
Brothers Uri and Doron Sagman could be called the overachievers of their family. Both became respected doctors and successful business people — one the founder of several bio-tech firms, the other a vice-president of a major pharmaceutical manufacturer.

Then there is the other brother, who took on the name Paul Politi and was described by his own, dying father in a court document as the family’s “black sheep,” someone who committed “never-ending acts of betrayal.”

For years the Toronto-based siblings fought bitterly over the patriarch’s estate and the millions of dollars in Montreal real estate it contained, one of them using a hidden voice-recorder to collect evidence against his brother.

Mr. Politi created web sites that accused the physician Sagmans of fraud, theft and medical incompetence. The doctors in turn sued for libel and now an Ontario judge has issued the second blistering legal blow against Mr. Politi in three years, ordering him to pay $350,000 in damages for intentionally defaming his own flesh and blood.

Technion CanadaDr. Uri Sagman

“The false and malicious statements had the intended effect of destroying not just the profitability of the [brothers’] medical practices and businesses, but their entire professional stature,” said Justice Ed Morgan in a Superior Court ruling this month. “Politi went out of his way to fulfill his threat to ‘crush’ the plaintiffs.”

Mr. Politi, who declared personal bankruptcy in 2012, could not be reached for comment.

The award against him was unusually large for a libel case in Canada, reflecting the “terrible, terrible history” behind the case, the victims’ high professional standing and the unique nature of defamation spread over the Internet, said Milton Davis, the brothers’ lawyer.

Once on the web, a false statement “is around the world in one second for all times to come,” he noted.

In this case, the libelous sites created by Mr. Politi — whose addresses were the doctors’ actual names — led to questions being asked by their employers and by patients, said Mr. Davis.

Mr. Politi leveled similar accusations against one of the brothers in a complaint to the College of Physicians and Surgeons, which the regulator rejected as unfounded.

“They were horrified,” the lawyer said of his clients. “People are putting their lives in [Uri’s] hands and here was someone questioning his credentials.”

As well as being a pediatric oncologist, Uri is prominent in the nanotechnology industry. Doron is a psychiatrist, and vice president of Eli Lilly Canada.

‘He lacks credibility, lies with impunity and without any conscience,” said the judge. “[Politi] … is vengeful, manipulative and malicious’

The dispute with Mr. Politi dates back to their father’s last months before succumbing to pancreatic cancer in 2007. According to a 2011 Quebec Superior Court ruling, the senior Mr. Sagman had asked Mr. Politi, his eldest son, to put some of his real-estate holdings in a trust to protect the estate and heirs.

The father later discovered, however, that Mr. Politi had set up “Belleville Trust,” and the valuable properties in it, to benefit solely him and his own children.

Mr. Sagman, a chartered accountant, economist and businessman, managed to transfer the real estate back out of his son’s trust. But Mr. Politi responded by suing his terminally ill father; at one point the son’s lawyers questioned the dying man while he was in the midst of chemotherapy.

Before his death, the father filed a scathing affidavit, alleging his eldest had never been able to maintain a stable livelihood, constantly engaged in quick-profit schemes and inflicted financial and emotional harm on others “without moral compunction.”

“While I am experiencing physical pain at the present time brought on by my illness, the [legal] action filed by Politi adds a new dimension of anguish,” the document said. “It represents a final gesture of ungratefulness by a son who has always been showered with generosity and second chances by myself and his family despite his never-ending acts of betrayal.”

Mr. Sagman cut his son out of the will, calling him “unworthy’’ of being his heir.

Despite the acrimony, the surviving family members reached agreement on the estate several months after the father’s death. His apartment block, Place l’Acadie, ended up in Mr. Politi’s trust, its sale later netting $6.8-million.

Much more intrigue was to come, though.

‘They were horrified. People are putting their lives in [Uri’s] hands and here was someone questioning his credentials’

The father had given Uri Sagman his penthouse condominium in Montreal’s high-end Sanctuaire complex. Dr. Sagman was in the throes of selling it for $1.1-million when Mr. Politi offered $100,000 more, to be paid from the proceeds of the Acadie building sale. His brother accepted the offer, cancelling the other transaction.

Dr. Sagman also agreed to show the purchase price on the deed as $1 to limit the property tax assessed. It was a fateful decision, as Mr. Politi eventually refused to pay the $1.2-million and, when his brother sued, claimed the condo was always supposed to be a gift.

Citing in part the conversation at a Toronto coffee shop that Dr. Sagman captured on his concealed recorder, Justice Dionysia Zerbisias rejected Mr. Politi’s claims, ruled he had taken the condo by fraud, and ordered it returned to the physician, along with $282,000 in legal costs.

“He lacks credibility, lies with impunity and without any conscience,” said the judge. “[Politi] … is vengeful, manipulative and malicious.”

Indeed, he had at the same time launched the two web sites, in which he suggested his brothers had falsified documents to get into the University of Alberta, been convicted of fraud and theft, and lied to obtain government grants, among other transgressions.

Not only were the allegations untrue, but they had lasting effects, even after the sites were taken down, noted Justice Morgan. Uri Sagman reports, for instance, that he has seen a drop-off in consulting contracts with the government.

The libel ruling was made in default, meaning Mr. Politi did not mount a defence, and his brothers have no idea where he is, said Mr. Davis. Mr. Politi did surface publicly in 2010 and 2011, when he applied to turn his 180-acre property north of Toronto into a “$75-million” solar-energy farm, according to Oshawa This Week newspaper.

Even if the brothers are unable to collect the $350,000, the lawyer said, they have won an important victory, definitively restoring their good reputations.

National Post

• Email: tblackwell@nationalpost.com | Twitter: tomblackwellNP

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