The constitution of Uganda (1995) guarantees equality between women and men and also prescribes temporary affirmative action in favor of women for purposes of redressing imbalances created by history, tradition and other factors. Uganda is a signatory to various International commitments and it has a gender policy (2007) which provides for a framework for gender responsive development. Despite all the above actions and interventions, gender inequalities have persisted with negative implications on Uganda’s development process.
Over the years, unsustainable use of natural resources has resulted into substantial resource degradation and even depletion. A case in point is the reduction of wetland coverage from 15.6% Sq km of the land surface in 1994 to 10.9% of the land surface to date (Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE, 2012). Similarly forest cover and other ecosystems are being degraded mainly by human activity. The quest for industrialization, rapid urbanization and economic development has also led to extensive pressure on environmental resources consequently leading to climate change as some of the sensitive ecosystems are threatened.
The triple gender roles of women at home and in the society make them major users of the environment and thus unsustainability and mismanagement of the environment impact a lot on them and their children. This affirms the fact that women are key stakeholders in the environment and natural resource sub-sector and therefore failure by development actors and agencies to involve women in the management and use of natural resources affects the development process.
In the recently concluded Joint Sector Review (JSR), of October 2012, gender mainstreaming was identified as an area requiring improvement as evidenced by the inadequate gender mainstreaming interventions within the Environment and Natural Resource (ENR) subsector. Following the Uganda Gender Policy (2007) that mandates all Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to mainstream gender in all its activities, an undertaking on gender was accordingly adopted requiring the ENR sub-sector to develop a gender strategy and to mainstream gender concern in the ENR activities by the end of FY 2012/13.
It is based on the above background that the ENR sub-sector is seeking for a consultant to develop a gender strategy for the ENR sub-sector.
Major objective of the consultancy.
To develop a Gender Strategy and gender mainstreaming guidelines for the Environment and Natural Resource Sub Sector.
Other objectives of the Assignment:
To collect relevant data / information required for the development of the ENR gender strategy through consultations and document review;
Facilitate MWE /ENR subsector staff to develop ENR Strategy;
Write a workshop report and process report.
The purpose of the strategy is to mainstream gender in the sector through planning implementation, monitoring and evaluation so as to attain adequate participation of men and women in management and benefits sharing of ENR subsector resources leading to poverty reduction while sustaining the environment; natural resources and reducing climate change.
Stakeholders of the Strategy:
The ENR gender strategy is designed for the Environment and Natural Resources Sub Sector. Below are the stakeholders;
Ministry of Water and Environment;
Wetlands management department(WMD);
Department of environment support services(DESS);
Forestry support services department(FSSD);
National forestry authority(NFA);
National environment management authority (NEMA);
Climate change unit(CCU);
Directorate of Water Development;
Directorate of water Resources Management;
Meteorological department;
Line ministries;
Beneficiary communities;
ENR subsector NGOs;
ENR private sector institutions;
Donors/ development partners.
Duties and Responsibilities
The ENR gender strategy development process will be participatory, ensuring that as much as possible MWE/ ENR subsector staff and stakeholder are involved. An individual consultant will be procured to facilitate the process. The Consultant will make consultations with relevant MWE and ENR staff and stakeholder institutions aimed at gender situational analysis of the subsector as well as generating data and information for the strategy development.
Relevant documents within the Water and Environment sector and in other relevant stakeholder institutions / sectors will be reviewed to obtain further information for the development of the strategy.
The findings from the above processes will be presented and discussed at a stakeholder’s workshop by the consultant where he/she (consultant) will facilitate the participants to draft the ENR gender strategy with an action plan. The draft strategy will be presented to the relevant thematic working group and thereafter to the sector working group for final approval. The strategy is proposed to be published and launched in October 2013 at the Annual Joint Review.
Major outputs
The consultant will produce the ENR gender strategy and mainstreaming guidelines as the main output. In addition, the consultant will also be required to produce:
An inception report;
A gender analysis report for the ENR subsector;
Workshop report and process report.
Expected tasks
The consultant will undertake to do the following:
Make an inception report in which the methodological approach for the consultancy is specified;
Review policies, laws, institutional arrangements, and practices from line sectors and consult stakeholders in the Directorate of Environment Affairs, (Forestry, Environment, Wetlands, Meteorology), agencies (NFA, NEMA, Climate Change) Districts, CSOs, line ministries and communities among others. Below are some of the critical documents to review;
MOGLSD (2007).The National Gender Policy;
MOGLSD (1999). Gender training manual; MOGLSD (Draft). The Gender Awareness Training manuals for Higher and Lower Local Governments;
MOFPED (2003). Training manual “engendering the budgets”;
MOLG (1998). Monitoring and Evaluation manual for procedures;
MOLG (2002). Gender Mainstreaming Strategy for Local Governments;
The Local Government Act 1997 and 2001 (revised);
FOWODE (Undated). Budgeting for men and women;
Policy documents in the ENR sub sector;
Sector Investment Plans;
The water sector gender Strategy 2010;
Ministry of Gender mainstreaming guidelines;
Ministry of Finance gender mainstreaming guidelines;
AMCOW Gender Mainstreaming Strategy;
Any other relevant documents to this assignment.
Identify opportunities for addressing / mainstreaming gender concerns in the ongoing ENR subsector reforms such as the draft wetland management bill, organizational structure, financing mechanisms, monitoring frameworks etc that can be included in the strategy;
Facilitate participants in a workshop organized by ENR subsector to review and analyze findings;
Compile the draft Strategy and incorporate comments on the draft;
Write a workshop report;
Produce a final draft strategy;
Any other relevant documents to this assignment.
Expected outputs and deliverables:
This consultancy task will be accomplished in a phased manner with specific deliverables in sequence as follows:
Preparation of Inception report;
Presentation of Inception Report;
Consultation with MWE/ ENR staff and stakeholders;
Stakeholder workshops and drafting strategy;
Incorporate comments on draft;
Presentation of draft strategy to stakeholders;
Finalize draft strategy.
Institutional Arrangement
The consultant will report to a thematic working group appointed by the ENR sub- sector working group. The group will be responsible for the supervision and co-ordination of activities under this contract;
The draft inception report will be presented to the technical committee within 4 Days of acceptance of the contract and the consultant shall present preliminary findings and recommendations in a meeting with relevant stakeholders prior to completion of the draft strategy;
The consultant will consult with the relevant ENR authorities / institutions mentioned in (1.4), CSOs and the private sector through meetings / individuals consultations in order to identify gender issues and concerns;
The consultant is expected to liaise with all stakeholders and departments in ENR sub sector and facilitate ENR stakeholder participants in workshops organized by ENR subsector to review and analyze findings during consultations and drafting of ENR gender mainstreaming strategy;
The Ministry of Water and Environment through support from UNDP will provide workshop logistics, support personnel and support services for the workshops during inception report presentation; drafting of the gender strategy and presentation of the final draft;
The final strategy will be presented to UNDP and the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Water and Environment not later than close of business 31st October 2013;
It’s important that the interested candidate works within the stipulated time because it will be required for use in the Annual Joint Technical Review due to take place around end of October or early November.
Excellent communication and writing skills in English;
Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN's values and ethical standards;
Positive, constructive attitude to work.
Required Skills and Experience
An Advanced Degree in humanities, policy analysis, social development, gender or a related field.
7 years of progressively working experience and knowledge in policy analysis, formulation of development strategies and policies and research in the relevant sectors (gender, Environment and Natural Resources, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Community development,) is key.
Language Requirements:
Interested candidate should be very fluent in English.
Price Proposal
The Consultants’ payment shall be based on the financial proposal developed for this consultancy;
Payment shall be made in three installments of; 20% down payment upon submission of an inception report acceptable to the client, 40% upon submission of an acceptable draft report and; 40% upon submission of acceptable final report.
Evaluation method and criteria
Cumulative analysis
The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
Responsive/compliant/acceptable; and
Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation. 70%-30%;
Technical Criteria weight 70%;
Financial Criteria weight 30%.
Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points (70% of the total technical points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.
Technical Criteria– Maximum 70 points:
Criteria A - Relevance of Education – Max 15 points;
Criteria B - Special skills, Language, etc.- Max 5 Points;
Criteria C - Relevance of experience – Max 20 points;
Criteria D - Description of approach/methodology to assignment – Max 30 Points.
Financial Proposal (Maximum 30 points): To be computed as a ratio of the Proposal’s offer to the lowest price among the proposals received by UNDP
The ENR gender strategy development process will be participatory, ensuring that as much as possible MWE/ ENR subsector staff and stakeholder are involved. An individual consultant will be procured to facilitate the process. The Consultant will make consultations with relevant MWE and ENR staff and stakeholder institutions aimed at gender situational analysis of the subsector as well as generating data and information for the strategy development.
Relevant documents within the Water and Environment sector and in other relevant stakeholder institutions / sectors will be reviewed to obtain further information for the development of the strategy.
The findings from the above processes will be presented and discussed at a stakeholder’s workshop by the consultant where he/she (consultant) will facilitate the participants to draft the ENR gender strategy with an action plan. The draft strategy will be presented to the relevant thematic working group and thereafter to the sector working group for final approval. The strategy is proposed to be published and launched in October 2013 at the Annual Joint Review.
Major outputs
The consultant will produce the ENR gender strategy and mainstreaming guidelines as the main output. In addition, the consultant will also be required to produce:
Submission Procedure
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications in one single PDF document;
Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP (see Annex II);
Updated Personal CV highlighting past experience in similar assignments and with 3 professional references with contact details (email and telephone);
Technical Proposal: suggested outline for technical proposal.
Approach and methodology for undertaking the assignment.
Financial proposal (in template provided in Annex II) stating an all-inclusive fixed lumpsum fee for this assignment in Ugandan Shillings or US Dollars, supported by a breakdown of costs. Such total lump sum price must include professional fee, and costs necessary to conduct the assignment such as communication costs, travel etc. The consultant will be paid against the completion of specific, measurable deliverables as identified in this TOR.
Annexes (to be downloaded from UNDP Uganda Website, procurement notices section:
Annex I - Individual Contractor General Terms and Conditions;
Annex II – Offerors Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability for the Individual Contractor Assignment.