
Large explosion over Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island

While authorities still do not know the source, residents are sticking to their story saying they heard a large explosion coming from Narragansett Bay Monday night.

Reports of the phantom boom kept crews busy in both Barrington and Warwick after residents reported hearing the strange disruption around 11:30 p.m.

“I was downstairs in my basement, I have small windows, and I was able to see a flash of light and it was basically the biggest explosion I’ve ever heard in my whole life,” said Mark Etheridge, an eyewitness who lives near Narragansett Bay in Barrington.

"It shook the windows and made my neighbors alert too. The only way to describe it was like a single loud 'boom' noise that sounded somewhat like an explosion," said an Eyewitness News viewer via ReportIt.

"I thought it was the loudest thunder in the world..we all were jousted but the humm. was scary," wrote Patti Cicerone on WPRI.com's Facebook page.

Several local police and fire departments investigated, even sending boats out on to the bay. But, nothing was ever found.

“I’ve heard a transformer blow, but this thing was ten times that. My whole house shook,” added Etheridge.

"I thought 'oh my God, it must have been a gas explosion, and somebody's house blew up," said Mary McKenna. "That's what it sounded like."

According to investigators, the source of the noise remains a mystery. - WPRI


North Korean leader nervous about security

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has apparently stationed around 100 armored vehicles at his house, summer home and other facilities for fear of a military coup or uprising, sources say.

Kim "is extremely nervous about the possibility of an emergency developing inside North Korea," claimed an informed source.

According to the source, Kim recently ordered officials to "place top priority" on his personal security and to keep his itinerary top secret. As a result, the venues of events he attends are swarming with guards carrying automatic rifles and hand grenades, while his personal plainclothes bodyguards can also be spotted carrying long, black bags apparently containing heavy weapons.

Security agents cordon off areas surrounding events attended by Kim and confiscate watches and cigarettes from pedestrians. Mobile phone signals are also jammed.

On July 26, all mobile phone signals in downtown Pyongyang were jammed from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. while Kim attended a performance marking the 59th anniversary of the armistice in the 1950-53 Korean War.

The security service, which runs its own university, established a three to six-month course to train surveillance experts.

"Kim Jong-un desperately needs to bolster his personal security detail due to mounting opposition to his efforts to rein in the military," said one diplomatic source.

North Korea continues to import riot-control equipment from China, including helmets, bulletproof vests, road blocks and tear gas, for fear of public unrest.

North Korea watchers say there is growing public discontent with the young leader. There has apparently been a surge in disobedience and a lack of discipline in the military. Sources say military officers grumble at the appointment of Choe Ryong-hae as director of the People's Army General Political Bureau, a top military position, despite the fact that he has no military experience.

"Choe appointed members from the Socialist Youth League, where he comes from, to key military posts and has assumed control of various businesses run by the military, losing trust and loyalty among the troops," the source said.

The abrupt sacking of former Army chief Ri Yong-ho in July has also damaged morale in the military, which was allowed to metastasize into a state within the state under former leader Kim Jong-il's "military-first" doctrine.

Veteran officials in the North's Workers Party are also unhappy with the young leader's confusing reshuffles and impulsive orders. They apparently complain secretly that the inexperienced leader is "running wild."

Kim's efforts since June to improve the North's economy floundered on fierce opposition from party hardliners afraid of losing their grip on power. High-ranking party officials ignore Kim's orders and write them off as unrealistic, and are instead busy watching their backs or looking for ways to make money, the source said.

"Even Kim Jong-un as the ruler of the notorious North Korean regime cannot unleash an unrestrained reign of terror," said one intelligence official here. "He probably chose to launch a rocket now to gain some credibility." - Chosun

Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader: North Korea and the Kim Dynasty

Korean Endgame: A Strategy for Reunification and U.S. Disengagement (Century Foundation Book)


More Doomsday Conjecture: 'Sun UFOs and December 21 Mayan Calendar Doomsday Connected?'

Some recent NASA/SOHO images are reportedly showing more unidentified flying objects (UFOs) around the sun. And these UFOs may even have something to do with the marked December 21 on the Mayan Calendar. How are UFOs linked to doomsday predictions?

"UFOs are orbiting the suns corona, but for what purpose?" Scott Waring, a known UFO resource person, asks in his web site, UFO Sightings Daily.

Waring offers some creative speculations as to what could be the UFOs' purpose around the sun. He accepts, however, that a solid science institution such as NASA is not likely to discuss solar UFOs.

"Perhaps [the UFOs are] harvesting something from the sun or perhaps [the UFOs carry] a race of reptilian aliens that need the intense sunlight to survive. Either way, NASA is not about to discuss these UFOs even though they were first reported back in 2010 by Russian scientists."

Waring further notes that previously spotted UFOs appear to be smaller and fewer than those observed recently. He even connects these solar UFO sightings to predictions linked to December 21, 2012 - the purported last day in a Mayan calendar cycle.

"If you compare the size of the UFOs and the number, there seems to be a large increase in both...and with Dec 21, 2012 approaching, it makes me wonder what they are doing to the sun."

Did Waring just connect UFOs to the much publicized Mayan calendar doomsday?

Waring is not the only one who connects UFOs to December 21 Mayan calendar doomsday predictions.

A cult, which apparently believes the world will end on December 21, 2012, believes that a mystic mountain in southern France is housing a space shuttle for extraterrestrial creatures. This UFO is believed to be mankind's hope for survival after Earth's doomsday. - IB Times

Aliens, 12.21.2012, Time Travel and Us... The Connection

Doomsday 2012: The UFO Phenomenon


'Illegal' alien give way sign spat

A give way sign which has had an alien painted on it near a Devon village has been criticised as "criminal damage" by the local council.

An unknown person painted the alien on the sign near Chawleigh. It was previously adorned with a dinosaur.

Village resident Julie, who did not give her surname, said: "We've loved them both and it just gives us a bit of happiness and hilarity in the local area. We don't think we've got aliens, we don't think we've got dinosaurs but you never know."

In a statement, Devon County Council said: "This is an illegal sign that has been put up as some sort of joke. However, can we remind people that this constitutes criminal damage and can be off-putting for motorists driving along the road." Devon and Cornwall Police has not yet commented. - BBC


Richard Dolan Teaches Rare Ufology Class Online

Vienna, WV, December 04, 2012 --(PR.com)-- The International Metaphysical University (IMU) is proud to announce a ground-breaking, ufology class taught by Richard Dolan, one of the world’s leading UFO researchers and historians.

Richard Dolan is offering something never seen before in any academic setting, anywhere else in the world: a complete and fresh study of the entire UFO phenomenon.

Through a series of twelve riveting lectures, Richard Dolan provides up-to-date information and analysis relating to:

1. The full history of UFOs, from ancient times to our own era, focusing on the most significant and instructive cases.

2. The political issues, such as the how the U.S. government and the military and intelligence communities deal with UFOs. This includes the issue of whether some UFOs are made by “us” and what might be the true structure of secrecy.

3. The philosophical and investigative problems brought about by UFOs, including how ordinary objects and events might fool us, and how they differ from “true UFOs.” Moreover, in an age of the internet, Facebook and Youtube, when information practically overwhelms us, how to separate fact from fiction, legitimate issues from fear-mongering or fantasy-peddling.

4. The science behind UFOs, from propulsion technologies to space travel to consciousness itself.

5. The beings behind the phenomenon, whoever and whatever they are. The history and claims of contact, explores the nature of that contact, and asks pertinent questions about just who and what we are dealing with.

6. A look into the future, especially focusing on such issues as disclosure. Can UFO secrecy ever really end, and if so, what might a post-disclosure world look like?

A year in the making, this course is truly special. If you have ever had an interest in exploring the UFO issue, you cannot get off to a better start than this course: an instant classic.

Lecture titles include:

What Are UFOs?

Theories of Ancient Visitation

Into Modernity: Airships, Foo Fighters, and Flying Saucers: 1896 to 1969

The Early Cover-Up, and those who fought it

Digging Deeper: The Breakaway Civilization

High Strangeness: UFOs from 1970 till 1990

UFOs from 1991-2012

Contact and Abduction

The Growth of Ufology, 1970s till today

Who Are They? What Are They? What Do They Want?

Weird Science: Propulsion, Energy, Spacetime, and Consciousness

Into the Future, Into Ourselves

For more information about ufology and Richard Dolan's ufology class, please visit http://intermetu.com/faculty/faculty-ufology/richard-dolan/intro-to-ufology/ or call 1.304.295.4411.

Richard Dolan is a leading historian and author about UFOs and related phenomena. He is the author of "UFOs and the National Security State" (currently in 2 volumes) and co-author of "A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth about Alien Contact."

The International Metaphysical University is an online metaphysical university offering a master’s degree in metaphysics and majors in fields such as consciousness studies, holistic health, intuitive arts, paranormal studies, shamanism, or ufology.

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