
Could colleges and universities do a better job of reaching prospective students (and their parents) via digital advertising?

The answer is yes, according to Carnegie Communications and Semcasting. The companies have partnered to launch ‘Mobile Footprints’ technology, which ups the collegiate ante for IP and mobile device targeting.

Mobile Footprints is designed to improve geofencing and mobile device and IP targeting to customize the reach of digital marketing campaigns — not just to one user at one location, but to a single user from any of the multiple devices with which they engage.

“This advancement links two familiar and powerful solutions: mobile device targeting enables clients to reach a precise audience based on specific locations and then deliver digital advertising to anyone who has entered and exited that geofenced location,” according to an email sent to MAW. “IP Targeting uses a client’s audience list and household IP addresses to deliver digital advertising directly into the home and all active devices inside.”

In addition, Mobile Footprints offers a critical link in IP Targeting and mobile advertising to parents and other important stakeholders.

How does this work?

Using any location or address list, such as high schools or community colleges, Mobile Footprints can identify the mobile devices that are active in the “fenced” location of the school.

Coverage areas are set automatically to the size and campus dimensions of each high school, community college, or four-year school but can also be customized to a specific building, area of a campus, or an off-campus location.

Active devices within the geofence are then linked to the home IP address. This provides uninterrupted advertising delivery from the school to the household and also extends it from students to parents and other stakeholders.

“We are thrilled to be pioneering this technology with Semcasting in the higher education space,” said Joe Moore, the CEO of Carnegie Communications. “Providing our clients expanded access to their most critical audiences is exciting. Mobile Footprints will have a definite impact on higher ed digital marketing.”

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