
All eyes are on the Senate where several of Donald Trump's picks face hearings or votes on their appointments. Check out live streams for the events below.

Linda McMahon, Small Business Chief

Third Storm Packs Heavy Rain, High Winds, Flooding Concerns

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The Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee is holding a hearing on the nomination of Linda McMahon to be administrator of the Small Business Administration at 10 a.m. ET.

Sea of Pink: Live Updates from Women's March

Jeff Sessions, Attorney General

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Hundreds of Thousands Flood DC for Women's March

The Senate Judiciary Committee meets to vote on the nomination of Sen. Jeff Session to be attorney general at 10 a.m. ET.

Tom Price, Health and Human Services

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The Senate Finance Committee holds a hearing on the nomination of Rep. Tom Price to be secretary of health and human services at 10 a.m. ET.

Photo Credit: Mario Tama/Getty Images
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