
Medical esthetician schools train estheticians, medical professionals, and even though changing careers on how to perform nonsurgical cosmetic services. These can include laser hair removal, IPL photofacial skin rejuvenation, radiofrequency skin tightening, laser tattoo removal, and more.

In order to provide these services, you must attend a medical esthetician school. There are many esthetician schools in the state of Arizona, but just like any school it’s important you pick one that will give you quality education. Also, there are some medical esthetician schools out there that are only after your money and won’t provide you with legitimate certification. Those are the ones you need to stay away from. In the end, it’s best to do your research.

Leading Medical Esthetician School in Arizona

National Laser Institute has been around for over a decade and was the first to pioneer the laser training curriculum. If you want a good education and want to attend an outstanding medical esthetician school then NLI is for you.

In our two-week comprehensive laser training course, you’ll learn the ins and outs of cosmetic lasers, from safety, aesthetics, skillsets, skin tones, settings, and more. We train you on a variety of in-demand treatments that include laser hair removal, stretch mark reduction, vein reduction, IPL photofacials, laser tattoo removal, wrinkle reduction, and many more.

This course is led by leading medical esthetic experts who teach you both in the classroom and within our clinical setting inside a retail medical spa where you will practice your new skills on real clients. Plus, you get to work on many types of advanced laser technology.

National Laser Institute also offers graduates access to our Graduate Services Department, which helps you find job opportunities by providing 100-200 leads a month. We also give you access to our online medical esthetic library with has thousands of pages of resources at your very fingertips.

To learn more about our two-week comprehensive training course or our 4-week night courses, simply fill out the form on your right or call 800.982.6817.

Learn more about our courses

Laser Classroom/Didactic (5-Day)

Laser Hair Removal Course (8-Day)

Comprehensive Laser (14-Day)

Core Training Course (8-Day)

Just Tattoo Removal

Chemical Peels (1-Day)

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