Now Elm before you start reading I’d just like to make this clear:
Now Elmikey, I usually don’t make posts bashing on people but upon reading your “victory” post on Alaska. I honestly wasn’t sure if your ego is just so huge that you’re in denial of ever losing, or you really are just a complete idiot who is ignorant of his own community. Then I figured you’re both. Now, Lets proceed onto your post.
“RPF leadership was DDoSed and so were a few Generals. I was unaffected since I got a new router/ip & I haven’t commented on any site besides this one. At this time (2 hours later) they are still being hit offline. It is unfortunate because these kids wanted to play Club Penguin and have a fun-filled snow ball fight. I advise all members of theRebel Penguin Federation to not comment on any other army website or else they will get your IP address and use a simple program to shut down your internet indefinitely in attempt of weakening RPF The Nachos have attempted to weaken us by all means necessary, they DDoS’d, Multi-log, Bully & lie.”
~Now honestly Elmikey as I stated in a previous post, this is honestly pathetic using anti-Nacho propaganda, making false accusations, just in an attempt to boost your ego, and give yourself a little satisfaction so you can believe that your army is superior to ours, when honestly it’s not. This proves it, having to make false accusations due to the fact that your army can’t stand our forces. That honestly just shows that to make yourself look better you make these lies. You make claim after claim, after claim yet you have nothing to back it up? When Nachos claim something, they’ll have something to back it up, if all these accusations were true, you’d have some evidence to back it up, yet you refuse to provide it? Why? As I stated before because none of this true! We’ve made accusations and we have tons of evidence to prove it in previous posts. Stop feeding all these lies to your troops, just so you don’t hurt your huge ego! It’s honestly disgusting.
“They accuse our army by saying we cheat which is a total lie, I operate my army the same way I did when I was 2ic in 2007. These guys don’t even play CP. The Nacho Empire is a group of chat room trolls and nothing more. The Rebel Penguin Federation stood strong while we watched as the enemy made fools of themselves.”
~ You say we lie? As I just stated we have evidence proving our accusations all over other posts, feel free to look. Now where’s yours? Where is your evidence? Right not one single piece of evidence. You say we don’t log on Club Penguin? No, No Elmikey you’re confused, we log on, we all just don’t have the “luxury” of being on Club Penguin all day. The ironic thing is you bash on people for not playing Club Penguin, to my knowledge you bashed the Ice Warriors for not wanting to log on Alaska which is pitiful, yet you constantly whine about Club Penguin sucking nowadays compared to the “old days” do you not realize how hypocritical that makes you sound? Listen to what you’re saying.
Now, now the most humorous thing on your post was your battle report. You mention the town, and berg as if it was the battle, that was about an hour before the battle, you decided to log in an hour earlier because you’re scared of the Nacho forces, you claimed you wanted all your troops to log on because you were worried the server would get “full” please, Klondike had one bar, you were panicking, you say we “retreated” the town and berg, what your idiotic mind fails to grasp is that wasn’t the battle yet, the nachos weren’t retreating, and even if we were, you can’t use that as points to win the battle, it’s the battle yet, how hard is that to understand? you were desperately already giving your army orders to charge, and attack Nachos who weren’t even being given orders yet? I constantly pc’d you making you aware of what an idiot you were making of yourself, and that the battle had yet not begun, but I guess you were just too stupid to understand. We hadn’t even ordered our troops to log in yet there you were an hour early fighting forces who weren’t even being given orders. Goes to show how terrifying our forces can be to you.
Now, during the battle you constantly claim you “moved rooms” (yeah, lets just use another way of saying retreat) so all of your locked out troops, can have fun. Don’t make me laugh, just stop, stop, stop trying to defend your huge ego. Yeah that’s called retreating to regroup, because your sizes weren’t enough. you retreated because you were overwhelmed in every room we battled in, you rarely ever had locked out troops it’d be four at the most, while Nachos would still overwhelm your puny forces in the battle room, we’d still have locked out forces of 15-20 and you know what we have proof of our locked troops, you? Nah, you just claim these things, so they must be true! Just to prove how powerful our locked out forces were: During the battle at forts, now I honestly don’t know if you’re trying to protect your ego, or you really are just stupid, you claimed the Nachos had retreated to the plaza, now if you honestly were stupid enough to think that, you were just proving the force of our locked troops, what you saw at Plaza were our locked troops, not the Nacho army retreating, the locked nachos were stationed at the plaza since the beginning of the battle at forest. So our locked forces at the plaza were enough for you to move your entire army to just battle them? Our locked forces were good huh?
“Note: The Rebel Penguin Federation is a real Club Penguin army, our soldiers enjoy throwing snowballs and hunting the enemy. Many will disobey orders so they can truly enjoy themselves and have fun. Also a good number of our troops are not allowed to use xat so they just run around the server and hunt the enemy and throw snowballs at them. They would rather actually fight some Nachos than dance in circles and take pictures. I respect that.”
You mean you’re happy a majority of your army knows how to use auto typers, and would gladly spend hours on Club Penguin using them right? That’s pathetic even making your members use auto typers. Also you constantly “claim” rooms even though the claiming rule was abolished, once again you’re ignorant about the current rules and culture of CP Warfare.
So, in all Elmikey you’re one of the most idiotic, hypocritical, egotistical persons I have ever met in CP Armies, now here’s just a few more things I think of you: