
On Futuna Island in Vanuatu, Oceana, 140 members of the Marist laity, coming from two parishes, gathered for three days of retreat at the Shrine of St. Peter Chanel at Poi.

On July 23, 1816, in the chapel of Fourvière in Lyons, France, a small group of young men pledged to found a religious congregation of "Marists.” Their dream became a reality in the foundation of the Marist family of religious and lay men and women.

Two hundred years later, the Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary, the Marist Brothers of the Schools, the Marist Sisters and the Society of Mary (Fathers and Brothers), together with the many groups of Marist Laity throughout the world, remembered that significant moment of foundation, gave thanks for the many blessings received, and recommited themselves to doing Mary's work in the midst of today's Church and world in a year-long celebration — the Fourvière Bicentenary — that concluded July 24, 2016, with a mass at the Basilica of Notre Dame de Fourvière, in Lyons, France.

The following, from the August 12, 2016, “SM Bulletin,” the weekly newsletter of the Society of Mary, is a summary of how Marists around the world celebrated the Fourvière Bicentenary.

NOTE: The Marist Fathers and Brothers (USA Province) sponsor Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy's Catholic identity and manage its educational program.


One of the events in Africa to mark this festive day took place in Burundi, where the various Marist fraternities came together on July 23 at the Munanira parish. The activities organized by the lay Marist in Africa began with a festive mass followed by dances and other festive activities with a lunch included. Twenty-eight young people made their commitment for the first time and with them the member of the lay Marist fraternities renewed their promises. All reports indicate that it was indeed a memorable celebration.


A small group of confreres climbed 500 steps to a hilltop Buddhist monastery in Ranong, Thailand, where they recited and signed the Fourviere Pledge.

In Davao City in the Philippines, more than 100 people from all the Marist branches set off at 5 a.m. for a one-hour pilgrimage along a main road and up to a Catholic shine on a nearby hilltop. They commemorated the first Marist climb to Fourvière with stations along the way to pause, pray and reflect. The theme for the day was “Living out the Promise” and during the mass, all signed a large tarpaulin depicting the original pledge and enjoyed a fellowship breakfast and entertainment.

In Ranong, Thailand, at a special Fourvière eve celebration, confreres were delighted to find a drink called ‘John Colin’ in a local restaurant. Early on Fourvière morning after a time of reflection, a small group of confreres climbed 500 steps to a hilltop Buddhist monastery where they recited and signed the pledge. A special mass and meal was celebrated in the evening with our RNDM sisters, volunteers and Marist friends.


A packed church of the Holy Name of Mary in Hunters Hill celebrated the 200th anniversary of the Fourvière Pledge on July 23. Members of the Marist family recalled the promise of the Marist aspirants made on July 23, 1816, to form the Society of Mary. Sydney's city-centre church of St Patrick's recalled the Fourvière pledge in a Eucharist on July 24 when Marist family members renewed the promise of 1816. A page in the parish bulletin contained background to the Fourvière Pledge, and a display in the crypt of the church presented information and audio-visuals on the Marist branches.

More than 80 young people from three Marist parishes in Palmas de Monte Alto in Brazil celebrated the Fourviere Pledge on July 23.


More than 80 young people from three Marist parishes in Palmas de Monte Alto made an early morning pilgrimage to the spring that has always supplied water and life to the town, stopping on the way at pools and waterfalls to reflect on Le Puy, Fourvière, Cerdon, Bugey, and important moments of our Marist history. An important moment was the stop in front of the local prison, to remind that Marists have a special commitment to do works of mercy and serve the poor of the area. An outdoor mass was celebrated for about 600 people from the region served by the Marists.


On July 22-23, 35 people came together at the Sanctuaire du Cap de la Madeleine, Trois-Rivières, Quebec, to participate in a retreat reflecting on the Pledge made in Fourvière 200 years ago, under the title, “The preparations and the commitment.” They had three conferences and two Eucharistic celebrations: one to mark the 200th anniversary of Fr. Colin’s ordination and the other the Pledge of Fourvière. Frs. Yvan Mathieu and Gaston Lessard were the presenters.


Two celebrations marked the Bicentenary of the Fourvière Pledge in Mexico. One was the initiative of the various branches present in the country (Maris Sisters, Marist Brothers, lay Marists and Marist Fathers): A pilgrimage finished with a solemn celebration at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. More than a 800 persons came together for this significant Marist gathering. And on July 23 itself, lay Marists accompanied by a number of Marist Fathers held a day of retreat at Colegio Franco Inglés reflecting on the meaning of the Fourvière Pledge. During the mass, some of them renewed their commitment to live in Mary’s way.

New Zealand

Marists from all branches of the Marist family from around New Zealand gathered to mark the bicentenary of signing the pledge at Fourvière. A highlight of a gathering in Auckland was the celebration of mass presided by New Zealand provincial, Fr. David Kennerley, s.m. A keynote address by Fr. Justin Taylor, s.m., had been given in the morning and workshops on a range of topics occupied the ‘post-festive lunch’ in the afternoon. In Wellington, it was a full house at the Pa Maria spirituality center, where the theme was “Fourvière in the Year of Mercy.” The participants were asked to bring a gift of school material for refugee children and such was the generosity that a huge collection was delivered to the archdiocese for distribution. In Hawkes Bay, around 80 gathered at St Mary’s Taradale for mass, a meal and a visual presentation. In Christchurch, 300 gathered for a mass, in which the eldest Third Order member in New Zealand held the taper lighting the mass candle. Hymns for the mass reflected the Marist origins and today. They were in Latin, French, Māori and English. Around 20 Marists from Whangarei and Okaihau gathered on Sunday evening for prayer, a meal and some social time to mark the event.


In the Solomon Islands, all the Marist family, including the laity, came together on July 23 to commemorate and celebrate with joys and thanksgiving the bicentenary of the Fourvière Pledge. After Holy Communion, all stood around the altar and recited together the pledge. At the end of the mass, a representative from each congregation shared the meaning and importance of Fourvière for them.

Entertainment and feasting followed and it was said to be a joyous occasion. The local press reported on the celebration and highlighted the importance of the Fourvière pledge.

In Samoa, the celebration started with a mass at the Immaculate Cathedral, Mulivai, conducted by Archbishop Alapati Mataeliga. This was followed by a reception and the cutting of the cake at the Tuutuuileloloto Hall. The Samoan head of state, Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efi, delivered the keynote address.

In Futuna, 140 members of the Marist laity, coming from two parishes, gathered for three days of retreat at the Shrine of St. Peter Chanel at Poi. The retreat concluded on Fourvière day, on which social entertainment and a meal took place. The closing mass was honored with the presence of the king of Alo, Tu'iagaifo.

To commemorate the Fourviere Pledge, members of the religious branches of the Society of Mary celebrated a mass and festive meal in Lima Peru.


The Marist district of Peru celebrated the 200th anniversary of the Fourvière Pledge with various activities and publications. The Marist laity organized events in El Callao and in Sullana to celebrate it. The magazine “Misión sin Froteras” featured an article about the Marist Project launched at Fourvière. At the end of July, the lay Marists of Sullana, accompanied by our two candidates on their community experience at El Callao, went on pilgrimage to the Marian Sanctuary in Paita. Members of the religious branches (SMSM, FMS and SM) also celebrated a mass and festive meal in Lima.


Invited by the Marist Brothers, 130 Members of the Marist family gathered for five days on the United States’ east coast for a conference called, “Commemorate, Celebrate, Collaborate.” Prayer, presentations and workshops provided opportunities for personal reflection and group sharing. At the closing ceremony and liturgy of the conference, all were invited to re-commit themselves to a third century of Marist life and mission and to sign a new pledge committing themselves to the vision and values of their spiritual heritage and respective founders.

In the USA province, at a closing ceremony and liturgy, all Marists present were invited to re-commit themselves to a third century of Marist life and mission and to sign a new pledge committing themselves to the vision and values of their spiritual heritage and respective founders.

Comments or questions? mkelly@ndpma.org.

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About Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy

Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy is a private, Catholic, independent, coeducational day school located in Oakland County. The school's upper division enrolls students in grades nine through twelve and has been named one of the nation's best 50 Catholic high schools (Acton Institute) four times since 2005. Notre Dame's middle and lower divisions enroll students in jr. kindergarten through grade eight. All three divisions are International Baccalaureate "World Schools." The Marist Fathers and Brothers sponsor NDPMA's Catholic identity and manages its educational program. Notre Dame is accredited by the National Association of Independent Schools, the Independent Schools Association of the Central States and the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement. For more on Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy, visit the school's home page at www.ndpma.org.

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