
Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Colten Josoff

So, it’s the last day of 2016. And…I’ve procrastinated in getting my posts written until now. So, be prepared. Today will be a writing marathon for me just so my thoughts and pictures can be included in our 2016 book. Just remember…I forewarned you.

So, Taylor’s wedding was on November 11th…

The festivities began on Thursday night prior to the wedding. This was the beginning of some long days filled with fun, stress and lots of love.

…so as things sometimes go – I DID NOT get this done on the last day of 2016. You know how it goes! You have great intentions and the entire day ahead of you and then your computer decides to take FOREVER to load pictures and in the meantime, other things come up. So, I guess it doesn’t much matter if I have to include the first several days of 2017 in my 2016 book, right? It just proves that life goes on even when you don’t meet your self-imposed deadline.

So, back to the wedding story. (warning…this is long and includes lots of pictures)

It was Wednesday before the wedding that Colten, Taylor, Jim and I started pulling some of the old barn wood siding off of one of their sheds. This was going to be used to create the backdrop behind the wedding party at the reception. Taylor had the idea in her head and that’s what we relied on. Colten was such a trooper! He took our instructions and directions with a kind spirit and we “got’er done”!

And ya know…it turned out pretty darn cool! There will be a picture of the completed product later in the post.

Thursday brought more preparations (finishing touches on the ring bearer’s pillow and mints) and the rehearsal. Supper was at Round The Bend Steakhouse.

Making mints…thank you, Candi, Brooklyn, Jillian, Callie and Dig (and Sophia) for all your help!!!

A little piece of Grandma Ruth was with us this day. The pin I used in the middle was hers.

Friday was the day to make wedding bouquets, decorate the church and decorate the reception hall (the Cass County Fairgrounds).  I won’t lie…I was a bit concerned about getting everything done. The stress level was pretty high by now. Taylor reassured me that Colten was a great flower arranger and he didn’t let either one of us down!

All of the loose flowers (which Taylor had ordered online several months before) arrived prior to Friday and were kept in buckets in  Jamie and Curt’s basement. There was plenty of room there and it was cool.

Taylor’s bouquet made, with love, by Colten.

The whole darn family – and a few out-of-town guests – got involved with decorating the hall. It turned out pretty darn cool! When it was all over, several of us just hung out, sat there and visited. That’s the best part of something like this. Bringing everyone together and finding a few moments to enjoy each other’s company.

Didn’t it turn out beautiful!!

Mark and Candi preparing the kitchen to work their magic the next day. We are so lucky to have them willing and able to cook for these special parties we throw once in a while. Between graduations and weddings, we sort of keep them busy…almost on an annual basis. Thank you, guys! We love you and we appreciate you!!!

Taylor and Colten gave these bottles of Coke and bottle openers to everyone as their gift for attending their special day.

The ceremony was scheduled to begin at 3:00.

The morning was spent at Jamie’s house getting ready. I was there to help in any way I could but most of all I enjoyed just being able to hang out with the girls. I certainly didn’t want to be in the way but I sure enjoyed being there in case they needed anything. And…I was lucky enough to have my own personal makeup artists – Jamie and Callie.  It was an emotional day for me!!

Waiting for Taylor to come down the stairs with her dress on.

Just look at this handsome little ring bearer!

Three generation photo – My mom, me and Taylor.

We threw some of the proso millet we brought home from Colorado rather than birdseed. Colten’s groomsmen took full advantage of being there with handfuls of millet as they came out of the church. Taylor said after it was over, she had lots and lots of millet down her dress. Irritating, I’m sure…but memories made! See those people in the left corner of the picture? The ones with a vest and a maroon coat? They TOTALLY surprised us! We had NO IDEA they were coming all the way from Jordan, Montana to surprise us. And that they did! I would have liked to have seen my face as I saw them exiting the church. I remember thinking…”that looks like Jim and Mardrie. Wait a minute…that IS Jim and Mardrie”. Another awesome memory!

The backdrop decorators – Lindsey and Seanna (Barb and I also helped).

These little people fill my heart with so much love!

Jim and Maureen’s cousins who were able to make it. So thankful they were there! DeVota and Randy came from Pine Bluffs, WY and Keith and Brandi from Bushnell, NE. Joyce is local.

The family “outlaws” – a good group to be a member of!

The producer of “The Great American Wheat Harvest”, Conrad, and his wife, Jodi, came all the way from Maryland to be a part of the celebration. Thank you so much for being with us!

Thank God for Rob! She’s been there for me since we were little girls. We may not see each other for years at a time but I know I can count on her when I need her! I love you, Rob!

The next morning, we gathered again at the Fairgrounds to send our out-of-town guests on the road with full bellies and to open gifts. What an amazing testimony this gathering told! We had people from Maryland, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska, as well as, our local guests. This is what our life on the road has built…friends and family willing to travel hundreds of miles to be a part of a very special day. We are truly blessed!

A few of our out-of-town guests. So thankful for them and for making the trek to help us celebrate Taylor and Colten!

The wedding has been nearly two months ago already. Time goes by much too quickly…much too quickly! It seems like only yesterday that Taylor was climbing trees with frilly dresses on, breaking kitchen tables, trying to rub my skin off, always stirring up problems (and lemonade with her foot), constantly on the go, falling off beds and getting stitches and keeping us all on our toes. Those years go by so quickly because we’re so busy living life. Living life and then all at once, they’re over. Good luck with her, Colten!

One of my most favorite memories of the day was at the end of the day. Colten gave me a big ‘ole hug and asked me if he could call me mom. I’m certain there was a little liquid courage involved but it made my night! Of course you can call me mom!! I love you and welcome to the family, newest son!

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