
Expected start date:

15 December 2012

Type of contract:

Fixed-term (until 14 December 2013)

Closing date:

30 November 2012


IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environmental and development challenges.

IUCN works on biodiversity, climate change, energy, human livelihoods and greening the world economy by supporting scientific research, managing field projects all over the world, and bringing governments, NGOs, the UN and companies together to develop policy, laws and best practice.

IUCN is the world’s oldest and largest global environmental organization, with more than 1,000 government and NGO members and almost 11,000 volunteer experts in some 160 countries. IUCN’s work is supported by over 1,000 staff in 60 offices and hundreds of partners in public, NGO and private sectors around the world.

IUCN’s European region covers the European continent, Russia and Central Asia, and includes the European Union overseas entities. Representing one third of the global membership, this is IUCN’s largest programmatic region. Four offices in Switzerland, Belgium, Georgia and Serbia coordinate action in the region. Together we strive to meet our goals for a sustainable future by using the expertise and the strength of the global IUCN network.

In 2010, IUCN launched the EU Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories Programme with the support of the Government of France to advance the implementation of the Message from Reunion Island - a series of concrete actions to protect biodiversity, economies and diverse ways of life of Europe overseas.

The objectives of the Programme are:
- to raise awareness of Europe overseas' biodiversity and climate change issues with the EU and the international community to facilitate their integration into policies and programmes,
- to actively promote collaboration in those regions where Europe overseas are located, and
- to build the capacity of Europe overseas in biodiversity conservation and adaptation to climate change.

The activities of the Programme include:

1. Information exchange, dialogue, advocacy and coordination between Europe overseas actors:

• communication tools (website, newsletter, and online discussion forum),
• convening of a Europe overseas multi-stakeholder working group on biodiversity and climate change,
• facilitate dialogue and joint activities between Europe overseas and countries in their regions, and
• advocacy of Europe overseas' biodiversity and climate change issues in EU and international fora.

2. Strategic and technical reviews in Europe overseas to inform EU and international policies and programmes:

• review the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Europe overseas,
• review Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and MPA management, particularly in the context of climate change,
• review invasive species impacts and management,
• implement adaptation measures to address climate change in Caribbean MPAs, and
• facilitate the integration of EU Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories in the Caribbean invasive species networks.

In 2012, IUCN and partners were granted the European Commission funding for two very important projects:

1. The project Building partnerships and awareness of Europe overseas biodiversity and climate change for the future of an EU Voluntary Scheme for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Territories of European Overseas (BEST). The main objectives of this project are:

• To strengthen EU level partnership mechanisms, information sharing, networking mechanism for coordinated and informed action on Europe overseas, building on existing initiatives;
• To develop proposals to the EC for the sustainability of a BEST initiative, based on initial guidance of the Europe Overseas Roundtable on Biodiversity and Climate Change, and informed by expert advice on innovative solutions for governance and financial mechanisms;
• To raise awareness and mobilize support for Europe overseas biodiversity and climate change at regional, EU and international levels, showcasing BEST and other Europe overseas initiatives on biodiversity and climate change, thus demonstrating leadership and excellence of Europe overseas in the EU and international for a.

2. The project Sea for Society (SFS) engages stakeholders, citizens and young people in dialogue to share knowledge, forge partnerships, empower actors on societal issues related to marine science. In doing so, the project aims to develop and enrich the concept of the Blue Society and set in place on-going mechanisms for cooperation. The five primary objectives have been set for the SFS project:

• To bring together different actors (research, stakeholders, societal) with complementary knowledge and experiences and forge new partnerships using a participatory approach resulting in Public Engagement in Research (PER).
• To set up a Consultation Process across Europe to facilitate dialogue and cooperation among different stakeholder actors and directly with citizens/youth to contribute to the research process and to develop collective efforts to try and address key challenges.
• To share the co-authored knowledge arising from the Consultation Process broadly and effectively in order to empower actors and citizens to take action to tackle the societal challenges identified.
• To develop and enrich the concept of Blue Society as a basis for improved governance of the Oceans in the future and disseminate this concept towards RD governance, industries and decision-makers.
• To sustain the process developed in SFS so that there is a non-going mechanism for partnership, interaction, public-research engagement and empowerment actions to address marine societal challenges.

The role of the Project Officer is to support the Programme Coordinator in a various range of activities related to communication, mobilization, liaison with the institutional partners, project management and technical analyses.

The IUCN’s working languages are English, French, and Spanish. The working languages of the two projects are both English and French.

The contract is for one year with possibility of extension.


The main focus of the Project Officer will be to provide support to the Programme Coordinator for the implementation and the monitoring of projects and particularly the BEST and SfS projects . By the way, the Project Officer will take part to two main components: a Communication Component and a technical component. In particular, the Project Officer will:

1. Provide day-to-day assistance to the Programme Coordinator in supporting and monitoring the implementation of projects, including financial monitoring, contract management and reporting;

2. Support the Programme Coordinator in the preparations for, and running of, meetings and events workshops;

3. Facilitate the preparation of Briefing Notes, communication supports and Technical Reports, and oversee their finalization in close collaboration with the Programme Coordinator;

4. Implement and monitor a communication strategy for the Overseas Programme and its projects, in close collaboration with relevant partners and members of IUCN;

5. Update and manage the content of the programme’s micro-site on the IUCN website (www.iucn.org/euoverseas), Develop other communication tools, as appropriate;

6. Liaise with the GLISPA communication staff on international events and issues relevant to Europe overseas and provide information on Europe overseas;

7. Manage and regularly update the content of the email/web-based Europe Overseas Forum on Europe overseas activities, regional initiatives, policies, events and information of relevance from the EU and international fora to advance action on biodiversity and climate change issues in Europe overseas, moderate thematic discussions and requests related to Europe overseas biodiversity and climate change issues, and facilitate exchange and updates on the implementation progress of the BEST projects;

8. Work with the Programme Coordinator and the dedicated Expert Group on the definition of the Blue Society concept;

9. Review with the Programme Coordinator, as appropriate, draft materials ensure and manage appropriate external peer review of such materials;

10. Seek opportunities for increased synergy with Overseas members and Partner; source information and monitoring status of national, EU and international policies, programme initiatives, events, maintain the agenda of key events of relevance to the programmes' areas to feed into the programme’ activities, tools and help identify opportunities for interventions;

11. Undertake other duties, as required, with the agreement of Programme Coordinator, including marine projects.


• Enthusiasm and a commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable development issues, specifically related to Overseas and marine challenges;

• Experience in communication and project management;

• Good knowledge in European Policies and in marine issues;

• Fully fluent written and spoken English. A good knowledge of French is a particular advantage;

• A University degree (preferably a post-graduate degree) in a subject relevant to environmental management, environmental law, marine conservation and/or sustainable use;

• A minimum of 3 years’ professional experience in Conservation /or Sustainable development;

• Experience and ability in networking within multi-cultural environments, with a wide range of experts and stakeholders;

• Inter-personal skills, including the ability and willingness to work as a team member of the IUCN Secretariat.


The gross annual salary for this position is in the range from EUR 41'390 to EUR 51'738.


Applicants are requested to apply online through the HR Management System, by opening the vacancy announcement and pressing the "Apply" button.

Applicants will be asked to create an account and submit their profile information. Applications will not be accepted after the closing date. The vacancy closes at midnight, Swiss time (GMT+1 / GMT+2 during Daylight Saving Time, DST).

Other job opportunities are published in the IUCN website: http://www.iucn.org/involved/jobs/

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