
Are you interested in starting an Ambulance service business in your locality or town? Do you want to learn what it takes to start off an Ambulance service business?

An Ambulance service Business is a business that can be done as a part time business or as a full time service business. You can start the business off on your own or form partnership.

Ambulance service business or Emergency medical service business is all about providing services such convey medical emergency cases, critical or injure patient to hospital and well as conveying patient’s remains to mortuary or home for funeral service purposes.

Whether you intend starting an emergency medical service business with a single EMT vehicle or you aim to start off an ambulance service company, the business is a silent one but the potential profit margin is extremely high.

Ok, if actually you have made up your mind to go into the ambulance service business of providing EMT vehicles for emergency medical services to clients, then below is everything you need to know about starting the business.

How to Start an Ambulance Service Business on Your Own Locality

This article is not restricted to any region, country or locality. The ambulance service business is a silent profitable business that can be taken advantage of; regardless of your country or locality.

Making use of the information I will be providing below, you can start your own ambulance service business or company in South Africa, USA, Canada, UK, Australia, India, Nigeria, Cameroun and even Ghana. The ambulance or EMT vehicle service business is universal; the only difference in this business is the currency of your location, the economy of the region, the perception and culture of the particular region in which the business is situated.

Make the decision to start your own ambulance service business

To get started in the ambulance service business, you need to first decide if this business is for you. Take the initiative by planning and listing all the reasons why you think you can succeed in the business. Willingness to serve humanity is the most important prerequisite of an ambulance services business. As expected of any kind of business, offering ambulance services is a business that requires passion and dedication; you need to love the job in other to reap the profits. I advice you read the article on “10 Helpful tips in starting a successful ambulance service business” to get a glimpse on how to succeed in this business.

10 Helpful tips in starting a successful ambulance service business

Acquire all necessary certification and skills required for the ambulance service business

Before starting an ambulance service business, it is important you understand want things are involved in running an EMT vehicle service business. Mind you that running an ambulance service business entails willingness to serve humanity. You are attempting to save lives of individuals by this business hence you have to be humane in it rather than thinking on churning money from it. Although, there are always great rewards that come in your way as you run the business diligently.

A good way to start is to attend a driving school and acquired a driving license. One advantage of acquiring a driving license is that you can be driving one of the EMT vehicles.

If you are to grow the ambulance service business to a high level then you need such a business initiatives such as;

• self-management skill,

• financial independence and where need be, ability to follow these Ways to Raise Funds to Start the Business,

• Appealing personal traits.

In ambulance service business an appealing personal traits are needed. These personal appealing traits include; being patient, zealous and energetic. You have to be humane in your approach to the business. Always, Present yourself pleasantly and show calmness even when encountering with people of unusual temperaments. You don’t in any form be angry to your customers or disagree with them.

• Persuasion and negotiation skill,


Best use of personal skills and better knowledge.

Choose a business name for your ambulance service business and register it

One of the major factors you must consider carefully is the model of startup. Will you start the ambulance service business as a registered company or none registered business? I will rather suggest you register the business. For those in Nigeria who wish to start the business as registered company, can registered on CAC online business registration portal and if you are non-Nigerian, you inquire about the parastatals in charge of business name registration in your country. Your business name should be reprinted on all your EMT vehicles which will serve a form of advertisement

Decided whether to partner with or lease your EMT vehicle to hospitals or medical centre

A man named Ronald Nzimora, a top information marketing strategist started a haulage firm with two trucks; leased it to Dangote and made close to a Million Naira doing nothing. Even as of today, he still makes millions leasing his trucks to Dangote.

You too can still make Million Naira by either partnering with or leasing your EMT vehicle to hospitals or medical centre. This is one sure way of maximizing profit in this business.

Write your ambulance service business plan

Any business without a business plan has being short-circuited. A business plan will serve as a blueprint for the business and its team. Having a business plan clearly helps you set your business mission, vision, goals and objectives; and also help keep you on track. Even if you are starting ambulance service business as ‘one man business’, write a business plan because it can become an important tool tomorrow for the business expansion and outsourcing for fund. Banks can’t give loan without seeing your business plan. To expand your ambulance service business by attracting investors, writing a winning investor’s business plan will be of great help.

Time Management

Ambulance service business requires high level of seriousness, dedication and most importantly good time management ability. There is usually an increase demand to serve customers on time and ability to always remain at their disposal. There are times you might be called upon even when you are resting. So, always keep yourself ready at all times and facilitate this much of demanding service for better service delivery. Your team of management and workers should be ready to filling this mission of better service. A 24-working hour schedule rooster should created and implemented for your workers to help solve the problem of time lapses.

Look for a good locality

If you are going run this business as a full time business, you need a good location. Of course, you know that the company should be sited near hospital, mortuary or medical centre. So, take into consideration the land marks in case they will be need for expansion in near future.

Decide on the number of staff to employ

What number of persons (staff) will you employed. You may need to start the business with 5-10 workers- depending on your financial capacities and you as you grow, you employ more staff

Buying an Ambulance

Seven things you should consider when buying an ambulance

1. How will the EMT vehicle be used?

Is it going to be use as ALS or BLS, rescue or transport only, rural or urban? Basic Life Support, non-rescue vehicles, requires less equipment to be carried and t smaller vehicles may be used. Rural use may require the need to carry additional equipment.

2. How is the Fuel consumptions

Ambulances historically have never been designed to maximize fuel efficiency; efforts are being made to maintain this standard.

3. What is the Structural Integrity of the vehicle

Vehicle integrity is determined using static weight testing and no crash testing is usually need but unfortunately all the re-enforcement materials are forgotten stories, they are all out of sight.

4. What safety factors are built into the vehicle?

In recent years, there has been a big push to improve safety for the vehicle occupants. Washout for safety cabinet for patient in the vehicle.

5. Availability of parts

Are the parts readily available in case something went wrong with a part or when you needed to replaced worn-out part.

6. Life of vehicle

An ambulance that is used for only 3-4 years is still a high value EMT vehicle; for some companies as a primary response vehicle, for others a sound back-up vehicle.

7. Price

All the items mentioned above will impact the price you pay for a particular ambulance. Changing from diesel to gas-powered vehicles will require a change in parts of the vehicle. Incorporating safety features also costs money. The summary of it is that if you want a structurally sound, safe and green vehicle, it will cost more upfront to purchase.

In terms of finances involved you have to think about it in a smart way. Are you ready to accept the challenge of decreased financial compensation? Wait for better prospects when your ambulance services business reaches certain level to offer good profit margin.
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