

- Good multilanguage support

- Pre-rooted (enable in developer settings)

- Audio FX (equalizer)

- And all other cyanogenmod goodies! Too much to list here



CyanogenMod 12.1 Changelog here

cm-12.1-20150421-UNOFFICIAL-kiton B4

- Sync with CM12.1 repo

- Changes to make old RIL more compatible with CM12.1

- MMS fixed (if doesn't work for you, check your apn settings)

- ROM Extra Settings chinese translation fix (thx llaalways)

NOTE: First boot takes longer time, because SC6500 modem FW update (blue led blinks)

NOTE2: Remember factory reset when coming from any other ROM than previous version of TS CM12.1



cm-12.1-20150419-UNOFFICIAL-kiton B3

- Sync with CM12.1 repo

- Enabled bionic qcom optimizations

- Port newer caf display hal and caf media hal for lenovo kernel

cm-12.1-20150418-UNOFFICIAL-kiton B2

- DUALSIM: Connect mobile data after reboot

- Made telephony stack to support old RIL (v9)

- Sync with CM12.1 repo

- Proprietary blobs from VIBEUI 1516

- Lots of other minor changes

- Enabled LTE for K910L

cm-12.1-20150416-UNOFFICIAL-kiton B1

- First BETA release

K910 firmware update recovery flashable zips:

See download links @ top of the page.

From VIBEUI v1511: k910_firmware_update_v1511 (latest, recommended)

NOTE: FW UPDATE ZIP ONLY FOR K910, not for K910e or K910L

How to install:

NOTE: If you dont have custom recovery installed yet, please see instructions for that elsewhere. (see TS TWRP recovery page)

1) boot into lollipop compatible TWRP (or similar) recovery (TS TWRP recommended)

2) Backup -> swipe to backup

When coming from other ROM: (also CM11/CM12 or want to clean install)

3.1) Wipe -> Factory reset

When updating existing superluminal CM12 ROM:

4) install cm-12.1-xxxxxxx-UNOFFICIAL-kiton.zip (select from storage or via adb sideload)

5) install gapps (if you need/like)

5.1) Gapps can be downloaded from various sources. See download link (BaNkS gapps) at top of the page or get one from here

6) reboot

7) profit

NOTE: All changes in system partition are lost when you update ROM.

What's working:

DUAL SIM (Enable in ROM Extra Settgins)

Double tap to wake (Enable in ROM Extra Settgins)

Smart cover (Enable in ROM Extra Settgins)

SIM1 RIL (mobile network & data)

SIM2 RIL (mobile network & data)




Network location

Audio (playback/input/routing/headphones/etc)


Hardware acceleration and OpenGL rendering

Hardware video decoding & encoding





Performance modes


All cyanogenmod goodies

Known issues/bugs:

- "Charging only" mode not implemented yet

- selinux in permissive mode

- FM radio not working

- DUALSIM: When sub calls set to "Ask Always" dialer may cause phone freeze sometimes
- MMS not working
- SIM2 mobile data not working
- DUAL SIM: Renaming SIM cards may cause mobile data connection loss. So do not rename SIM cards for now
- DUAL SIM: Mobile data is not always enabled before go to "Settings -> Sim cards"

Special thanks to:

- ekkilm (co-developer)

- CyanogenMod team & everyone who's been working on CM12.1

- BaNkS for gapps

Donors: (Big thanks for the support!)

- n1tro

- kacer

- Sir_Bommel

- blackpac

- richy4

- sgardev

- Remco ** ****

- misot

- kontax

- Pino13

- Платонов ****

- wot-hac

- Михаил ********

- jamiev90

- alexalexchic

- Alessio B.

- Aniello F*****

- didonch

- Nikolay A******

- maprotech

- dark72

- andomanju

- Jorge G***** M******

- wot-hac

- S34d0g

- papuse g****

- smcsekar

- Fernando G********

- Macrom

- Antoinex01

- Fabio I********

Performance profiles explained:

Power save: Max CPU 1.2Ghz, slower CPU governor. If battery level <15% keylights are turned off and screen maximum brightness is limited.

Balanced: Max CPU 1.9Ghz, balanced CPU & GPU governors. This is good mode for normal use.

Performance: Max CPU 2.1GHz, balanced CPU governor, performance GPU governor. This is good mode for heavy gaming.


Q: How to enable Smart cover, Dual SIM or Double tap to wake support?

A: Open 'ROM Extra Settings' from settings and enable features you like.

Q: Where are performance modes?

A: Settings -> Battery or you can add it to notification drawer in settings.

Q: I can't find developer options and performance settings, why?

A: Settings -> About phone -> Click 'Build number' several times

Q: I don't have reboot options in power menu, why?

A: Settings -> Developer options -> Advanced reboot

Q: Why power button does not wake device?

A: Yes it does! You're just covering proximity sensor. There's "prevent accidential wakeup" option enabled by default.

Reporting Bugs:

Carefully describe how to reproduce the bug, if possible.

1) Grab a logcat right after/during the problem has occurred. (Please include at least a few pages of the log, not just the last few lines, unless you know what you're doing.)

in case of modem bugs, also "logcat -b radio" is needed. If possible log must be captured all way from boot.

2) If it is a random reboot, grab /proc/last_kmsg. (Do not bother getting a logcat unless you can get it just before the reboot. A logcat after a reboot is useless)

Look for /data/tombstones directory for crash logs to share.

Remember to provide as much info as possible. The more info you provide, the more changes there are we can reproduce bug and possible fix it. Please also do not report known issues. The following is a useful format to follow:

What is your phone model (K910, K910L, K910e, etc..)

- ROM Version

Are you using:

- Any kind of task killer.

- Xposed

- Dual SIM.

- other modifications; Provide any additional information (observations/frequency of problem/last version it worked on/etc) as needed.

Upload logs to for example pastebin or any filesharing service and sends logs to me. With PM or email: morphic.ts@gmail.com

We have spent ernomous amount of time for porting this ROM.

All work is done in our spare time. We give this for you as free of charge.

If you like our work, please consider donating some money for a new porting equipments.

Or just few bucks for team members to have a nice cold beer after long day of coding

NOTE: This is beta, expect bugs!


- Morphic, Team Superluminal

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