I started this hoby with honest intentions, getting a 30 gallon long to start, it seemed like a good size, big enough to reduce the cost of my inevitable errors, but small enough to not break the bank. I was wrong on the second part. I then bought a 5 gallon tank to store some frags while I impatiently waited for the 30 to be stable, it turned into a small reef with a clown, and i know the police will be knocking down my door for this, but a rose BTA (doing great 4 months later, but currently in the 30, about to be sold to a fine young gentleman with a 90). I finally am now getting rid of the 30, and replacing it with a more manageable 16 tall (only filled to about 15g right now) I wish I had taken more pictures as I put it together, like I did when I did my custom gecko vivarium, but I'm starting it at this point, we all know it still has far to go.
I'm using a custom LED fixture, its a bit whiter than I was planning, but because of its awesome programability thats not an issue as I can just boost the blues and lower the whites. this picture isn't very representative, as my phone camera captured anything that wasn't RB as white there are actually only 7/28 white LEDs
I am fed up with the forever wrinkled plastic backings on my other tanks, so I decided to spray paint the back of this one, so far I love the look. I have a seio prop 320gph and a maxi-jet 400 set to about 110gph giving me water flow, and a 50W marineland heater. I have about 2-3 inches of ocean direct live sand, and about 20lbs of live rock from my 30.
I'm hoping with about half the live rock and sheer space to fill, I can get it looking beautiful and full the way I want, without hurting my wallet too bad.
in the tank right now are
1 turbo snail
3 nassarius snails,
4 blue legged hermit crabs
1 peppermint shrimp
second peppermint shrimp
skunk cleaner shrimp
second turbo snail
small TB occelaris clown
fire goby
2 small misc zoa colonies
purple tipped green branching frogspawn
I plan on getting a Fluval U2 filter to replace the maxi-jet, and allow for a little mechanical, and most importantly allow me to run carbon in the system. Other than that, no skimmer in the forseable future. I have a neat little mesh lid on it designed for 10g terrariums so it can take the heat from the lights. I'm looking to keep it with no skimmer, and just stay on top of my water changes. if anyone has any advice on no skimmer, it would be greatly appreciated.
Also, any opinions, keep the scape the way it is, or add the fourth rock:
Let me know what you think, and I'll keep you all updated as things progress!