
North Korea exists for most people as an absence. It’s a horror show, yes, and sometimes a joke. But mostly it’s a mystery — a blank state where nothing is ever quite as it seems.

So when the news emerged late Tuesday that a North Korean court had sentenced a Canadian pastor to life in prison for crimes against the state, it was hard to know exactly what to think.

In North Korea, a life sentence for a foreigner could mean exactly that. But it could also mean many other things: a diplomatic gambit, the offshoot of a power struggle, or something completely unknown.

The problem for the pastor’s family and fellow churchgoers, even diplomats working on his case, is that with the Hermit Kingdom, one can never be quite sure. “If anybody says they know what’s going on in North Korea, either they are very naive or they’re lying,” said Marius Grinius, who was Canada’s ambassador to North Korea from 2005 to 2007.

KNS/AFP/Getty ImagesCanadian pastor Hyeon Soo Lim in custody on Dec. 16, 2015.

Rev. Hyeon Soo Lim, 61, disappeared in North Korea last February after crossing into the country from China on what his church described as a humanitarian mission.

The the founding pastor of the Light Korean Presbyterian Church in Mississauga, Ont., one of Canada’s largest Korean congregations. Since the 1990s he had made dozens of trips to North Korea, according to his church, providing millions of dollars in aid to the repressive state.

After months of silence, Lim appeared again in July at a news conference organized by North Korean authorities in Pyongyang. There he tearfully confessed to a plot to overthrow the North Korean state, in what most watchers assumed was a coerced confession.

On Wednesday in North Korea, he was marched into court in handcuffs, flanked on either side by uniformed public security officers.

The charges against Lim included harming the dignity of the supreme leadership, trying to use religion to destroy the North Korean system, disseminating negative propaganda about the North to the overseas Koreans, and helping U.S. and the South Korean authorities lure and abduct North Korean citizens, along with aiding their programs to assist defectors from the North.

State prosecutors sought the death penalty. But after a 90-minute trial, Lim was sentenced to life in prison with hard labour.

On Wednesday, Canadian officials condemned the sentence. A spokesperson for Global Affairs Canada called it “unduly harsh.” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed his “tremendous concern” with Lim’s treatment.

“The issues of North Korea’s governance and judicial system are well known,” Trudeau said. “We certainly hope to be able to engage with this individual and stand up for his rights.”

‘If anybody says they know what’s going on in North Korea, either they are very naive or they’re lying’

Trudeau said consular officials would be pressing North Korean authorities for access to Lim, which has so far been denied.

“We need to be able to meet with and ensure that Canadians are being properly treated everywhere around the world, including in North Korea,” he said.

Lim’s sentence, however, may not be all that it seems. The Toronto pastor is far from the first foreign missionary arrested and put on trial in North Korea. And in several other cases, foreign prisoners have been released following backroom diplomatic negotiations.

One problem in Lim’s case, however, is that there is little precedent for Canadian prisoners. So it could be hard for Canadian diplomats to understand why he was arrested in the first place and what North Korea hopes to gain from his release.

“This is an unusual case compared to some of the others that we’ve seen,” said Scott Snyder, a senior fellow for Korea studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. “I’m a little bit more hesitant to draw any conclusions.”

Another issue is that Canada has had very little diplomatic contact with North Korea in recent years. Grinius said that, under the previous Conservative government, Canada adopted a policy of “controlled engagement,” which in practice meant effectively no engagement, formal or otherwise, at all.


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A spokesperson for Lim’s church, however, said Wednesday that Lim’s family and the congregation were happy with the work both the previous and current government have so far done on their behalf. Lisa Pak said both governments had done a good job of keeping the church informed.

Wednesday’s verdict, Pak added, at least marked progress of one kind. “It is moving forward,” she said. “In past cases, there always had to be a sentence before any movement could be made.”

As for Lim’s family, Pak said they were holding up as well as could be expected. “They know his heart,” she said. “They understand why he took those risks.

“Of course they want him back. It’s wearing the family down at points. But we have a strong community praying for us.”

National Post, with files from The Canadian Press

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