Mandy asks…
Home remedies for dark bags. 10 pts!?
I am a 15 year old girl and i have dark bags under my eyes. I don’t have the time or money to go running around looking for a cream or anything and I was wondering if there are any good home remedies to help sole this problem quick. 10 pts to best answerer. Thanks!
vti answers:
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Under eye dark circles is the most common thing that can be seen in almost every individual. Around nine out of ten people have dark circles under the eyes.
Causes of Dark Circles
The various causes of the dark circles under eyes are:
Age: With the preceding age the skin becomes thinner and the veins under the eyes become more prominent.
Fatigue / Lack of Sleep
Stress or depression
Nutrient deficiency – lack of balanced diet can cause various deficiencies in the body and ultimately the under eye circles
Hyper pigmentation
Sun exposure
Excess use of drugs and medicines
Home Remedies for Dark Circles
Apply a paste made from a teaspoon of tomato juice, half teaspoon lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric powder and a pinch of gramflour. Keep it for 10 minutes. This is very effective and one of the famous home remedies for dark circles under eyes.
Eight hours of sleep is necessary and recommended for all.
Apply cucumber or potato juice on the eyes with cotton balls. This is a very useful dark circles remedy.
Apply a mixture of lemon and tomato juice on the dark circles twice a day. Good Home Remedy for Dark Circles.
Application of used cold tea bag will soothe the eyes and cure dark circles of the eyes. Another Good Home Remedy for Dark Circles.
Drink tomato juice with some mint leaves, lemon juice and salt. This is a good diet for dark circles.
Make a mixture of lemon juice, cucumber juice and lanolin cream, apply under the eyes and keep for 10-15 minutes. This remedy is very simple and good home remedies for dark circles under eyes
Use sunglasses when going out in sun to protect the eyes from the harmful rays.
Drinking good amount of water also helps in lightening the dark circles under the eyes.
Apply a paste of turmeric powder with pineapple juice for treatment of dark circles under the eyes. This is very effective home remedy for dark circles under eyes.
To reduce the puffiness and dark circles of the eyes apply freezed cucumber juice. Good home remedies for Dark Circles.
Dark circles remedy – Almond oil is considered best in removing the dark circles. Massage the area with the oil at night before going to bed.
Application of cream with vitamin E and C also helps in reducing the dark circles.
Apply crushed mint leaves under the eyes for 20 minutes. This is a very effective dark circles cure.
Sarvangasana is the best yoga posture to reduce puffiness and dark circles of the eyes and it should be performed daily. Among yogic kriyas Jal Neti is the most beneficial and should be done 5 times a week.
Massage with almond oil under and around eyes at bed time daily for 3 weeks. This is effective in reducing dark circles around eyes and is also one of the good natural remedies for dark circles under eyes.
Keep cotton balls dipped in rose water under the eyes for 10 minutes daily.
Diet for dark circles – Eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamin E for healthy eyes.
The cream applied under the eyes should not be left for longer time.
User Recommended Home Remedies for Dark Circles:
Vitamin C and Iron: Vitamin C and iron together help to reduce the dark circles under your eyes. Eat skinless chicken and red, yellow and orange peppers. These are rich in both and will help in reducing dark circles. – Veena Gupta
Make a mixture of crushed almonds with a few drops of milk to form a paste. Apply under eyes every morning for ten minutes. – Shaneela
Everyone needs a different amount of time for sleep, there are average times for men women and children, however you will need to gage your own time. Once you have When you sleep this amount of time you won’ have dark circles
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Under eye dark circles!!!
Im only 14.. I shuldnt have them.
But i do and it sucks.
2 tsp. Lemon juice
1 tsp flour
6 drops tomato juice
1 pinch turmeric powder
1 liquid vitamin E capsule
pierce the capsule and mix the juice with all of these ingredients. It should make a paste. Apply to your face and leave on for 10-20 minutes. Rinse off, alternating warm and cold water.
Ive also heard of these ingredients working wonders to those bags and circles:
banana, vitamin K, vasaline, fish oil capsule, yeast, honey, unflavored gelatin, milk,cucumber, potato, oatmeal powder, almond oil
its not a bad idea to try to make your own personal recipe.
I hope i helped someone
#1 – me – 07/27/2007 – 01:07
Welll i have no remedies bcoz none of them work on me… I need insatnt results. Im onli 17 and i have had bags since i was lyk 11………… They arent just under my eyes they spread all the way around the skin of my eyes…. Its all dark and makes
William asks…
good home remedies for healthy hair?
hi i need help.. i use wash n go shampoo which is a hair conditioer n shampoo– my hair use to be thick but now its thin n flat! i need home remedies! lpz help
vti answers:
Home Remedies for Hair Care
Hair Care
Healthy hair care habit will keep you happy, stress free and help you in maintaining shiny hair, which every one desires to have. Beautiful hair emphasizes your style and personality. This article will provide valuable tips for hair care.
Causes for Hair Care
The main cause of hair care is unhealthy food, which include junk foods, food cooked in adulterated oil and in unhygienic condition. Other causes of hair care are excess consumption of caffeine, alcohol. Stress, depression, sorrow, pain, side effects of some drugs, etc., are some other reasons.
Hair Care Diet
You should intake green vegetables, fruits, sprouts, honey, cereals, nuts, grains, milk products, and no cholesterol-rich food in your diet. Good balanced diet keeps your skin and hair healthy. Eat fish, soybeans, and raw vegetable salads.
Home Remedies for Hair Care
Home remedies are safe, effective, and also costs you less. Try the below given home remedies and see the beautiful change in your hair.
Hair care Tips for oily hair, dry hair and long hair
Oily hair-There is a blockage in the hair follicles because of excess oil deposition and dirt in the oily hairs. In oily hair there is a huge secretion of sebaceous glands as a result scalp and hairs are very oily.
Hair care Tips for oily hair
Lemon juice prevents dandruffs—apply lemon juice and keep it for 10-15 minutes on hair and rinse off. This hair care tip is suitable for any hair kind and will keep your hair clean and healthy.
Wash your hair using triphala powder, a natural and safe hair care for oily hair.
Dry hair care Tips
hair care using olive oil—massage your hair using olive oil, as it nourishes hair and helps in its growth.
Take edible oil and honey in a ratio of 1:1, mix it well and apply on hair, keep it for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with cold water. This is an effective hair care for dry hair.
Apply a paste of egg yolk and water and keep it for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off the hair with clean and cold water. This is also very effective hair care for dry hair. This is one of the useful home remedies for hair care.
Regularly massage your hair using hair oil like, coconut oil, castor oil, and olive oil.
Mix egg yolks, vinegar and any hair oil and apply this mixture on scalp, keep it for 10-15 minutes then wash your hair with cold water. This is an effective hair care for dry hair. This nourishes hair and has no side effects and your hair will shine with good health.
For preventing hair loss and getting healthy long hair try the below given home remedies suitable for both male and female.
Juice made from leaves of any of various plants of Lactuca sativa and juices of vegetable spinach are very effective for hair, and provide good hair care when taken as a diet.
You can massage your hair and scalp simply with your hand after your daily bath, as it improves blood circulation and prevents hair loss. Regular massage actuates sebaceous glands and makes your hair strong and shiny.
Good hair care for healthy hair—you can use a natural cleanser made of lime juice and amla powder. Take one tablespoon amla powder and one tablespoon lemon juice mix them and add little water to it to make a thick paste. Use this natural chemical free hair care mixture as a hair cleanser for 2-3 weeks and see the difference in your hair. Your hair will bounce with shine, and good health. You will have no hair loss, and your hair will reflect your inner beauty. This is one of the best home remedies for hair are.
Drink natural and healthy drink made from 1:1:1 ratio of carrot, alfalfa or simsim and leaves of Lactuca sativa. This is good hair care, prevent hair breakage and loss.
For getting long and healthy hair you can massage your hair and scalp using coconut oil. Take 1-2 tablespoon coconut oil depending upon the hair size and mix 2-3 raw amla in it then massage your hair. This is an effective hair care sure to work in any kind of hair.
Make a paste of coriander leaves or margosa leaves then gently apply on hair and keep it for 10-15 minutes and then wash with cold water. This is one of the important home remedies for hair care.
Massage your hair with milk of coconut or warm mustard oil containing henna (mehndi leaves). This improves blood circulation and helps in hair growth.
Take a natural neem leaves and make its thick paste and wash your hair using neem which is natural hair care and fight against any kinds germs and lice in hairs.
Make a natural grinded paste of amaranth leaves which is effective herb and gently apply on hair and scalp and let it dry for 10-15 minutes then rinse of using clean and cold water. One of the useful home remedies for hair care.
Grind black pepper (one teaspoon) and lemon seeds (one teaspoon) and apply this mixture on head and scalp keep it for 10-15 minutes and then rinse of using clean cold water. This revitalizes hair and is effective hair care for gettin
Thomas asks…
How to ease tension at home with natural remedies?
is there any home remedy medication to avoid stress …
vti answers:
Simple Home Remedies to Reduce Stress
1.Sip a chamomile infusion:
Put 2 Tablespoons of dried chamomile, loose chamomile flowers in a teapot (or French press), fill with boiling water, steep for 5 minutes, then strain and drink. You might also add some honey. Chamomile has been used for reducing stress, relaxation and soothing upset tummies. If you know you’re going to have a stressful day – drink chamomile tea early and often.
2.Stress Relief Spray:
In a portable spray bottle combine some rosewater (or distilled water), and a few drops of lavender oil. Shake to combine.Mist your face or your general environment as needed, and enjoy the relaxing aroma.
3.Take an aromatherapy bath:
Baths are relaxing enough, but for some extra stress-relief, I like to add a handful of epsom salts and 10 drops of essential oil to the running bath.You can use the lavender/clary sage mix as above, add some Rose essential oil. Just keep it to 10 drops total.Soak for 20 minutes, then towel off and apply.
4.Stress relief body oil:
For a super simple body oil, combine 1/2 cup sweet almond oil with 10 drops total of your favorite essential oils.Try Rose, or for a more masculine scent, add some Sandalwood. Pour into a pretty bottle and use as a moisturizer after your bath or shower.
5.Drink some water:
I know it’s not exciting, but when you’re feeling stressed make sure you’re hydrating yourself throughout the day. Having enough water helps your body function at its peak, and also helps to flush out any toxins. Drinking enough water also helps stabilize your mood and prevents the energy slump that comes from dehydration.
6.Eat some green, leafy veg:
Greens are the most nutrient dense food, and we often don’t eat enough of them.In times of stress, making sure you boost your intake of green leafy vegetables like broccoli, spinach will ensure you body gets the nutrients it needs to handle the stress!
Consider relaxation techniques
Relaxation techniques can reduce symptoms of stress, including headaches. Making time for pleasurable activities, such as listening to music, dancing, playing a sport, reading a book or playing with your pet can help. In addition, set aside time, even if it’s just 10 minutes a day, to practice relaxation. Techniques include:
3.Deep breathing
Also, to reduce stress daily, consider these tips:
1.Simplify your life:
Rather than looking for ways to squeeze more activities or chores into the day, leave some things out. Ask yourself what really needs to be done, what can wait and what you can drop. It’s OK to say no.
2.Seek support:
Talking things out with family or friends or allowing them to help you through a difficult time can help you manage stress. Talking to a therapist might help, as well.
3.Manage your time wisely:
Update your to-do list every day — both at work and at home. Delegate what you can and break large projects into manageable chunks. Tackle the rest, one task at a time.
4.Be prepared:
Organize your day. Anticipate challenges. Try to keep your plan flexible, in case a headache strikes and you need to change course.Let go. Try not to worry about things you can’t control.
5.Adjust your attitude:
If you find yourself thinking, “This can’t be done,” stop yourself. Think instead, “This will be tough. But I can make it work.” Putting a positive spin on negative thoughts can help you work through stressful situations. If you need help with this process, consider cognitive behavioral therapy.
6.Take a break:
If you feel overwhelmed, take some time to clear your mind. A few slow stretches or a brisk walk may renew your energy for the task at hand. Or take a mental vacation. Imagine yourself in a calm, relaxing place.
7.Exercise regularly:
Exercise is a proven way to prevent — and sometimes treat — headaches. Exercise also provides a break from the stress of daily life. Be careful to warm up slowly. Sudden, intense exercise can cause headaches.
8.Eat smart:
A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can give you more energy and help keep stress under control.
9.Get adequate sleep:
Stress can interfere with sleep, but lack of sleep can hamper your ability to cope with stress. Lack of sleep puts your body under stress and may trigger the release of stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, during the day.
Humor is a great way to relieve stress. Laughter releases endorphins, natural substances that help you feel better and maintain a positive attitude. Don’t know what to laugh about? Try watching funny movies or reading a funny book.
11.Change the pace:
Break away from your routine and try something new. A vacation or weekend getaway may help you develop a new outlook.
12.Break bad habits:
If you smoke, quit. Cut down on caffeine and, if you drink alcohol, don’t overdo.
Recognize when it’s more than stress
Laura asks…
Are there any home remedies for clearing your face from Acne?
I am sick of this acne! are there any way’s to get of this using home remedies?
Please help I’m in desperate need of some good suggestions!
vti answers:
Home Remedies for Acne #2 Kitchen remedies for acne.Take garlic capsules, they boost the immune system and kill the bacteria found in acne.
Home Remedies for acne #3 To help the liver eliminate toxins from the blood, take Burdock root and dandelion which contain inulin. This helps to kill bacteria thus improving the skin.
Home Remedies for acne #4 Take the homeopathic remedies Kali bromatum, Sulphur, Antimonium tartaricum, Herpa sulphuris. These help to prevent the formation of pimples or quickly bring them to a head.
Home Remedies for acne #5 Use Lavender oil to apply directly on the acne area.
Helen asks…
Home Remedies?
Are there any HOME remedies for acne scars? I don’t have any ones that are like, dented or anything, but I have all these mini purple looking spots on the outsides of my chin and on my cheeks and they are so nasty =[ I may get microdermabrasion** this summer, but i’m not sure. Anyone know of ANYTHING that will help? These are killing me. They’re really hard to cover with make up and my senior prom is coming up!
vti answers:
Scars Home Remedies with Vitamin E:
Vitamin E in any form is and ideal solution for any skin related complexities. Whether it is as vitamin E capsules or plain and simple vitamin E oil, it is very effective in the treatment of scars on the skin.
Smear a bit of vitamin E oil on the affected area everyday and get astonished by the results within a few days. Having a vitamin E capsule too would help in faster marginalisation of the scar.
Natural Treatments for Scars with Tea Leaves:
Tea leaves are also very effective in the treatment of scars.
The alkaloids present in the tea leaves help heal the scars faster. Soak a handful of tea leaves and then wrap them in a bag and keep the same pressed over the affected area for sometime regularly.
Remember these handy remedies for scars and you can bid those ugly scars goodbye.
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