Nancy Hendrickson. My primary niche is history & genealogy.  (But that doesn't mean I didn't love writing about

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News, stories and media buzz related to Nancy Hendrickson

  • The Golden Globes are known for stretching the boundaries of what’s considered comedy in their nominations, but Thursday’s nominations also blur the lines of what is considered an original song. In the Best Original Song – Motion Picture...

  • As developers for tablets and smartphones we like to keep abreast of the latest mobile technology developments . This is a daily digest of mobile development and related technology news gathered from the BBC, the New York Times, New Scientist and the...

  • In the (nearly exact) words of Jay-Z, I got 99 lead sources, and a bus bench ain’t one. The leads in this list are broken down into 16 different categories. I’ve gone into detail about a lot of lead sources, and you can find a full list of the 99 leads...

  • Rob Reece on Internet Marketing for Newbies and Praising God Rob Reece had been working for the man in the corporate world when he finally decided to work for himself doing Affiliate marketing. His story. Thanks so much for doing this interview, Rob...

  • 40 Ways To Get Referrals!
    via influencemoney

    Several people have been asking me how I’m able to get hundreds of referrals on the many programs that I use, so I decided to make a blog post to share my techniques. Here are 40 ways to get referrals! 1. Set a goal! Be patient and work consistently...

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SOCRATES is an international, refereed (peer-reviewed) and indexed scholarly hybrid open-access journal in Public Administration a... popular pages

  • Outline Master - Nancy Hendrickson

    Write! Yes, You! Isn’t it time you moved forward with your dream of writing your own book? Let me tell you a quick story . . . Many years ago while working at a job I didn’t like, I daydreamed about w...

  • Nancy Hendrickson – author, explorer, iphoneographer

      I’m Nancy Hendrickson, a multi-published non-fiction author. I’ve written for magazines, websites, and book publishers. Mostly non-fiction across genres, including astronomy, history, technology, ge...

  • Practicing the Craft – Nancy Hendrickson

      Awhile ago I wrote a flash non-fiction exercise based on three things on my desk. You can read the finished piece here. Little did I know that those three things revealed more about the inner ...

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