
Hi nano-reef, first members aquarium post here!

 I've been planning and slowly piecing together my build for awhile now. still a ways away but I thought I would start my thread on this snowed in day. expecting a foot :/

anyways, In my head it looks great and I'm in love with it!

What I want to do is a 40 gallon breeder display tank over a 40 gallon breeder macro tank here is one of the inspiration tanks I've found.

anyone know of this tanks link or builds like it would be 


I am in the process of leak testing as I type and all seems to be going well there

 I went with the life reef prefilter because I will probably go custom/ bigger or get a 65 gallon down the road.

First impressions: I need to buy the silencer! and a filter sock to get rid of the bubbles.

 using 3/4 inch return and 1" hose from filter to macro tank. 

As some of you have seen me in the general section here I've been asking questions like, what is the best (whatever) I want to do this build right.

I feel like I rushed into my last 2 builds (both contents are going into these new tanks) and bought equipment that maybe I should have researched more. alas, nothing has died on me though.

Equipment I have already have  to transfer to the new build

AC 110 with intank media basket

AC 70 with intank media basket

A.L mini 115 skimmer (may use in AC from time to time) 

Hydor Koralia Evolution 750 (will use till I upgrade to Mp or WP)

Hydor Koralia Nano 425 x2   (will use till I upgrade to Mp or WP)

Equipment I bought for this build so far

Razor 160w

Tunze 3155

Equipment I plan on buying

Nanobox custom light

Cadlights Gen3 PLS-100. (not sure if I would need this as it would rob the macros of food)

 My girlfriend is bugging me to go eat now So I must cut this short. Looking for feed back

thanks for looking

crappy camera pics of the stand


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