
Today we begin a very special, three-part series on self confidence, sponsored by Invisalign® clear aligners, and I think it’s the perfect way to kick off being on my brand-new, gorgeous set. I hope you like it!

Have you ever started your day on the wrong side of the bed? You know those days when you think your outfit looks terrible, work is going to suck, and your neighbor has it out for you? Of course you have, because we’ve all been there.

The truth is, being confident is a choice (click to tweet), and if you’d prefer to start your day on a more positive note, feeling gorgeous, capable, confident, then this video is for you.

In today’s episode, I’m going to show you how to create an easy, five-minute ritual that you can use each day to amp up your self confidence and start your day on the right foot. That’s right – just five minutes a day can take you from feeling blah to a-MAY-zing! Really, all it takes is finding the ritual that works best for YOU.

So, join me for the video below and let’s get started on creating a confidence-building routine that’s seriously going to rock your world.

Click here to watch today’s episode: http://youtu.be/dYpNDL1sCKg

To recap, here are four ideas for developing a confidence ritual of your very own:

Think about the things that make you feel good, then incorporate them into a mini-session for your morning. It might be jamming to your favorite tunes, or doing some heart-pumping cardio, or maybe it’s reading something inspirational (think: Billy Collins). Scheduling a five-minute daily sampling of your favorite activity can set the tone for much more positive and confident day.

Make an “I’m awesome at this” list, and review it. Take some time to really think about this, and write down all your best attributes — big and significant to small and frivolous (and don’t be afraid to solicit some ideas from your friends). Then every morning read through a few of the items to remember just how fantastic you really are.

Give yourself a pep talk, in a way that works for you. Write positive, affirming things on post-it notes and stick ‘em around your house. Or write them down on your journal or even scribble them with a lipstick on your mirror. Or you can recite them out loud. You can try mantras like, “I am enough,” or, “I am a light to those around me,” (a personal favorite of mine). You could also say things like, my butt looks amazing in these jeans, or, I’m going to slam-dunk this presentation at work today. It’s important to do it in a way that resonates with you.

Teach it to learn it. Work on being an example and role model to others. Install confidence in your kids and people you work with. Give them compliments and don’t allow them to engage in negative self-talk. Praise them when they do well and when they struggle, help them talk through what happened. As you do this, you’ll shift into a place of feeling more confident yourself, I promise!

Now I couldn’t talk to you about having a confidence-building ritual if I didn’t have one for myself. For me, getting ready in the morning, choosing an outfit I love, putting on killer shoes when I have a meeting, and finishing my lips with some glossy lips to highlight my smile is an exercise in boosting my confidence. And that’s why I’m thrilled to be partnering with Invisalign on this video series on confidence. Having a smile that I’m proud of makes me look good, and when I look good, I feel good, too.

Now I want to hear from you! In the comments below, I’d love to hear about how you boost your confidence on a daily basis. If you liked this video, I’d love for you to share it with your friends.

P.S. Want more like this? Join me for The Conquer Summit, a FREE 9 week course on confidence + clarity + cash for ambitious entrepreneurs http://theconquersummit.com/.

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