
All good things must come to an end.


[This is going to be as long and disordered as I want it to be, because this is my retirement post.]


Yes, I’m retiring.

I’m not retiring because I want to; I’m retiring because I need to. I haven’t lost interest, and I most definitely haven’t given up on the Nachos (I would never do that). It’s just that I have a number of crucial exams in October so I need to devote most of my time to studying. If the aforementioned exams were only a one-time thing, I would simply just go on a leave rather than retiring. However, after these exams, I still need to study for the more and more exams after that. For this reason I have decided that it is in my best interest to completely retire from armies. I will probably never rejoin long-term ever again, but I will be able to temporarily join if I ever have time to spare – such as the time I spent so far since I’ve rejoined this summer holiday.

Even from the start of my second run here, I knew very well it wouldn’t last long. Therefore, I am especially grateful for becoming an owner (which has always been an army goal of mine) for the first time ever, within less than a month of rejoining.

I feel that this decision of mine is a win-win situation deep down. I will finally get the peace to study with full dedication and live my life to the fullest without having to worry about how my virtual army’s going, which is what I need right now. For you, it’s good because you’re better off having active and dedicated owners. You deserve better than a 3ic (Yes, I consider myself a 3ic for a number of reasons *wary*) who can’t give her 100% effort to contribute to this army anymore. Recently, though, I couldn’t even make events because I needed to study (according to my parents) instead. This was my call to retire. I’d rather not be in the army at all than to be a mediocre owner who can’t make simple events anymore. I even found dedicating time towards making this post difficult.

I hope you understand why I’m retiring. This is life, you have to sacrifice your happiness and the present in order to have a successful future. I’m sorry for leaving so soon. As an owner I really wanted to help aid this army back to first place but I guess that’s not what fate wanted. I’m sad that I didn’t get to achieve all my army goals, yet I’m glad that I’ve achieved some, including the most important one of all: To have fun. I definitely won’t forget that.

The rest of this post will comprise of a basic run through of my not-super-interesting army career (because I like talking about myself :mrgreen:), my Thank you’s, pictures (of my time here, I mean *wary*), and my thoughts to this army!


[Yeah, this is the part of my post where everything important that happened during my army career will be written even though nobody’s likely to read any of this. Oh well. :mrgreen: ]


It all started when I was 8. One of my best friends introduced me to Club Penguin. My first penguin’s name was Waddle06009, but I forgot the password whilst on vacation and so I created Cutie2854 (v/ v/ original, I know…) which was supposed to be a rip-off of my best friend’s penguin’s username *facedesk* (which I still hate, but have stuck with till this day).

Funnily enough, in all my 3 years of playing Club Penguin prior to discovering Club Penguin Armies, I never really saw an army ever online. I would research everything about Club Penguin. I read a lot of CP blogs too, including one called the Funkytwins CP Blog. Juju and Maddie, the blog’s two owners, posted about their little ‘army’ called the Bunny Bandits. I shrugged it off as a little inconspicuous get-together until I saw a comment from one of their readers, Wexfief, who mentioned his army too. Then I realized that Club Penguin ‘armies’ might be a legit thing. Immediately, I started to research about it.

This was when I stumbled upon the ACP site in late 2012. I read through all the pages, including the godforsaken history page o.e. Going through an actual army’s site taught me a lot about how armies worked. However, I found the ACP kind of boring compared to their long-term rivals, the Nachos. I was quite sensible and so before joining any army, I decided to research most of them (along with deciding to join armies, I also wanted to be a Club Penguin blogger, so I also made a blog a little before I joined armies, although it’s obviously not famous and rarely updated). In the end I had my mind set: ‘After the new year, I’m going to become a Nacho!’ Which is exactly what happened on some random day in mid January 2013.

I still remember coming on chat for the first time. When I first came on, I had no idea what was happening (But hey, +1 to me for at least knowing how to instantly change my name from a default, unlike a LOT of nulls, surprisingly). Back then Puckley, Beeky, Ads and Edd were leading, so after finding out Puck was leader I pretty much bombarded him with nooby questions. :D Soon enough, I made events and commented on the site.

Within no time, I actually got the hang of chat and started using better grammar already. Quickly, I got quite popular (If you thought I’m liked a lot right now, you should’ve seen me back then o.e) and made a lot of friends like Pyjamas, Baseball, Selena, Power, Pony, Cool, Chrisi, Harry, Sport, Arceus, Ungeace and loads more. As for being a troop, I was SO desperate to be the best troop ever (I still do, tbh :$). I was in the UK Division back when 6789Cool was leading it (and when my life was much more better…). I completely admired how well he did at his role of leading the division. I had always wanted to be the UK Leader someday (I never knew I’d end up being an Aus leader o.e). I attended almost every single event, US included sometimes. Cool commended me in some of his posts and I felt so proud of myself (lol @ my seriousness).

I ended up getting a promotion every single month. Around March, I discovered the HSA chat, and I was instantly hooked. Although I never joined, I spent a lot of my time there as well, and I was pretty tight with a lot of the people there. And for all that, I won’t forget about them either, as a lot of fun memories were created there too.

By the time summer rolled around we were at our peak. Maxing above 50 wasn’t unusual and it was the beautiful start to our Golden Age of 2013 Summer.

I was also an avid reader of CPAC, which I became a reporter (although all my posts were philosophy-ish xD) for in early June. On 30th June 2013 (my birthday) I got promoted to mod, and I also received Nacho of the Month and it felt hella great. In August 2013 (I know I shouldn’t get personal, but that was the worst month of my life) life decided it was going to well for me, and my dad got a new job outside of England. It took me a month to readjust to life before I started going back to events. Moving had one drastic change on me – I couldn’t make loads of events. The UK events were a bit early for me and the US ones were even earlier. In September, I told Puck about my problem, and he said he knew how to solve it. :D His smart thinking led to the birth of the Nacho’s first Ausia Division led by 1234Power and I, with other Ausia owners such as Selena, Crash and Toonlink. Although we all were great friends, and Power and I were compatible as leaders, we only managed to get sizes of 3-4. By November the same year, I got 4ic (and mod of the month ^-^) and I knew it would be a while till I would get owner (which happened 1 year and 10 months later!). Nothing in particular happened until April 2014. I was very busy with school and the division wasn’t improving, and so I decided to retire from armies. Although I was absent from armies for over a year (I still haven’t caught up on what happened during then! *ono*) I was still in contact with a lot of army friends by kik.

Fast-forward to June 2015, when I finally got summer vay-cay’s! This was after taking my first couple of legit exam, so I was all ‘hey, how about I go check on how the nachos’ are going?’ so I went on incog and chatted for the fun of it. It was extremely fun and it brought back old memories. It was around the 10th or something like that, when I decided to actually go on my own xat account lol. I talked like how an average retiree would. It was also fun as hell, but when events started, I would go off with no intention to actually log in. One day, I decided to log in for an event, and it was actually fun all over again. That’s when I decided to rejoin on the 18th of June for second highest mod. I made events and went on chat frequently. I became friends with amazing people who weren’t in the army back before I retired last time. I got promoted to top mod once again by the end of June. This time, I made most US events even though 90% of them were past midnight for me. I co-led at Ausia events with Zek (now Ausia averages 10 which I think is wonderful for the division! :’)) With Ausia events, I made events twice a day and at awkward timings for me. At this point, I was convinced that I had to be promoted to owner because I put so much devotion towards being a Nacho. I felt quite underappreciated for being stuck as a 4ic/highest mod for such a long time. After a little while, I became Ausia leader along with Zek and Lego. A little while longer, and I started leading at events even as a moderator. The same day we led Ausia to sizes of 22, on the 12th of July, Dash promoted me to owner! Although I kind of suspected it would happen that night, I was still so flabbergasted and amazed. After a while on the 6th of August, due to a change in the ownership, I got promoted to 2ic – where I am now.

My run as an owner has been sweet but short so far. It’s a great feeling to come on chat to be welcomed by a golden pawn – but not as great as the feeling I get just realizing I work alongside the other fantastic owners here. Leading at events has given me more and more experience so now I actually know what I’m doing (and has made my experience in armies more enjoyable for me). :$

And that’s it with my career. Ever since I joined armies my goals were to 1. Become an owner 2. Become the first female leader 3. Lead the army to 1st place 4. To be a legend (one can dream, right?) & 5. To have fun. Although I can’t become the first female leader now, I still wish I could become a leader in the future. But now I don’t have the time to do that unfortunately. I’m still grateful for everything else I achieved though, such as getting 2ic/owner, being the first Ausia leader, getting several nacho awards, and being a CPAC reporter.

I know I haven’t done much, and that I’m not super influential in this community, but I’m still proud of whatever I did. No ragrets!! ;) Anyway, I’ll miss being able to change the scroll, and being able to talk while everyone else is hushed xD

I’ll miss it all. I’d like to thank all those who were a part of my past, even if it was only for a day. I’d like to thank everyone who has been so supportive of me. I would also like to thank those very few people who critiqued and doubted me, as that only made me stronger and better. Nobody’s time would be worth the effort if they don’t gain anything or learn anything from it. It’s all about making mistakes and then picking yourself back up!


Thank You’s:

[Throughout my time here, I’ve made a lot of lovely acquaintances. Here, most of them will be mentioned. Of course, I may have missed some of you. I apologise for that. Truly, I love each and every single one of you equally.]


Puckley: You’re truly a legend. Being a troop under your leadership itself is an honor. Thank you for everything! When life gives you lemons, give them to Puck O:

Beeky: Although you may not be recognized as a legend by CPAC, you’ll always be one to us. Thanks for being a great leader, and thanks for everything you’ve helped me with. :D

Dash: hey dashypoo!!1! Thanks for everything! I’ll never forgive you for retiring sobs . You were an amazing leader and you sure knew how to keep things fun. In return of enduring all my torturing questions and PC’s, I gift you with a tuna smoothie (and extra math homework :mrgreen:)! O: O:

Zek: Over the very little time we led together, we’ve become close friends. Thanks for everything! You and Lego have done a fantastic job with the Ausia division. :D I’m confident that even when I’m gone, you’ll continue to bring Ausia to even better heights. Best of with everything!

Lego: You’re a good friend. Thanks for errythang Lego ;D. You may have your doubts about yourself – but you’re doing great. With time comes experience, after all. I’m sure you and Zek will do a great job with Ausia. Good luck with everything!

Pyjamas: PEEEEEJAYYYYY :O This is definitely not goodbye, as we kik anyways. But I’d just to thank you for everything while we were in armies. You were one of my first and bestest friends. I’ll never forget those late night conversations or going incog and trolling on other army chats. xD

Love you. <3

Dan: ur a loser.

I kid. But really, you’re my fave beaner ;D Thank you for everything laymo. I’ll still be pissing you off and insulting you on kik :^D :^D. Although you act like you don’t give a shit, deep down you’re a very kind and caring person (*gags*). Have fun BJ Dan, and continue being the manwhore you are! #teamsluts ;D

Cool: Back when I joined, after Puck, you were my role model. Being a UK troop under you was definitely an unforgettable experience. You were a great friend and one of the most supportive out there! Thanks for everything. <3

Fluffy: flooooofeh! O: You’re my pedo smile partner in crime. You’re such a nice person and also fun to talk to c: Good luck with errythang – you’ll get promoted eventually ;)

o and quit stalking my wordpress D: *d*

Kevin, Step & Agent: You guys are wonderful and dedicated leaders who’ll bring the Nachos back to our former glory someday. Your maturity and dedication will certainly pay off. You all are lovely and thank you for everything!

Other owners: leading alongside all of you was a great experience. <3

Sava: SAVAAAA!! You are no doubt the smexiest person in the Nachos. Thanks so much for all your support and friendliness. You’re a super great friend and a golden troop. I’ll miss you *sobz*

Stay sexy! ;D <3

Jamie: Minifotty!! You’re one of my favorite people on xat. Everybody needs a friend like you in their life. We’re still gonna kik though *d*

Jamie: Jamieee!! I think of both you Scottish Jamie’s as brothers, damn. Thanks for being a great friend! ;D Talking to you is always fun, and best of luck with everything.

Pony: PONYYYY :O You’re a great friend. You’re mad talented, and good luck with everything you do! :cool:

Emz/Rare: You are the epitome of a wonderful troop. You’re probably my first golden troop. Keep up everything and you’ll go through the ranks in no time! Stay awesome! <3

Chey: MY WIFEY FO LIFEYYYY. I’ll miss ya girl :( Thanks for being awesome. I still owe you a cam session, don’t I? *swt*

Selena, Power & Mak: Although you guys don’t come on anymore, I’LL NEVER FORGET OUR TINYCHAT SESSIONS, OUR KIK CONVERSATIONS AND OUR TRANSFORMICE TIMES. :’O Ice-cream doesn’t make me as horny as it used to before. IMY. *cue nostalgic background music*

Crash: You are practically my soul brother. It’s a shame you’re so busy these days, but that’s the effect of being successful ;) You’re one of the few people I trust. Good luck with everything! If you ever have the time to, you better rejoin. *d*

Substers: SUBS!!!!!! One of my oldest friends on xat – rollin’ since those HSA days. Thanks for everything gurrrrlfriend :O. Stay rad!

Robecuba: First time I said your name properly. You’re one of the authentic Nachos ;D Stay rad!

Infinity: You’re probably never going to read this, but you were a wonderful best friend to me. Don’t forget, we’re JUMBO DRUG DEALING PENGUINS!! XD

Kay: JAY-Z. Ily, possibly no homo. *hello* But really, I can’t believe we used to hate each other! xD Stay sexy. ;D

Bubbagum: You were hella rad. It’s a shame you’re probably not gonna read this. Best of luck, all the same, dude. ;D

Splasher: SPLUSH !!! Thanks for the fun times, man. You’re an awesome
guy. Best of luck with everything weirdo. ;D

Roc & Max: Other golden troops! Thanks for everything! You both need another cookie. :o

Danny: I burnt your meninist hoodie. :D

Camp: When you’re not being a perv (which rarely ever happens) you’re a cool guy. I’ll never forget your eccentric pm’s – although I’m trying to…

Honourable Mentions:

















































Other Andy

Other Andy









Ace Fireken


Harry Joe

















Some pictures of my time here:


Final Words/Thoughts:

(No, I’m not dying)

To the Ausia Troops: You guys have progressed tremendously. I am so grateful for the effort each and every single one of you put in! Just make sure you recruit whenever you can, and just attend events and be a good sport on chat. You all are mad loyal and I couldn’t have asked for better troops. I’m sure Zek and Lego will do an epic job on further expanding this division! I will remain an Ausia advisor. But for now, work hard, play hard.

To this fine army: You guys are amazing. Really, I can’t express this any further in words. I’ve felt at home here for the past 2.5 years, and it’s all thanks to you. Apart from that, stay inapp n edgy!!!!1!

Anyway, even though we may currently appear to be in a stump, it happens. If you want to see this army first again, you need to put in more dedication, handwork and motive. You have the potential to crush every damn army. Don’t quit! DON’T LET YOUR DREAMS BE DREAMS!!!!! We are the best there is, out there, really. It’s time we establish our immortal dominance once again! But then again, don’t go overboard. Please don’t take things to seriously. Don’t give the leaders shit if you didn’t get promoted. Never intentionally try and harm this army just because nobody listened to one small thing you wanted – because that is ridiculous. You should be happy about the progression of the army, regardless of what your role in it. Every one of us troops are responsible for this army, so make it the best it can be. In addition, if a person calls you something rude, don’t take it personally. This is an idea I’ve wanted to spread to everybody. The pro tip is not giving a shit about the insults. Unite for a common goal. Don’t let one or two stumps get in the way of your success. Also, don’t ever be ashamed of your opinions, and don’t ever let anyone control your army life. Be proud of who you are – after all, we’re Nachos, and we’re sexy as fuck.

I’m clearly a very patriotic Nacho. :lol:

Anyway, I will never regret joining this army and only staying in this one army. All my effort was worth it. Once again, thank you all for everything! Whether you supported me, annoyed me, or just hated me (but then again, that’s rare because nobody would hate me :cool:), it made me stronger. I’ll never forget this place, or you people.

Thank you.

nacho pride, server wide

So, for the last time,


~ Sombreros together, Nachos forever!

~ Cutie2854,  former Nacho 2ic and Ausia Leader

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