
Jenny asks…

any home remedies for sinus infection?

im 14 yeas old and i think i have a sinus infection is there any home remedies

and DON’T say go to a doctor!

thanks for your help

vti answers:

I am being serious here.

You can purchase a rectal syringe (it’s rather large) or a nasal syringe (much smaller). I use a rectal syringe, since it holds so much more water. Fill it with warm salt water. You can then put the end of the syringe up one of your nostrils, and press on the syringe with both hands and push warm saline solution up into your sinuses. Don’t use too much salt or it will burn. The sinus mucous will come out either through the nostril or through the throat, which you can spit out. You can do this several times and you may just break up the infection, but then again, it may not work all the way, depending on how far up and wide your sinus infection goes.

I have cleaned out my nose of infection several times using this method. You can purchase a rectal or nasal syringe at most drug stores. They are hard rubber and usually blue in color, while the tip is white. Best wishes.

Sandy asks…

Ear infection pain – Any home remedies ?

does anyone know of any home remedies that might help. I think i have an ear infection -and its so painful. Cant get an appointment at doctors until tomorrow afternoon.


xx Cheryl xx

vti answers:

Home remedies include pain medication, whether ibuprofen and or Tylenol. I recommend an antihistamine and decongestant, even though not everyone wants to recommend the antihistamine, but I feel it will dry up the sinuses.

No, antibiotics are not the first line of treatment, contrary to the one guy who said it is necessary. Per epocrates, probably the most-used medical program, treatment includes pain control with analgesics and might include antibiotics

Delayed therapy (meaning no antibiotics) is an option in healthy patients 6 months or older with reliable follow-up, particularly patients that do not meet the diagnostic criteria or have a less certain diagnosis Patients should be given analgesia and observed for 2 to 3 days. If the patient remains symptomatic after the observation period ends, the antibiotic is started. This approach may reduce the number of unnecessary antibiotic courses, decrease the occurrences of adverse antibiotic reactions, and improve the benefit provided by antibiotics.

Amoxicillin forms the mainstay of antibiotic therapy.

Carol asks…

sinus infection home remedys?

the back of my nose hurts right above my throat i been taken sinus pills an they dont work an i drunk hot lemon tea with sugar does anyone have any home remedies that will help get the pain away fast i been having a awful cough aswell

vti answers:

Find a throat lozenge with Zinc. Bilberry is good, too. Gargle with hot water and salt. Use it also as a sinus wash.Look it up on the inter net. You sniff it up your nose and blow it back out. (Don’t drown) Make a tea with Oregano and thyme. This will help cough anything out of your lungs. Make it in a thermos so that it steeps a good long time. You could also make a pasta and use a lot of garlic (natural antibiotic) and onions (immune booster) and add a lot of oregano and thyme, too. Taste yummy and is good medicine for you. Cut down on milk products until you are well. Also replace your tooth brush and toothpaste so that you don’t keep reinfecting yourself. Drink lots of water. About a gallon a day. A steamy shower helps break up congestion. Look up the pressure points in your feet and hands. (foot reflexology) Years ago I had a book “Helping yourself with foot reflexology” it taught me a lot. That was 38 years ago. I was pregnant and had the most horrible sinus infection and refused to take drugs of any kind. I’ve been hooked on natural healing ever since.

Good luck.

Daniel asks…

home remedies for sinus headache????

vti answers:

I have suffered from sinus problems for years, always on the right side.

Once, I spent an entire year fighting one infection after another with antibiotics, steroid nasal inhalers, steroids, expectorants, you name it. After a year, I was sent to a specialist because my x-rays were so bad.

He sent me for an MRI, & he told me he had not seen a case this bad in his entire career. He explained that most people suffer in the 3 main sinuses, but that I had all 5 cavities completely blocked.

He said I needed surgery. This doctor was a very funny guy; he always had me laughing, no matter how bad the situation was. When I asked him how they would do the surgery, & what would they do, he said “we have to drill some holes in your head.” My eyebrows went up & I asked how he would do that. He said, “oh, Black & Decker makes good drills, & we’ll just put the entire drill up your nose and….” I said, “I’m outta here.”

He did a great job, so I can usually avoid doctors when the right side flares up. I do take Guaifenisen, but the doctor told me how to get it without a prescription. He said to take Robitussin cough medicine, the one with only one ingredient in it…Guaifenisen.

He also taught me some home tricks.

1) Buy a sinus cleanser. It’s basically a soft plastic bottle with a long nozzle on it. Then you buy saline solution (not the kind for contact lenses). Both of these can be bought in most pharmacies.

Pour the saline solution into the bottle. You lean over the sink and hold your mouth open. Insert the nozzle into your nostril and squeeze the bottle firmly. It floods your sinuses & pours out of your nose & mouth into the sink.

I know this does not sound appealing at all, but it works wonders!!!

2) Buy a steam inhaler. You put your lower face over it, nose & mouth and simply breathe the hot steam directly into your sinuses.

No shower or towel over head & sink works like this does.

3) For pain, I always keep my head elevated & put hot compresses on the area that hurts.

4) I do take the expectorant Guaifenisen if the first 2 solutions don’t help. However, 98% of the time, they will knock out the sinus infection.

I hope some of this was helpful to you, and I hope you feel better.

Nancy asks…

I believe I have a sinus infection but no insurance for the doc’s?

I am totally stuffed up. My head feels like a balloon, and I keep blowing my nose only to find yucky yellow and green mucus. I do not have insurance so I can’t afford to go to the Doctor’s office.

What should I do?

vti answers:


1) You should inhale steam vapors periodically. This is a very simple yet effective home remedy for sinus infection. All you have to do is bow your head over a hot water bowl so that the steam can reach your face directly. Start inhaling the steam vapors. Repeat this for 2-3 mins as many times as it is convenient to do so. The main purpose is to thin the usually thick mucus so that drainage is enhanced.

2) Consumption of garlic juice or garlic capsules. It has been said that garlic has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Since a sinus infection could be either bacterial or fungal in nature, the properties of garlic should be an effective natural cure. Another option is to put some chopped fresh garlic in a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam 2-3 times a day. This is another effective home remedy for sinus infection.

3) Another natural cure and home remedy for sinus infection is to use Apple Cider Vinegar, which contains potassium. This helps decrease mucus production and have shown to be beneficial as a natural home remedy of sinus infection, runny nose and the common cold. Mix 2 teaspoonfuls of organic Apple Cider Vinegar in a full glass of warm water and drink it up. Do this 3 times a day.

4) Food allergy is one of the major causes of sinus infection. It may sound preposterous, but many people have found that avoiding certain food groups totally cured them of this condition! For chronic sinus infection sufferers, you need to avoid taking dairy products, wheat, eggs, chickens, ducks, chocolates, peanuts, bananas and corn. To be absolutely sure which food group you may be allergic to, a diagnostic blood test is highly recommended. Therefore, avoiding certain food groups which are known to cause allergic reactions can be a simple and yet effective home remedy for sinus infection.

5) Nasal irrigation. This is a highly touted and extremely effective natural cure and proven home remedy for sinus infection.

Aside from these natural cure to fight sinus infection, you should endeavor to improve your general health and build up a strong immune system. By doing so, you will be less susceptible to fungal, viral and bacterial infections which could subsequently lead to sinus infection. Viruses are around us all the time and a healthy immune system is developed by eating right, staying in shape and exercise frequently.

You should also set a goal of drinking around 10 glasses of water everyday. This helps to thin out the mucus which is naturally produced by the body and allows easy drainage through the nasal passages. Besides, if your system is well hydrated it can also help prevent ill health since the body’s immune system deteriorates if there is insufficient water in the body.

Adopting a home remedy to fight sinus infection, both mild and recurrent, may save you a few trips to the doctor! However, if you suspect that you have sinus infection and the symptoms remain even after trying out these home remedies, it could well mean that your body’s immune system is weakened. In this case, it is advisable to consult a physician as soon as possible.

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