
Another masterpiece from your Legendary Poet….. Godspower Oshodin.


my state of mind funeral is locked in legendary dungeon,

followers colonel in golden’s gate memoir.

booked terrorist of intellectual monopoly,

a poet wrote a rescued inventory that saved the economy.

i seat relaxed in angelic gangling chairs,

that brightens the pocket, but, corrupt flairs.

i was engraved in poetic legends grave-yard,

before the poet’s mind captured his spiritual courtyard.

my creativity left many with intellectual confidence,

because i control the power that battles the residence.

i oblige with humility, because i bow to God,

my lovely presence that the gods gives accord.

i really wasn’t forced to join this intellectual minors,

the only space left, is for those intellectual warriors.

even if i am rich before my aged relevance,

i still shared the coins that made you advanced.

it started around my poetic do-mot,

it relief my tamed quality that brings me monetary donors.

i was sure i would bring back the honour in one poetry,

and you all substituted me for John Keats Cementary.

i was announced inside you digital consciousness,

in few nano-seconds, i married your most relevant poetess.

i revamped your poetic front door that broke my staff,

it didn’t along the world’s center-half.

the whole city short-down, my beauty they preached,

below my momentary carelessness, i am still your loyal fish.

the people stopped their naivety to respect my essence,

and i am not available around your reluctant presence.

the poet left in legendary colours,

death would definitely come, but let’s respect our valor.

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