Academic Family Medicine
Family Physician
Have you ever considered teaching our future doctors? The Department of Academic Family Medicine, Saskatoon Division, invites expressions of interest from family physicians to work on a contract basis for up to 12 months working up to 8 half days per week commencing as soon as possible. This physician opportunity will provide for a balance of teaching and supervising family medicine residents & undergraduate medical students while providing patient care in an academic, inter-professional clinic environment located at the West Winds Primary Health Centre.
Our Department has 25 full-time faculty members, approximately 300 community faculty, 96 residents and consists of seven divisions including: Saskatoon Urban; Regina Urban; Rural Prince Albert, Rural; Swift Current, Rural; Emergency Medicine (Saskatoon & Regina); Enhanced Skills (Surgical, Anesthesia & Musculoskeletal); and Research. Physicians and residents in all locations participate in the provision of a broad range of patient care, including adult medicine, obstetrics, pediatrics and in-hospital/nursing home care.
The Department is an integral participant in all stages of medical education in the College of Medicine from pre-clerkship and clerkship/JURSI education to postgraduate education, continuing professional development and faculty development. We also play a key role in providing more generalist content and comprehensive family medicine exposure in the MD curriculum. The Department is in the process of introducing the Triple-C competency based curriculum to Saskatchewan.
The College of Medicine is one of 6 health sciences colleges at the University of Saskatchewan with approximately 275 university based faculty and over 800 community faculty; utilizing a distributed education model these clinical faculty are distributed throughout all 13 Saskatchewan health regions. The College of Medicine has an enrolment of approximately 275 undergraduate and 300 postgraduate medical students.
The successful physician must be certified with the College of Family Physicians of Canada, fully licensed to practice Family Medicine in the Province of Saskatchewan and possess full credentialing with the Saskatoon Health Region. We are particularly interested in hearing from family physicians that are willing to sharing their knowledge and expertise along with the necessary experience, qualifications and interest in medical education and in teaching medical students and Family Medicine Residents while providing quality patient care in an academic clinical environment.
For further information, interested family physicians are invited to contact:
Dr. Alanna Danilkewich, Department Head
Department of Academic Family Medicine
College of Medicine
University of Saskatchewan
Phone: (306) 655-4235