Since autumn 2010, UN Women, with the support of the European Union (EU), has been implementing the cross-regional programme “Women Connect across Conflicts: Building Accountability for Implementation of UN SCR 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889.” The programme aims to enhance the capacity of women’s human rights activists and gender equality advocates and their networks to effectively and meaningfully engage, influence, and mobilize for dialogues on security and peace issues at various levels, nationally and regionally in the Southern Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan), in South Asia (Pakistan and Afghanistan), and the Central Asia /Fergana Valley (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan).
The programme aims to achieve four objectives, as follows:
The first objective is to facilitate work at the national level with respect to the development of the National Action Plans (NAPs) on UNSCRs 1325, 1820, 1888 and 1889 (hereafter referred to as UNSCR 1325).
The second objective aims to strengthen a referral mechanism to provide redress for sexual and other forms of violence against women in situations of conflict in at least one country.
The third objective focuses on incorporating gender equality principles into the internal operations of the security sector to promote zero tolerance to using sexual violence as a weapon of war in at least one country.
The fourth objective aims to mobilize national partners at local level to engage in evidence-based dialogues and advocacy for reconciliation, tolerance building and compliance with women’s human rights obligations in the Fergana Valley (Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan).
A series of activities have been conducted within the frames of the programme to build the capacity of women human rights activists and enhance their efforts to address women security and peace building needs.
The Programme intends to expand its capacity building framework and incorporate gender expertise in mediation and peace processes as a key skill to be held by women human rights and peace activists and other key stakeholders. For this purpose, the cross-regional programme intends to conduct two training sessions in Georgia on gender aspects of mediation and role of women in ongoing mediation and conflict resolution processes. One three-day training session will be organized for 15 selected human rights and gender activists/NGO representatives from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Another two-day training session will be for max 15 representatives of the Georgian Government. The first training will provide a forum for women from various sectors and organizations to discuss: How women are being utilized in the process? How gender parity issues are currently being dealt with? How to get women’s interests included and implemented?
The session for the Government will serve to sensitive participants and stakeholders of the formal peace process to gender-related issues and build their skills towards a concrete mainstream of gender issues into their work. With this purpose, the UN Women Cross-regional Programme intends to hire two international experts: a lead trainer and an expert on women’ rights and transitional justice to conduct the trainings.
Duties and Responsibilities
The lead trainer will work under the direct supervision of the Programme Manager of UN Women Cross-regional Programme “Women Connect Across Conflicts: Building Accountability for Implementation of UN SCR 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889” and will benefit from technical and operational support of UN Women team based in Georgia. In more specific terms, the trainer will be responsible:
To conduct two training sessions in Georgia on gender aspects of mediation and role of women in ongoing mediation and conflict resolution processes:
One three-day training session will be for fifteen selected human rights and gender activists/NGO representatives from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. UN Women will select the participants upon call for interest.
Another two-day training session will be for max fifteen representatives of the Georgian Government involved in the peace talks. UN Women will solicit nominations from the Government of Georgia.
All aspects of training logistics will be taken care of by UN Women team based in Georgia.
To fulfill the expected task the lead trainer is expected:
To prepare a detailed ToRs (with work plan/methodology, instructions for trainer and participants, evaluation forms; etc.) and submit them for approval to the UN Women Cross-regional Programme’s Manager for feedback and approval;
To develop training modules in close cooperation with the gender expert and ensure that these are developed in accordance with adult learning methodology, fit the needs of the audience and include all substantive inputs of the gender expert;
To devise a detailed training agenda, assign tasks for each session and work with the gender expert/co-trainer to develop role plays that take into consideration gender-related scenarios;
Conduct together with the gender expert two training sessions in Georgia on gender aspects of mediation and role of women in ongoing mediation and conflict resolution processes: one three-day training session for fifteen selected human rights and gender activists/NGO representatives from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan and another two-day training session for maximum fifteen representatives of the Georgian Government;
To develop questionnaires that help evaluate the level of the participants’ knowledge prior and after the training via ad hoc questionnaires to be disseminated respectively ahead of training for tailoring of the module to real trainees needs and capacity and after the training for evaluation purposes;
Submit finalized training module and materials to UN Women Manager;
Submit a comprehensive report (prepared together with the co-trainer). The report shall include activities conducted, including comprehensive information on conducted trainings, its evaluation based on filled in questionnaires and observations during the training.
Key Deliverables and Timeframe:
Detailed ToRs with work plan/ methodology and draft training module and materials – February 8, 2013
Conduct three-day training session for fifteen selected human rights and gender activists/NGO representatives from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan – Georgia Feb. 21-23, 2013
Conduct two-day training session for representatives of Georgian Government, members of the delegation to Geneva Peace Talks and other staff involved in the peace talks – Georgia Feb. 24-25, 2013
Finalized training module/material – February 21, 2013
Comprehensive report on activities conducted, including information on conducted training, its evaluation based on filled in questionnaires and observations during the training – March 4, 2013
The timeframe for the work of the trainer is tentatively planned through Feb.-March 2013 for a total of 10 working days of which four working days for preparation, five days of actual trainings and one day for reporting.
Organization and logistics of the trainings including selection and travels of participants will be full responsibility of UN Women.
Evaluation Procedure:
The candidates will be evaluated in two stages: technical evaluation and financial evaluation.
Technical evaluation criteria:
Criteria / Maximum points
Postgraduate degree in international relations, communication, social policy or related field or equivalent working experience - 20;
At least ten years of experience as a trainer and facilitator including on gender aspects of mediation, negotiation, and role of women in mediation processes - 50;
Previous experience in conducting trainings for adults, including civil servants and women activists from conflict-affected countries - 50;
Previous experience in conducting training for people with different background, cultures and languages - 50;
Experience in developing and adapting training modules - 20;
Excellent communication and presentation skills and ability to activate groups and ability to effectively communicate via interpreter - 20;
Strong organizational and time management skills, ability to meet deadlines - 20;
Proficiency in English - 20;
Review of previous work (papers, workbook, references) - 100
Maximum total technical scoring: 350
Only candidates who have passed over the mandatory criteria and have accumulated at least 245 points under technical evaluation will qualify to the next round of financial evaluation.
Evaluation of financial proposal:
Evaluation of submitted financial offers will be done based on the following formula: S = Fmin / F * 150
S – score received on financial evaluation;
Fmin – the lowest financial offer out of all the submitted offers qualified over the technical evaluation round;
F – financial offer under consideration.
Winning candidate
The winning candidate will be the candidate, who has accumulated the highest aggregated score (technical
scoring + financial scoring).
Submission package:
CV and P11 form;
Financial proposal*– aggregated and with breakdown(total remuneration, travel expenses (per diems, tickets, lodging and terminal expenses)
*Each applicant will be required to submit an aggregated financial offer (“aggregated financial offer” is the total sum of all financial claims of the candidate for accomplishment of the task).
Management Arrangements:
The contractor will work under the guidance of the Programme Manager for cross-regional programme “Women Connect Across Conflicts: Building Accountability for Implementation of UN SCR 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889” and will benefit from technical and operational support of UN Women Georgia office.
Financial arrangements:
Payment will be disbursed upon submission and approval of deliverables and certification by the Programme Manager that the services have been satisfactorily performed:
Detailed work plan/methodology and training module/material– 50%
Final report– 50%
Experience in developing and adapting training modules;
Excellent communication and presentation skills and ability to activate groups and ability to effectively communicate via interpreter;
Strong organizational and time management skills, ability to meet deadlines.
Required Skills and Experience
Academic Qualifications:
Postgraduate degree in international relations, communication, social policy or related field or equivalent working experience.
At least ten years of experience as a trainer and facilitator, including on gender aspects of mediation, negotiation, and role of women in mediation processes;
Previous experience in conducting trainings for adults, including civil servants and women activists from conflict-affected countries;
Previous experience in conducting training for people with different background, cultures and languages.
Language requirements:
Fluency in English.
In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment.
All online applications must include (as an attachment) the completed UN Women Personal History form (P-11) which can be downloaded from
Kindly note that the system will only allow one attachment. Applications without the completed UN Women P-11 form will be treated as incomplete and will not be considered for further assessment.