The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do.
Captain Jack Sparrow
About this piece
I have almost forgotten how this can be wonderful. Make art just for fun. My art has been helping me to deal with lots of difficulty situation in my life, but I guess there also is a time for fun and relax. And thats why I have started this piece at first place: for fun and to try to improve my techniques somehow.
I love rain, I know I have made rainy piece before but I was not complete satisfied with them, so I though it was time to give another shot. In the other hand, I never worked with a male model before, and I think its very important to try new things, to step out of your comfort zone.
I am also staring to paint more, over the entire scene, and it took a huge amount of time. But thats what I like to to, I love working on details, I believe it makes all the difference in a piece.
I hope you guys like it too. Thank you so much for the lovely support.
Special Dedication
This is my belated birthday gift for two special people:
*andygoth666 Andrea querida, muito obrigada pela amizade sincera, pelo apoio e presença constante. É sempre um prazer acompanhar seus trabalhos e sua evolução como artista. Mesmo atrasada, desejo que tenha um ano maravilho, cheio de realizações.
*JtotheOtotheE I am sorry for the late dear. Even so, I wish you the most wonderful year and all happiness a beautiful person like you deserve in the world. Happy belated birthday.
This is my entry for *mizzd-stock Eastern Visions Contest. See details here: [link]
Special thanks goes for Ida for keeping making these wonderful contest and give all of us so much inspiration.
Resourse Credits
The background was composed by me using 16 different stock pictures from Photoxpress [link] and Dreamstime [link] (see them all here -> [link] ) + the following stocks from DeviantART: fire: [link] and cannon balls: [link]
Model is: pirate: [link] hat: [link] sword: [link]
Extensive hand-paint work + Photoshop CS4 Extended + Wacon tablet + uncountable hours and layers complete this piece.
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