
Sen. Mike Duffy set up a slush fund to pay his personal expenses with public money, defrauded the government of tens of thousands of dollars, took a bribe to cover it up, and lied freely on the stand to try to escape conviction, prosecutors alleged as they summed up their case against the broadcaster-turned-politician on Monday.

“When you look at all the evidence, what emerges is that very often, what Sen. Duffy says is not guided by truth but by purpose,” Crown lawyer Jason Neubauer told Judge Charles Vaillancourt. “What he says is what he thinks serves his interest in that moment, unmoored from what is true.”

For nearly a year, on and off, Duffy has been on trial facing 31 charges of fraud, breach of trust and bribery, and now the lawyers are making their closing submissions. What happened in court Monday was an oral summary of extensive legal arguments the Crown gave the judge in writing beforehand — a highlight reel of a highlight reel, the prosecution’s very best stuff.


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At the outset of the trial last April, the prosecutors said much of their case comes down to common sense, a basic understanding of right and wrong. So it was with Neubauer’s treatment of the $90,000 Duffy took from Nigel Wright, then prime minister Stephen Harper’s chief of staff, in the middle of complex negotiations that Duffy says were aimed at isolating him and forcing him into a scheme that would pretty much make him a patsy once people found out.

“The crime alleged is not that he participated in a repayment scheme,” Neubauer said. “The crime alleged is that he accepted all that money from Nigel Wright. That’s the crime.”

Neubauer argued that Duffy and his then-lawyer Janice Payne negotiated the payment, aimed at covering the repayment of living expenses that looked bad on Duffy and on his Conservative party. They demanded the money because Duffy didn’t have it handy to make the repayment, they put conditions on his accepting it aimed at preserving Duffy’s P.E.I. seat in the Senate, they set terms for how both sides would talk about it in public. He had power, influence and control, Neubauer said.

And when he went on television in Prince Edward Island to say that he was repaying the money himself, he appeared perfectly comfortable with the arrangement.

Neubauer (who dealt with the Wright affair) and the other prosecutor Mark Holmes (who dealt with everything else), depicted Duffy as a practiced liar whose career in the Senate began dishonestly: Duffy told then-prime minister Stephen Harper, who was preparing to appoint him, that he’d prefer to sit as a senator for Ontario because he was worried about upending delicate politics in his native province of Prince Edward Island, when in fact he was worried about losing Ontario health coverage.

He told his own staff in the Senate that his old associate Gerald Donohue was helping him write speeches and research complex policy problems, the prosecutors said, when in fact he was doing nothing of the kind. He was, Holmes said, the operator of a “slush fund” Duffy set up only to pay expenses the Senate wouldn’t have, using whatever was left in his office budget near the end of each fiscal year.

“It is fraudulently removed and placed into the account of Sen. Duffy’s friend Mr. Donohue, and then he draws upon it as he wishes,” Holmes said.

Duffy paid a volunteer intern in his office an honorarium at the end of her stint, for instance, which makes up one of the fraud charges. Duffy’s lawyer Donald Bayne has proposed that doing this through Donohue was unorthodox but not a crime.

The idea that Duffy had mastered certain parts of the Senate’s rules (such as one describing volunteers as “staff” who can be hired and fired at a senator’s sole discretion) but ignored others (such as one saying volunteers are not to be paid) just can’t be taken seriously, Holmes contended. “Principally because it’s an affront to common sense.”

Duffy had a detailed story about how a personal trainer he’d used for years became a consultant working on a national exercise program during sessions in the senator’s basement. An account the trainer, Mike Croskery, didn’t really support in his own testimony about how Duffy’s exercise work didn’t really change after he joined the Senate and Donohue started paying Croskery’s invoices.

“This so-called research project in which the senator was engaged took place over three years,” Holmes said. “It takes place sporadically. It takes place at his home, in his basement. … It would happen, as it had happened before his appointment, when it was purely a private matter, it would happen at his home, before he made his way to Parliament Hill.

“The two or three times per month visits to Sen. Duffy’s house was purely a private matter. And it’s understandable why it’s paid for out of the slush fund, of funds assigned to Gerald Donohue: Because in no world would the expenses be approved,” Holmes said.

Much of the contradictory material came, at different times, from Duffy’s own mouth, which both prosecutors pointed out repeatedly. He’d tell a different version of events depending who was asking, apparently believing it each time.

“He’s not reliable,” Holmes said. “And he’s not at all concerned, it would seem, about conjuring up facts and if they’re later proved in error, just removed from the conversation.

Duffy had called it “embroidering” on the stand, talking about dropping colourful or telling details into stories on the air as an essential skill of a political broadcaster.

“It may work in broadcasting, but it is outrageous for a witness to do that in a criminal trial,” Holmes said.

Bayne, Duffy’s lawyer, likely gets to respond starting Tuesday, once Neubauer concludes his submissions on the Wright affair Monday afternoon. Bayne sat while Holmes and Neubauer talked, taking notes in a binder spread across his lap and occasionally looking up to smile faintly, as if the prosecutors were hitting points exactly as he expected.

David Reevely: • Email: dreevely@postmedia.com | Twitter: dreevely

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