
Are you the next Marianne Williamson or Eckart Tolle?

Do you know in your heart you have a powerful message and transformational spiritual journey to share?

Are you ready to be seen as the transformational leader you know you are and expand your impact worldwide through sharing your method, processes or system?

Is there a book – or many – burning inside you that can heal, inspire, empower or transform someone’s life right now?

If you said “Yes” to any of the above, I want to help you write, publish and prosper your purpose through a book, product or podcast.

Why would you be interested in talking to me about your book, your story and your Spiritual purpose?

My second personal #1 bestselling book “Be Love” went to #1 by 8 am the day it debuted. I am the author of 4 bestselling books, 3 radio shows, one top 10 podcast, an internet tv show, and over 40 products including the international bestseller “Flip Your Rich Switch” and 5 coaching programs. I am an Enlightened entrepreneur with a community of over 23,000 worldwide, blending my spiritual path with my service and income, building (and helping others build) multi 6 & 7 figure businesses for the last 27 years.

My podcast “Bliss Streaming” hit #6 in ALL podcasts in itunes.

My Award Winning Spiritual Publishing company, BlissLife Press, just won an industry award for our “publish & prosper with your purpose” bestseller campaigns, creating #1 bestsellers.(See picture of my co-founder Chris accepting it on stage further down the page).

Our publishing company, BlissLife Press, was selected as one of 5 top experts to speak at a publishing industry event. Chris was featured on an expert panel in front of 250 Publishing Industry professionals talking about how to MONETIZE your book, and media exposure, which we do through our publishing packages, author coaching and Bliss business school.

I am looking for the next Generation of Leading Experts in Self Help... Spirituality, Energy Healing or Enlightened entrepreneurship. who is ready to make an impact and change lives around the planet with a book with heart and soul.

Publish your Consciousness Raising Book with BlissLife Press now =>>Book a Free Consultation Now<<=

We are on a Mission – and so are you. Our Mission is to find the Light Leaders – you –  and help you write, design, launch, market, leverage and monetize your book,  your talents and your purpose.

You are reading this for a reason… our paths are meant to cross…

It’s time to make your dreams of expanding your reach, raising your voice and touching, transforming and healing in a bigger way come true. We are here to help you.

BlissLife Press – Publish & Prosper Your Purpose

Publishing – Marketing – Coaching

Enlightened Publishers for a Planet of Peace – Prosperity – Partnership

No matter what your publishing ambitions may be, BlissLife Press gives you the keys to unlock your Spiritual purpose and Soul potential as an author and leader in your field. You stay in creative control while receiving our expert guidance as your manuscript is transformed into a published – bestselling – book.

>>Book a Free Consultation Now<< to see what your next step is to Publish & Prosper Your Purpose.

We do best seller book marketing campaigns for:

Enlightened Entrepreneurs

Spiritual Leaders, Teachers

Energy Workers


Conscious Evolutionaries

Transformational Coaches & Consultants

Thought Leaders




Mindset & Energy psychology

Earth friendly, eco-futurists



Leading Edge Writers and Paradigm Shifters

Mediums and Psychics, wizards, witches and Shapeshifters

Law of Attraction, Universal Law teachers

New Age practitioners

Goddess, nature, and ancient

World Mysteries and teachings


Angels, Aliens and other life forms

Messengers for the Light…. (including coaches, speakers and business owners)

Miracle stories

Animal and interspecies communication, interdimensional travel and communication,

… who want to uplift and transform the world..

We launch you to attract your tribe, gain credibility and bestseller status and create a media presence for your mission and brand.

We show you how to leverage your bestselling book into more opportunities, business, money, resources, visibility, credibility, reach and impact.

Are you the next Marianne Williamson or Eckart Tolle? is a post from: Nan Akasha, CHT

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