
Here are the answers for the NCLEX Practice Exam: Sleep

D. Although B is a diagnostic tool, the first thing the nurse would do is question the spouse. This may lead to determining whether more tests are needed.

B. Clients with obstructive sleep apnea are particularly sensitive to opioids. Thus the risk of respiratory depression is increased. The nurse must recognize that clients with OSA should start out receiving very low doses of opioids.

C. The nurse should not startle the client but should gently awaken the client and lead him or her back to bed.

A. The client is most sensitive to noise in the hospital setting the first night because everything is new. This represents sensory overload, which interferes with sleep and decreases rapid eye movement (REM) as well as total sleep time.

C. The group of drugs that are the safest are the benzodiazepines. They facilitate the action of the neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) that suppress responsiveness to stimulation, therefore decreasing levels of arousal.

C. A small glass of milk relaxes the body and promotes sleep.

A, C, and D. These symptoms are often reported by clients with insomnia. Clients report nonrestorative sleep. Arising once at night to urinate (nocturia) is not in and of itself insomnia.

B and C. Research demonstrate that the occurrence of SIDS is reduced with these two positions.

D. Excessive daytime sleepiness is the most common complaint of people with OSA. Persons with severe OSA may report taking daytime naps and experiencing a disruption in their daily activities because of sleepiness.

A. Although dreams occur during both NREM and REM sleep, the dreams of REM sleep are more vivid and elaborate and are believed to be functionally important to learning, memory processing, and adaptation to stress.

B. Beta Blockers can cause nightmares, insomnia, and awakenings from sleep.

D. Narcolepsy is a dysfunction of mechanisms that regulate the sleep and wake states. Excessive daytime sleepiness is the most common complaint associated with this disorder. During the day a person may suddenly feel an overwhelming wave of sleepiness and fall asleep; REM sleep can occur within 15 minutes of falling asleep.

D. The amount of sleep needed during the school years is individualized because of varying states of activities and levels of health. A 6-year-old averages 11-12 hours of sleep nightly, whereas an 11-year-old sleeps about 9-10 hours. The 6 or 7-year-old can usually be persuaded to go to bed by encouraging quiet activities.

C, E, and F. Lying in bed when one is unable to sleep increases frustration and anxiety which further impede sleep; other activities, such as reading or watching television, should not be conducted in bed. Counting backwards requires minimal concentration but it is enough to interfere with thoughts that distract a person from falling asleep.

A, D, and F. Acute or primary insomnia is caused by emotional or physical discomfort not caused by the direct physiologic effects of a substance or a medical condition. Excessive caffeine intake is an example of disruptive sleep hygiene; caffeine is a stimulant that inhibits sleep. Environmental noise causes physical and/or emotional and therefore is related to primary insomnia.

C. Chloral hydrate is a sedative. This medication does not affect cardiac function. Blood pressure changes are not significant with the use of this medication. A client should call for assistance to the bathroom at night. Additionally, the client may experience residual daytime sedation; therefore, the nurse should instruct the client to call for ambulation assistance during the daytime hours.

B, D, and E. Barbiturates deprive people of REM sleep. When the barbiturate is stopped and REM sleep once again occurs, a rebound phenomenon occurs. During this phenomenon, the persons dream time constitutes a larger percentage of the total sleep pattern, and the dreams are often nightmares.

B, C, and E. If ingestion is recent, decontamination of the GI system is indicated. The administration of syrup of ipecac is contraindicated because of aspiration risks related to sedation. Gastric lavage is generally the best and most effective means of gastric decontamination. Activated charcoal and a saline cathartic may be administered to remove any remaining drug. Hemodialysis is not useful in the treatment of benzodiazepine overdose. Flumazenil can be used to acutely reverse the sedative effects of benzodiazepines, though this is normally done only in cases of extreme overdose or sedation.

D. Flumazenil is the antidote for benzodiazepine overdoses.

B. If longer-acting barbiturates are used in older adults, these clients may experience daytime sedation, ataxia, and memory deficits.

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