QHMPL under the brand ‘Quantum Hi-Tech’ with its unfailing commitment to highest standards of quality at most affordable prices launches 11 models combining AHD dome and bullet-style cameras which provides superior quality and high definition videos, backed with a resolution that can go up to 1920*1080 pixels.
Commenting on the launch of AHD Cameras, Ashish Mutneja Director, QHMPL says, “Analogue High Definition” is the next generation-analogue surveillance spec that breaks the image limitations of traditional analogue cameras. It not only maintains its original advantages including long distance and no delay transmission but also provides higher resolution quality compared with the price point of previous analogue cameras.”
Satisfying the next generation needs of Security and surveillance, the dome cameras features true day/night surveillance with IR-cut filter and is built-in with 36 IR LEDs which confers an IR range of up to 30 meters, providing superior images at both day and night time whereas the bullet cameras can go up to 50 meters range with 72 IR LEDs. The camera can also automatically switch to black/white in dark conditions and is backed with minimum illumination of 0 Lux@F1.2 (IR ON) and 12 VDC allowing the user to capture quality images in low lighting condition, thus pledging a better security solution to your family.
The new AHD cameras are compatible with AHD Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) compatible with both AHD cameras and old Analog Cameras along with IP Cameras, allowing users to have more options based on the application requirements.The product shall be available at the nearest CCTV installers. Added to it Quantum also has products related to security and surveillance such as DVRs, CCTV Cables and CCTV Power Supply in its repertoire.