
Paul asks…

What are some home remedies for constipation?

What are some home remedies for constipation which are safe and easy to follow. I am suffering from constipation from last 3 months.

vti answers:

There are many home remedies for constipation, but the actual remedy which worked for my constipation problem is from the below site.

If you really want to get rid of constipation naturally once for all, then there is no other remedy which I have used from the following site. It was very helpful for me when I was suffering from constipation. Good Luck.


Charles asks…

constipation/home remedies.

i take presprition medication, and experience constipation daily, no matter how much water i drink.

vti answers:

Hey Ruthie_b…!!!

I have a book here called “1,801 Home Remedies & I will write down for U everything that it says about “constipation” okay.


- U’re first instinct when U’re in this predicament might be 2 reach for a laxative, but chances R U don’t need 1. The best way 2 get “regular” again is simply 2 eat more fiber – 20 to 35 grams a day. Fiber absorbs water & makes U’re stool softer & larger, which speeds it through U’re system. 2 cope with all that fiber, U’ll need more fluids 2, & don’t forget about exercise, which can also help keep things moving. Do all 3 things & U’ll certainly put a smile on U’re face instead of that, well, constipated look.

Fix It With Fiber:

- Start U’re day with a high-fiber bran cereal. Some brands contain as much as 14 grams of insoluble fiber, the kind that adds bulk 2 stool, which spurs the body 2 move it through the digestive tract more quickly. A word 2 the wise: If U’re not used 2 eating this much fiber, start with a smaller serving…..say, 1-quarter cup, served with skim milk or low-fat yogurt & then work U’re way up. Otherwise U may experience gas, bloating & cramps.

- Fill up on cooked dried beans, prunes, figs & oatmeal. All R rich in soluble fiber, the kind that turns 2 gel in the intestines & helps 2 soften stool.

- Pears R also good sources of soluble fiber.

- Mix 1 or 2 teaspoons psyllium seed into a cup of hot water. Let it sit for 2 hours, add lemon & honey 2 taste, then drink. Psyllium adds bulk 2 stool & is the main ingredient in many OTC bulk-forming laxatives. U’ll find the seeds in most drugstores & helth-food stores. U can also try this remedy with flaxseeds.

- Flaxseeds R high in fiber & also contains hearth-healty omega-3 fats. Take 1 tablespoon of the ground seeds, which R sold in health-food stores, 2 or 3 times a day. Some people like the taste of flaxseed (it faintly resembles walnuts). If U don’t, U can hide it in U’re morning cereal, stir onto applesauce, or add it 2 fruit smoothie or grind the seeds in a coffee grinder, keep the ground-up seeds in the fridge, & sprinkle a half teaspoon into U’re orange juice.

- As U increase U’re intake of fiber, also be sure 2 drink lots of water (at least 8 250-milliliter glasses a day). Fiber is extremely absorbant & when U don’t drink enouph, U’re stools may become small, hard & painful 2 pass.

Have a Hot Cup of Loosen Up:

- Have a morning cup of joe. If U’re a java drinker, U may have already discovered that the caffeine in coffee has a bowel-loosening effect. It induces a bowel movement by stimulating the colon. Just don’t drink 2 much of it cause caffeine is a diurectic & will eliminate fluids from U’re body.

- If U don’t like coffee, then try any other hot beverage first thing in the morning. Herbal or decaffeinated tea or a cup of hot water witha little lemon juice or honey may stimulate the colon as well (lemon juice is a natural laxative).

- Dandelion tea, which has a mild laxative effect, may help 2 get U regular again. Steep 1 teaspoon dried root in 1 cup boiling water & drink 1 cup 3 times a day. U’ll find the dried dandelion root in a health food stores.

Wrinkle Your Nose, but it Works:

- 1 of Mon’s favorite remedies, castor oil, really does help relive constipation. A component in the oil breaks down into substance that stimulates the small & large intestines. Take 1 or 2 teaspoons on an empty stomach, & give it 8 hours 2 do it’s work.

Wrinkled Fruit Works 2:

- The humble prune is 1 of the oldest home remedies for constipation. It’s high in fiber (3 prunes contain 3 grams of fiber). Also, prunes contain a compound called dihydroxyphenyl isatin, which stimulates the intestinal contractions that make U want 2 go.

- Don’t like prunes ? Open a box of raisins. They 2 R high in fiber & contain tartaric acid, which has a laxative effect. In 1 study which people ate 130 grams (1 small box) of raisins a day, doctors determined that it took half the time for digested food 2 make it through the digestive tract.

Get Up & Go:

- Get regular exercise. There’s a reason a daily walk is called a daily constitutional. When U move U’re body, U also help move food through U’re bowel more quickly. Aim for a daily walk at the very least.

Put the Pressure On:

- 1 of the more unusual remedies for constapation is acupressure. Practitioners of this technique say that it helps stimulate U’re digestion & therefore U’re bowels. Apply pressure with U’re thumb 2 the point 4 finger-widths above U’re wrist on the back of the forearms. Do this for 2 minutes every day while the problem persists.

Last Resorts:

- The herb cascara sagrada is so effective it’s even added 2 several over-the-counter laxatives. It’s known as a stimulant laxative because it stimulate the intestinal tract. The herb comes in a variety of forms; follow the dosage directions on the package but don’t take it for more than 2 weeks; it can make U’re body lose 2 much fluid & salt & with habitual use, U can become dependent on it.

- If other remedies fail 2 bring relief, try the mother of all natural laxatives: senna. It should work in about 8 hours, so most people take it before bedtime. Take 20 to 40 drops of the tinture at night, but don’t plan on making it a long-term cure. With repeated use, it can cause cramps & diarrhea. As with cascara sagrada, long-term use can cause dependency.

Final Pointers:

- NEVER try 2 force a bowel movement. U may give yourself a hemorrhoids or anal fissures. These not only hurt, they aggravate constipation because they narrow the anal opening.

- Never ignore nature’s call. If U do, U’re asking for a case of constipation.

Here R foods that R high in fibers:

If U’re wondering how 2 get more fiber in U’re diet for better regularity, look 2 these foods, all excellent sources of soluble & insoluble fiber.

- Bran cereal – 1/2 cup – 10-14 grams fiber

- Rasberries – 1 cup – 8.4 grams fiber

- Red kidney beans, canned – 1/2 cup – 8.2 grams fiber

Shredded Wheat

- ‘N Bran cereal – 1 1/4 cups – 7.9 grams fiber

- Lentils, boiled – 1 1/2 cup – 7.8 grams fiber

- Blackberries – 1 cup – 7.6 grams fiber

- Black beans, boiled – 1/2 cup – 7.5 grams fiber

- Figs, dried – 3 – 6.9 grams fiber

- Navy beans, canned – 1/2 cup – 6.7 grams fiber

- Whole-weat spaghetti, cooked – 1 cup – 6.3 grams fiber

- Pinto beans, canned – 1/2 cup – 5.5 grams fiber

- Lima beans, frozen, cooked – 1/2 cup – 5.4 grams fiber

- Oatmeal, cooked – 1 cup – 5.0 grams fiber

- Green split-pea soup – 1 cup – 5.0 grams fiber

- Pears, raw – 1 – 4.0 grams fiber

- Almonds – 30 grams – 3.3 grams fiber

- Pearl barley, cooked – 1/2 cup – 3.0 grams fiber

- Dates – 5 – 3.0 grams fiber

- Prunes, dried – 5 – 3.0 grams fiber.

Well I wrote down everything that’s in this book, lol, for U, so I hope that this gives U lots of idears & good luck my friend.

U’re pal;



James asks…

Home Remedies for Constipation?

What are home remedies for Constipation. Natural remedies for the treatment of Constipation at home.This is very painful condition and I think all of us do understand it. So for the person suffering from Constipation it is necessary to get rid of it as early as possible. Visiting a doctor is a good option but still home remedies can give more benefits and just using home stuff. So I hope everyone would like to know about some home remedies for constipation.

vti answers:

Wheat germ and wheat bran are very high fiber foods that often help for constipation.

Constipation can cause anal fissures, hemorrhoids and also some far more serious problems as in http://au.search.yahoo.com/search?p=%22rectal+bleeding%22&fr=ush-ans


You probably need to improve your diet as you seem to have a constipation problem.

For constipation, castor oil is very good for a one-off remedy as in http://au.search.yahoo.com/search?p=%22castor+oil+for+constipation%22&fr=ush-ans but it is unsuitable for regular use.

For constipation, suppositories, laxatives, fiber supplements and enemas are all totally unnecessary if you eat the right foods.

All fruit and vegetables in very large amounts are laxative.

You need to permanently change your diet or you are likely to get colon cancer.

Constipation can make you extremely unwell and can lead to colon cancer as it causes a build up of carcinogenic toxins in the system.

The intake of foods such as milk, cheese, white rice, white flour and red meat should be restricted, because they tend to contribute to constipation.

Any food that has had the fiber stripped out, the nutrients processed out or slows down the digestion is a constipation culprit. Here’s a list of foods shown to cause constipation problems:

•Meats, especially fatty meats, red meat and processed meats,

•Dairy Products, such as cheese, ice cream and whole milk,

•Fast Foods – burgers, French fries and other fried foods, pizza, etc.,

•Refined grains, like white rice or any refined white flour products,

•Highly starchy foods – white potatoes, corn and all refined grains,

•Pastries and other high sugar products, such as cakes, cookies and pies,

•Deep-fried foods, chips and other foods that are high in bad fats.

You can see lots more in http://au.search.yahoo.com/search?p=%22natural+ways+to+relieve+constipation%22&fr=ush-ans which tells you “Natural Ways to Relieve Constipation” and the right foods to eat.

Nancy asks…

what is the home remedy for constipation?

vti answers:

There are many ways to prevent it from happening. You could also try Isabgol (pronounced as Isabol), which is found in medical stores across India, which is an ayurvedic medicine.


Drinking a glass of warm milk before going to bed helps in easy evacuation in the morning. In case of severe constipation, mix two teaspoons of castor oil in the milk.

Drink one liter of warm water and walk around for a few minutes immediately after waking up early in the morning.

Drinking lemon juice mixed with warm water two to three times a day eases constipation.

One or two teaspoons of aloe gel can be taken twice a day.

A common Ayurvedic medicine for constipation is Triphala Churna. It is a powder made by grinding three kinds of herbs. A teaspoon of this powder taken with warm water or milk at the time going to bed is beneficial.

Dos and don’ts:

The diet taken during constipation must be easily digestible.

Plenty of fruits, vegetables and salads

Freshly cooked food, and chew food thoroughly.

Eat only when hungry and maintain at least 4 hours between meals.

Use spices like cumin, coriander, turmeric powder, fennel and asafetida as they make the food easy to digest.

Whole grain bread and cereals

Regular physical exercise is also important for maintaining proper bowel movements.

Sleeping hours should be regulated and efforts should be made to have a sound sleep.

Fried foods, beans, gas forming vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, nuts and dried fruits should be avoided.

Do not mix too many kinds of foods in one meal.

Sandy asks…

constipation home remedies?

vti answers:

Diet can both prevent and cure constipation so eat more foods rich in magnesium as magnesium will increase the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy and thus aid in digestion….. The more fibre in your diet from fruits, vegies, legumes and whole grains such as wholegrain bread and brown rice, the softer and the larger the amount of feces will be passed.

Magnesium is needed in the human body for helathy nerves and muscle functioning and for heart health. Magnesium rich foods will aide in eliminating constipation problems for you.

Eat more foods rich in this wonderfull little mineral ie: leafy and green vegies, organic nuts and seeds such as almonds, brazil nuts and sunflower seeds, wholegrain breads and cereals and cold water fishes such as tuna, salmon, sardines and whiting.

Magnesium is also known as the antistress mineral and will help you deal with stressy situations better.

Also, eat more foods rich in Vitamin C as vitamin C is a natural laxative ie: oranges, lemons and limes, leafy and green vegies, tomatoes, potatoes and red and green capsicums. Vitamin C rich foods will also bolster your immune system and help in lowering blood pressure.

Try to cut back on dehydrating drinks such as those containing caffeine ie: soft drinks and sodas, coffee, tea and also alcohol will dehydrate you…….. Drink at least 8 glasses of fresh filtered water daily.

If you use of laxatives they will only exaspperate your problem and will do a brilliant job of robbing you of your B complex of vitamins (which are essential for healthy digestive, neural and immune system functioning) and also your vitamin C supplies…. Also take a good quality multi B complex supplement as the B group of vitamins is essential for healthy digestive, neural and immune system functioning. As they are a water soluble complex our bodies can neither store or produce them. As such we need to replace them on a daily basis or suffer from the stress related side affect.

Drink loads of fresh filtered water too ~ at least 2 – 3 litres per day ~ as the happiest and healthiest body will always be the most hydrated one.

Cut back on eating junky and prepackaged foods and instead try to eat more fresh fruit and leafy and green vegies and wholegrain breads and brown rice …….. Pump up your fresh filtered water intake and notice the difference in your elimination patterns……. Better out than in i reckon…. With 80 % of your immune system being in your digestive tract mate, it’s a brilliant idea to ensure you have regular movement.

For quick relief from uncomfortable constipation simply put a teaspoon full of baking soda into a glass of warm water and stir up and drink up …… Be prepared to belch loudly and for any pain to maybe increase for a few minutes …….. This will realkalise your system and relieve you within 15 – 30 mins …….. Be warned though that you should NoT use this remedy if you have high blood pressure as it contains an awful lot of chemically bleached and processed salt …….. This should also only be used as a temporary measure as you really do need to resolve your constipation from the source and thus avoid it happening again.

Peace baby

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