
Picture this: You’re a journalist at one of the world’s top news organizations and have just been granted an exclusive interview with President Donald J. Trump. You’re sitting down in the Oval Office, the lights come on, and the cameras begin to roll. What would you ask the new commander-in-chief? This is an opportunity the vast majority of Americans will never get to have. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask questions — especially because our new president has made free-wheeling Twitter such an integral part of his communication strategy. We all get a chance to ask him our questions. Over the course of the next 100 days, PRI will use the president’s favorite method of communication to ask him 100 questions, and we want you to join us. When it comes to healthcare, global security, immigration, foreign policy, education, and domestic issues, what questions should Trump have to answer? Tweet your questions to @PRI , @TheTakeaway , and @PRITheWorld with the hashtag #100Days100Qs. We

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