
The backlash against reproductive rights across North America is hitting Planned Parenthood Ottawa, says its president Lauren Dobson-Hughes.

Dobson-Hughes recently took to Twitter to ask for support in the face of attacks she said are being levelled at donors to the organization, which provides counselling, sex education and other services, to intimidate them.

Planned Parenthood Ottawa does not provide any clinical services, including abortions.

“An environment that has been created over the last year or more where health care for women, youth or trans people is stigmatized and a small group of people create fear around it in order to dissuade funders,” she said.

Planned Parenthood is under attack in the United States, where anti-abortion activists are trying to get its funding cut in Republican-controlled states. In the U.S., Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of reproductive health services, with 97 per cent of its clinical work being breast and cervical screening, HIV screening, counselling and contraception. Three per cent of its clinical visits are for abortions.


Dobson-Hughes said that because of funding cuts, Planned Parenthood Ottawa was recently forced to turn away a woman seeking counselling “whose abusive partner was trying to force her to have an abortion.” It was the first time, Dobson-Hughes said, that the non-profit organization was unable to provide services to a client when asked.

Funding from Ottawa Public Health has been cut by 10 per cent in each of the past two years, said Dobson-Hughes. The non-profit organization receives funding from numerous other organizations, she said, some of which have been targeted by groups that oppose Planned Parenthood.

“A small group who oppose health care for women and trans people have put unacceptable pressure on Planned Parenthood Ottawa’s funders … harassing them and threatening to expose them in the media.”

She said callers have asked some funders to “stop funding sex ed, contraception or counselling. It’s not about abortion. They oppose our health care.”

Dobson-Hughes said the organization is reaching a crisis point with funding cuts.

She went on Twitter to ask people to express their support for the work the organization does and fight back against those opposing it.

“When funders get 20 to 30 phone calls from an organized group, it creates an atmosphere of fear and makes them wary. We risk them not wanting to fund us and to put their money somewhere safer,” she said.

“Part of the reason for us going public is we want people to push back and say we are not controversial. This is mainstream, evidence-based support. I want funders or potential funders to hear this.”

She said there has been an “incredible” response to the public plea, with support and donations from individuals.

(Crystal Vander Weit/Kalamazoo Gazette-MLive Media Group via AP) A handful protesters hold signs in support of Planned Parenthood as anti-abortion activist hold a protest across the street in Kalamazoo, Mich., on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015.

“People were horrified by what is going on,” she said. “The backlash is real, it’s here, and it’s hurting us.”

Ottawa-area anti-abortion blogger Patricia Maloney posted an item from a friend earlier this month questioning funding to Planned Parenthood Ottawa.

“To the best of my knowledge, they do not operate abortion clinics, but they do offer abortion information and referrals and a whole lot more of what Planned Parenthood Ottawa proudly calls ‘inclusive pro-choice sexual health education’ that is pretty awful,” said the blog post, which Maloney said was “from my friend Anastasia”.

She noted the Canadian War Museum and National Arts Centre and other public and private organizations and businesses, including restaurants and hotels, are among Planned Parenthood Ottawa event sponsors.

“I might just send their management a note letting them know just what I think of Planned Parenthood and their kind and why I might not want to frequent any establishment that supports them,” the blog said.

Maloney, in a telephone interview, said the post was written by someone else and that she was not involved in any way in contacting Planned Parenthood sponsors.

Ottawa Citizen

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