
During the second official debate in the Conservative Party’s leadership race Tuesday night, candidates found themselves straining to separate themselves from the pack.

A few established themselves as outliers with policy, while others used jokes or, in one case, an empty nuclear fuel rod to stand out on the crowded stage.

In this first test of their bilingual abilities, some of the 14 Conservative leadership candidates did manage to stand out. Others weren’t so lucky.

Here are a few things we learned:

Some of these candidates really can’t speak French

The debate was peppered with laboured attempts at reading out French phrases, and certain candidates showed obvious relief when the thread switched to English.

The candidates who were either fluently bilingual or close included Maxime Bernier, Andrew Scheer, Michael Chong, Steven Blaney, Chris Alexander and Rick Peterson.

Demonstrating less fluency — but not as much discomfort as some other colleagues — were Pierre Lemieux, Andrew Saxton and Erin O’Toole.

The rest of the pack was … uh, not as strong. Though they’ve taken lessons and appeared to be doing their best, both Kellie Leitch and Lisa Raitt had major issues with pronunciation Tuesday, while the rest weren’t even that good.

While this was a bilingual debate, these difficultés could prove an even greater issue on Jan. 17, when the candidates will gather in Quebec City for a third official debate — one that will be conducted entirely in French.

The values debate isn’t going away
Kellie Leitch saved her best-known policy proposal (screening immigrants for “Canadian values”) for close to the end of the debate.

“Every country in the world is having this discussion and just because the media and the elites don’t want to have this discussion doesn’t mean we should be afraid of it,” she said, adding she doesn’t see her policy as “racist, xenophobic or anti-immigrant.”

Chong set himself squarely against the Leitch campaign. “They insist that it’s not race baiting or anti-immigrant, but just yesterday their campaign was endorsed by a white supremacist group,” he said.

He also brought up Alexander’s controversial appearance this week at a rally in Alberta where the crowd chanted “Lock her up” in reference to Rachel Notley, a slogan used by Trump supporters to disparage Hillary Clinton. “We have another candidate who stood idly by while protesters were chanting to lock up the democratically-elected premier of the province of Alberta,” Chong said.

Bernier piled on too, accusing Leitch of trying to be “a karaoke version of Donald Trump.”

…even though a couple of these guys are trying to talk policy
Bernier, who has one of the more robust policy platforms among the crop of candidates, came through loud and clear on his plans for a smaller government and support for private enterprise. “It’s only the private sector who will create wealth and jobs in this country,” he said.

Saxton tried to highlight his own private-sector experience. “I’m a businessman, and I can tell you that small- and medium-sized businesses are the biggest job creators in the country.”

Meanwhile, Blaney was outspoken in his support for agricultural supply-management, while Chong was the only Conservative candidate to mention democratic reform.

And though it’s the immigrant-screening that’s made Leitch’s name in this campaign, she tried to highlight other policies, too. Early in the debate she acknowledged the victims of the École Polytechnique massacre on its anniversary — then got into her idea to allow women to carry mace as a method of self-defence.

And some of them brought a little something extra to the stage
While expounding on the benefits of clean energy and nuclear technology, Blaney pulled out an empty nuclear rod, prompting giggles. “I am proud to be an engineer,” he started to say, before getting cut off by the moderator.

Meanwhile, Calgary MP Deepak Obhrai got the most laughs of the evening, hands-down. Though he included serious policy ideas in his remarks, and a defence of human rights, he endeared himself to the crowd with his quips, and a fondness for talking about himself in the third person. He closed his opening statement by saying, “This is the package that is Deepak Obhrai.” There you have it, folks.

The candidates want you to know the party is united, though
As Winnipeg doctor Daniel Lindsay said, “We, right now, are under the microscope of Canadians.” So, with debate over values dividing the field, some saw the need to reassure. Raitt tried to remind everyone about the importance of compassion and thoughtfulness. And former Ottawa-area MP Lemieux said the more different views represented in the party, the better debate there will be.

O’Toole insisted, “We are not divided.” Peterson said he’s not about to accept any reversal of the work done by Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay to unite the right under one federal banner.

As for Leitch, the candidate who’s been most divisive? “I love this party and I love its members,” she said.

And frankly, there’s a lot these guys agree on
Some subjects fostered no dissent between the candidates, including the need to create more jobs and stimulate the economy. Most wanted to see tax cuts. And all want approval for the Energy East pipeline, which would run from Alberta and Saskatchewan to Atlantic Canada.

In particular, MPs Raitt and Brad Trost highlighted their upbringings in Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan to try to make the case they understand what it’s like to struggle to find work. Everyone “deserves to have a chance to work and live and grow up in the place you were born,” Raitt said. “That’s why I’m running.”

And of course, nothing brought the candidates together like their common hatred of the Liberals. Scheer, for one, said he “can’t let Justin Trudeau do to my kids what his father did to our generation, and that’s leave us with a legacy of debt and deficits.” Trudeau’s “sunshine and unicorns and Care Bear economics” aren’t working, he said.

“The Liberals are the party of bureaucracy, of big government. In the Uber generation we as Conservatives can be flexible … we can deliver our policies straight to people,” said Trost.

But let’s be serious — 14 candidates is too many
Some of the liveliest moments in Tuesday night’s debate happened when candidates were using their one-time-only 30-second “rebuttals,” usually to take issue with something someone else had said. Those one-on-one moments were unfortunately few.

A few candidates may drop out before the mid-January debate in Quebec City, especially if they struggle with fundraising. Last-minute candidates also have time to jump in until the nomination period closes in late February.

The Conservative Party will choose its new leader May 27, 2017.

Email: mdsmith@postmedia.com | Twitter: mariedanielles

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