
We LOVE Halloween and will be sharing some fun things you can make with a small child for Halloween. We all know Halloween is a time when we fill ourselves with goodies, so we wanted a know how to have a healthy Halloween. Who better to ask than a fab blogger we love to follow, Grace from Eats Amazing.

Hi! I’m Grace, I run a blog called Eats Amazing where I write about fun and healthy food for children, and at the invitation of the lovely Kirsty and Clara, I’m honoured to be here today to share some fun food ideas for Halloween!

Halloween can be a tricky time of year if you’re trying to eat healthily, especially if you’ve got young children. Here in the UK Halloween is becoming more and more of a big deal, with trick or treating and Halloween parties becoming a firm fixture in the October calendar. I love this, it’s a really fun festival and it’s fantastic for kids too, but it does bring with it a whole host of sugar filled sweets and treats leading to something of a sugar overload. With this in mind, I’m going to share some easy ways to make Halloween food extra fun, without all the sugar!

First of all, I’m a great believer that it’s all in the name. Call a bowl of healthy pea and broccoli soup ‘Swamp Soup’ and the kids are much more likely to eat it! The same goes for guacamole, and the yummy green smoothies shown below – my boys have been requesting these time and time again since I served them up as swamp monster smoothies a few weeks ago. Around this time of year spaghetti bolognese becomes ‘mud and worms’ and yoghurt covered raisins ‘ghost bogies’ – with a bit of imagination anything can be transformed with a fun name!

The reason I first started the Eats Amazing blog was to share the fun and healthy bento lunches that I make for my older son every day for school. Throughout October his lunches take a distinctly spooky theme, much to his delight, but my job of creating a month’s worth of fun Halloween lunches is made much easier by using cupcake rings and picks to decorate them. They’re great for making simple meals fun, whether they be in a lunch box or on a plate, and they’re great for decorating cakes and cupcakes too, of course! I decorated the lunch below (which is packed in our Yumbox bento box) with monster robot cupcake rings, an eyeball cupcake ring and a ghost cocktail stick.

A really simple way of decorating food to make it fun is to add eyes! I have a few different easy tricks up my sleeve to do this – with the eyeball cupcake rings I mentioned above, or one of my favourite bento tools, the googly eye bento picks you can buy from the Eats Amazing Shop, with candy eyeballs or with one of my favourite tricks – mini marshmallow eyes! These are so easy to make – you just cut them in half with clean kitchen scissors, dot them with an edible marker pen or food colouring then stick them straight onto your healthy food (fruits like apples, plums or grapes are perfect for this)

Another really easy fun Halloween food idea is to turn a clementine into a pumpkin. Draw on faces with sharpie (the peel will be discarded so it won’t get on the food) and top them with little leaf bento picks for an instant healthy Halloween snack! (The snack box shown below is the Goodbyn snacks container, available in a range of colours from the Eats Amazing Shop)

Last but not least one of our favourite themes to use for Halloween food at the moment is mummies! They are so easy to create using strips of tortilla wrap, cheese or pastry, or you can make fun ‘mummies on a stick’ as shown in the bento lunch below. To make them, just cut a sandwich into small squares and thread them onto bamboo skewers (trim the sharp ends off first for very young children). Finish them off with little circles of cheese for eyes – I dotted mine with an edible maker pen. I also mummified a mandarin orange for this lunch by wrapping it in strips of masking tape and adding a couple of eye bento picks – my son thought it was hilarious!

I hope you’ve enjoyed the fun food ideas I’ve shared today, proof that Halloween can be healthy too! Thank you very much to Clara and Kirsty for inviting me along to share them! If you’d like to see what else I’ve been creating this Halloween, do pop over and visit my blog Eats Amazing, I’d love to see you there!

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The post Healthy Halloween Food – Post from Eats Amazing appeared first on My Two Mums.

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