
The best way to get updates from a website is subscribed with their RSS Feed or Mailing List. That’s why increase subscribers is one of the most crucial part of the growth of your blog. You can’t keep a fixed number of reader listings because subscribers come and go, but if you want more to come than go then take a look at list of reasons why readers unsubscribe from your blog. Starting and attracting your visitors to subscribe to RSS feed is not that difficult but to maintain your RSS feed subscriber might be difficult, I recommend you must avoid few things.

Frequency of updates

You’re overwhelmed or You went Quiet are most reasons that repels your readers and result in unsubscribing from RSS feed.

The post levels are too overwhelming

I never subscribe a popular newspaper or a website that post dozens of articles each day. If I receive email from a mailing list more than once a day or an email list that is contacted too often, it’s spammed me. My feed reader or email client would be bombarded with their updates. I have other topics and blogs to read. Don’t pummel me with your posts!
The solution

This can be too much for some people, who want to read your information but would rather have it only three times per week.

You went Quited

Too much content and you’ll end up scaring them away; too few articles and you’ll bore your readers into unsubscribing. If I haven’t heard from you in a couple of months then I feel your website had dead and readers will unsubscribe – like I just did. Unless your old post content is very good and can re-use.

Let people know if you’re going to be away for a bit. It’s a nice thing to do for your loyal readers.
The solution

As is true with many aspects of marketing, creating a balance in communications with one’s subscribers is vital. It’s a nice thing to do for your loyal readers.

Low Quality Content

Quality is the next thing which every blogger must remember to maintain. You need to have good writing skills, proper proof read, presentation and good image.

Lack of Opinions and No Personality

Why would I read a blog that spews information without a sense of who you are? They may not even remember you the next time you send something to them.

If you’re posting the same opinions, news and articles that every other blog in the blogosphere is writing about then folks will quickly get tired of your redundancies. Readers should feel your personal touch in articles, give your opinions and write the articles as if you are communicating with them.
The solution

If you don’t want to lose your subscribers try to provide unique and interesting stuff from around the web to make your readers visit again.

Always stay in touch with your subscribers to know what’s important for them. Arrange contests, polls, lotteries – become their friend and partner – provide them with fresh techniques, tips and strategies that are topic-related.

You only publish partial or too long posts

I don’t mind a long post as long as it’s information that I find interesting. But if your post too long and must spend too much time to find somethings that interesting your reader then they skip it then go to the next post in their reader.

You updates your blog too often but with every post you wrote was three lines or less. WTF? I’m wasting my time then I’m hitting unsubscribe.
The solution

If you have too much of good things, useful and interesting to say. Let’s write a post series with separated topics. Aiming for around 600 to 800 words gives you the best of both SEO and usability purposes, but it depends on your audience.

If you have a lot things to updates but it’s too short. Use Facebook or Twitter instead publish it on your blog. Write a new post to update a status that sounds funny.

Your Content Was Negative or Offensive

Play it safe and keep your content appropriate for as many audiences as possible. I prefer positive thought. If I see something that I just don’t like, just move to next post then leave it.

You advertise in the feed too much or talking like the car dealers

To running a blog, you need money for hosting providers, domains, themes, … and we all understand that you had a little advertises to get the income. However, if your marketing message shouts “buy now cheap” or blah blah blah, WTF? Did I subscribed a car dealer’s blog? Next step, they move on then unsubscribe like I did.
The solution

If you want to make some money from your efforts you’ll have to learn how to balance great content with a light amount of ads.

People want to be seduced or intrigued into buying – not told to buy.

You feed in bad formating or too short to know about the post content

You provide short/excerpt feed or bad layout

I only subscribe with the full feed because I want to read the post content on my reader/email client. Why I need click on the title, open the web browser to read a post that I don’t know about the content quality. I known there’s a lot of debate about this. The short/excerpt feed is tempting to get the click-through traffic to your website but the readers need more time and resources to read your post.

Your emails aren’t mobile-optimized

Do you know? Nearly half of emails are read on mobile devices, so if your emails can’t be read on mobile devices, you risk losing the consumer. This means emails that don’t look good on mobile are likely to get trashed, as users who can’t read your content will get frustrated. So, if your emails aren’t being optimized for smartphones and tablets, you’re gonna wanna start doing so, like, today.


I have listed 3 main reasons that why readers unsubscribe from your blog feed/newsletter list. I am sure that if you will follow above steps you may be able to limit the number of customers who unsubscribe from your RSS Feed/Mailing List.

So what makes you unsubscribe from a blog’s RSS feed? What makes you delete it from the bookmark or stop visiting via some other method? What makes you subscribe or unsubscribe?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Top 3 Main Reasons Why Readers Unsubscribe From Your Blog appeared first on NARGA.

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