
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The official start of fall sports practices is Saturday for member schools of the Ohio High School Athletic Association. August 1 is the annual start date for all OHSAA sanctioned fall sports, which include girls tennis, girls and boys golf, girls and boys cross country, field hockey, boys and girls soccer, volleyball and football.

OHSAA Adopts National Recommendations to Minimize Concussion Risks in Football Practice


Football Notes and Playoff Updates

Of the OHSAA’s 822 member schools, 717 sponsor football teams. Schools are reminded of the five-day acclimatization period prior to any contact drills. Only helmets are permitted on the first and second days of practice. Shoulder pads may be added on days three and four. Full pads may be worn on the fifth day. Full contact is permitted on the sixth day. August 2, 9 and 16 are mandatory days off. The regular-season kicks off the week of August 24.

FOOTBALL HOME: Statewide composite schedules (sorted by week and by school), regional playoff boundary maps, schools in each division, statewide radio broadcast listing and more: http://www.ohsaa.org/sports/ft/boys/default.asp

A total of 224 schools – 32 in each Division – will qualify for the playoffs when the final computer ratings are announced Sunday morning, Nov. 1. Divisions II, III, V and VII will play on Fridays during the playoffs, while Divisions I, IV and VI will play on Saturdays. The 2015 football state championship games return to Ohio Stadium in Columbus December 3, 4 and 5. The finals schedule will be announced after the state semifinals.

OHSAA Radio Network Information: http://www.ohsaa.org/news/Radio/radiohome.asp

OHSAA Football All-Time Playoff Database: http://www.ohsaa.org/sports/history/FT/FootballParticipants.pdf

School Sports Schedules: http://schedules.myohsaa.org/

Type in the first few letters of a school into the search bar, select the school and then click “Search.” Click on the “School Information” button in the upper right corner for the list of sports and schedules.

Fall Sports Practices Begin Saturday, August 1

All fall sports can begin practice (which include tryouts) on Saturday, August 1.

All student-athletes must have a pre-participation physical: http://www.ohsaa.org/medicine/physicalform.htm

All coaches, paid and volunteer, must be certified by the ODE: http://www.ohsaa.org/members/coachescorner.htm

OHSAA inclement weather regulations: http://www.ohsaa.org/sports/OHSAAInclementWeatherPolicy.pdf

OHSAA heat regulations: SEE BELOW

Preseason parent meetings information: http://www.ohsaa.org/members/default.htm

See the respective sport pages at OHSAA.org for online rules meetings, OHSAA sport regulations, OHSAA general sports regulations, preseason coaches manuals, etc.

Fall Sports Coaches and Athletic Directors Manuals

Attention Coaches: Please check the sport pages at OHSAA.org for links to the online rules interpretation meetings.

Golf Manual – http://www.ohsaa.org/sports/go/gomanual.pdf

Girls Tennis Manual – http://www.ohsaa.org/sports/te/girls/gtemanual.pdf

Cross Country Manual – http://www.ohsaa.org/sports/cc/ccmanual.pdf

Field Hockey Manual – http://www.ohsaa.org/sports/fh/girls/fhmanual.pdf

Soccer Manual – http://www.ohsaa.org/sports/so/SOCoachesManual.pdf

Volleyball Manual – http://www.ohsaa.org/sports/vb/girls/vbmanual.pdf

Football Manual – http://www.ohsaa.org/sports/ft/boys/ftmanual.pdf

What is Friday Night Futbol? Check it Out! http://www.ohsaa.org/sports/so/FridayNightFutbol.pdf

Regional Update Meetings Scheduled for August

The OHSAA has scheduled four Regional Update Meetings in August for school administrators. Commissioner Dan Ross will provide updates on current topics, Associate Commissioner Deborah Moore will review student eligibility guidelines and OHSAA general counsel Steve Craig will discuss current legal issues. All meetings will last approximately two hours and there is no cost to attend. Click here for details: http://www.ohsaa.org/members/Memos/20150625.pdf

OIAAA and OHSAA Workshops Scheduled for Aug. 3 & 4

The OHSAA’s annual New Administrator Workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 4, in Columbus. New this year is an additional workshop conducted by the Ohio Interscholastic Administrators Association (OIAAA) the day before, which is set for Monday, Aug. 3. Details are posted at: http://www.ohsaa.org/meetings/NewAdminWorkshop/registration.asp. Note: Google Chrome is not recommended to use when registering due to issues some browsers have with the online form.

OHSAA Inclement Weather Regulation: http://www.ohsaa.org/sports/OHSAAInclementWeatherPolicy.pdf

OHSAA Heat Regulations

This procedure is to be used until such time as the temperature is below 84 degrees as no combination of heat and humidity at that level will result in a need to curtail activity.

Thirty minutes prior to the start of activity, temperature and humidity readings should be taken at the site.

The temperature and humidity should be factored into the Heat Index Calculation and Chart and a determination made as to the Heat Index. If schools are utilizing a digital sling psychrometer that calculates the Heat Index, that number may be used to apply to the table.

If a reading is determined whereby activity is to be decreased (above 95 degrees Heat Index), then rereadings would be required every thirty minutes to determine if further activity should be eliminated or preventative steps taken, or if an increased level of activity can resume.

Using the following table, activity should be altered and/or eliminated based on this Heat Index as determined:

Under 95 degrees Heat Index—

Optional water breaks every 30 minutes for 10 minutes in duration to allow hydration as a group.

Have towels with ice for cooling of athletes as needed.

Watch/monitor athletes carefully for necessary action.

Re-check temperature and humidity every 30 minutes if temperature rises in order to monitor for increased Heat Index.

95 degrees to 99 degrees Heat Index—

Water shall always be available and athletes shall be able to take in as much water as they desire.

Mandatory water breaks every 30 minutes for 10 minutes in duration to allow for hydration as a group.

Have towels with ice for cooling of athletes as needed.

Watch/monitor athletes carefully for necessary action.

Helmets and other equipment should be removed when athlete not directly involved with competition, drill or practice and it is not otherwise required by rule.

Notes: Reduce time of outside activity. Consider postponing practice to later in the day. Re-check temperature and humidity every 30 minutes to monitor for increased Heat Index.

100 degrees (above 99 degrees) to 104 degrees Heat Index—

Water shall always be available and athletes shall be able to take in as much water as they desire.

Mandatory water breaks every 30 minutes for 10 minutes in duration to allow hydration as a group.

Have towels with ice for cooling of athletes as needed.

Watch/monitor athletes carefully for necessary action.

Alter uniform by removing items if possible and permissible by rules.

Allow athletes to change to dry shirts and shorts at defined intervals.

Reduce time of outside activity as well as indoor activity if air conditioning is unavailable.

Postpone practice to later in day.

If helmets or other protective requirement are required to be worn by rule or normal practice, suspend practice or competition immediately.

Note: Re-check temperature and humidity every 30 minutes to monitor for changes in Heat Index.

Above 104 degrees Heat Index—

Stop all outside activity in practice and/or play, and stop all inside activity if air conditioning is unavailable.

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