
Language : English
Author : Neeta Iyer
Genre : Fiction
Publisher : Jaico Publishing House ( 2013 )
ISBN-13 : 9788184954166
ISBN-10 : 8184954166
Edition : 1st Edition
Binding : Paperback
Price : Rs. 199 ( Buy from Flipkart.com for Rs. 125 ( 37% Off )
Pages : 208

The Book Summary : A modern love story. Love Is A Funny Thing. When You Get Stuck On Someone, You Just Get Stuck. All Reasoning Fails.
Meet 29-year-old Swati Kannan who believes in bells chiming and violins playing when you meet your very own Prince Charming. But Cupid hasnt visited Swati. And then arrives news of the world coming to an end! Swati is determined to bring an end to her misery of being attractively single. So off she goes on a hunt an online groom-hunt leading to several rounds of coffee offline. While Rockstar Rohit sweeps her off her feet, Amusing Amit promises her laughter. Par Swati ki ghanti bajegi kya?
You'll just have to read Find_Love.com to find out, wont you?!

My Point of View ( P.O.V ) : We do tend to judge a book by its cover. Here the cover and the title gave a strong indication that it might be a love story based on internet ( we see many of those happening don't we? ). But as I flipped through the pages, to my pleasant surprise the book turned out to be so much more. The story is about love alright - but finding the true one i.e the soulmate. And the search is of course quite a humorous one ( and adventurous too ) that made the book an instant delight.

The protagonist Swati is a 29 year old, strong headed, independent girl ( an RJ by profession ) with a cool attitude. Her mother is hell bent ( like any other mother of a grown up girl ) on seeing Swati married off, with the latter too toying with the idea of settling down. It has interesting mention of the date 21st Dec2012 when the world was supposed to end, and Swati has to hurry and taste marital bliss somehow - at least once, before the dreaded calamity occurred. So, the hunt begins. The hunt for the ideal groom is what the book is all about, as Swati's ghanti apparently doesn't ring with any of 11 boys that she meets in as many chapters, all from different backgrounds. All the prospects are given interesting 'adjectives' ( before their names ) pertaining to their characteristics. Finally the 'ghanti' does ring ( thankfully so ) when she meets the 12th boy in the last chapter. The book takes a very enlightening journey through all match-making scenarios - ranging from age old traditions of families/relatives setting up the match to the modern online matrimonial websites. The story is a great insight of not just finding love, but how to infact take it ahead and really getting to know the soul-mate. What are all the probabilities and complexities that may arise in relationship. Every chapter will leave you with a 'what happens next' eager thought. All characters in this book are very real, unpretentious, hence, very relatable. Nowhere it seems they are forced upon. The book is a hilarious read with an underlying subtle message too.

As said in some interview by the author, the story has bits and touches from her personal experiences too, which makes it all the more enthralling. Both, those who wanna get married or those who wanna avoid the institution, will finding something in the book to their taste. In fact it'd not be wrong to say that it appeals to all sensibilities.

Positives : Written in simply, smooth, easy flowing and lucid style narration, this gripping book shall keep you hooked till end with its fresh and fun feel. It is a very witty and humourous read, that shall tickle your funny bones all the way. For a debut book the author has done a pretty commendable job. I'd love to read more from her. Though not a guide book per se on finding love, the book shall nonetheless give you some pretty good guidance along with the entertaining story. Highly recommended.
Negatives : None!
Who will enjoy this? - Everyone!
Buy or Don’t Buy? – A Must Buy!

About the Author : NEETA IYER. Music lover. Corporate ace. Travel fiend. Social junkie. Trendy. Full of life. With her debut novel Find_Love.com, Neeta adds to this elastic list her new facet of a writer.

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