
The Forum ran just over an hour in length, and most of the small audience stayed behind to talk some more. The two Mayoral Candidates took additional questions after the adjournment. There was a full dais at the Bourbon Boosters Candidates Forum held on Tues., Mar. 10. (L-R) Mayoral Candidates Sarah Havens, Gene Kulaga, Danny Skaggs, unopposed Aldermen John Doherty and Mike Manwarren and Forum Moderator Mike Delashmit.

By Jeff Tolle

The three candidates for Mayor of Bourbon in the upcoming Apr. 7th election squared off against each other at the Candidates Forum sponsored by the Bourbon Boosters Club on Mar. 10.

Mike Delashmit was chosen to be the moderator and did his job well. He began by welcoming the sparse crowd to this event before introducing the candidates.

Although both were running unopposed, Ward I Alderman John Doherty and Ward II Alderman Mike Manwarren joined the Mayoral Candidates on the dais. Both were invited to respond to any of the questions asked.

First, each of the Mayoral candidates were asked for an opening statement introducing themselves and stating why they would make a good town Mayor.

Acting Mayor/Ward I Alderman Danny Skaggs went first. “I love this community,” he started, “I have always lived here, and I have a lot of respect for this community. I like to listen, to hear new ideas and bring them before the Board of Aldermen. I also have the ability to say no when needed.”

Candidate Gene Kulaga was next, and he surprised everyone by announcing that he would like to withdraw his name from consideration by the voters. He then endorsed Acting Mayor Skaggs, saying “I think that he is doing a fine job, and should be allowed to continue.” After this statement, Mr. Kulaga left the dais and sit in the audience.

The final candidate for Mayor was Sarah Havens. Although a relative newcomer to Bourbon, she said that this may be good for the town. “I think I’m bringing a new perspective to this position. I’ve lived in a variety of places, and sat on a lot of committees, including the daycare my daughter attends. I’m a good listener and I am looking forward to making this community a better place to live.”

Mr. Delashmit then asked the first question: Especially pertinent after the fire two days earlier, that ravaged Uncle Ernie’s bar and restaurant, he asked how each candidate will work with the Bourbon Fire Department. Mrs. Havens answered first, stating that she wanted to establish a good working relationship with this important town asset. She knows several of the volunteers, and if elected, would work with them to help them in financial matters.

Candidate Skaggs told the audience that in the past, there has been some problems between the Fire Department and the City Council, but “we’ve worked through them. I would like to get to know them a little better and work together on common problems.”

The next question dealt with how each candidate would promote the new Industrial Park. Moderator Delashmit asked for a wish list, and told them to answer as if “money was no problem.” Mr. Skaggs answered “You would have to advertise and promote the values of our community.” He added that all prospective industries to the park should be aware of the infrastructure that has been recently completed and ready to be used.

Mrs. Havens said that she “envisioned a ‘business starter’ type of program to attract new businesses and entrepreneurs to our community. It’s a great place to live and a great place to start a business.”

In the same line of questioning, Moderator Delashmit then followed up with a question asking each “I’m a new business. How would you convince me to bring by business into town?” Candidate Havens told the audience “We have a great population. Our low cost of living allows employees to make the most of their salaries. We’re open to innovation. We need to also promote how good our schools are.”

Candidate Skaggs said he would like each prospective business to know how much this town wants and needs them. He stated that “City Hall will help in every way possible. We need to sell them on our small, friendly community.”

A member of the audience then asked if a toxic spill that happened several years ago had been cleaned up, and Moderator Delashmit, who was an Alderman at that time answered that it had been done “and certified by the State!”

Moderator Delashmit then asked both Mayoral candidates to list in order of priority what they think the utility needs of the City should be. Mrs. Havens listed: 1) Painting the Water Tower 2) Fixing the road surfaces, and 3) repairing and installing sidewalks for pedestrian traffic. She added that she enjoys walking one of her children to school, then using the sidewalks to do some exercise running.

Mr. Skaggs answered: 1) Fixing problems in the water delivery system such as looping lines together and installing more fire hydrants 2) Repairing and resurfacing roads, and 3) Painting the Water Tower.

Gene Kulaga, the candidate who asked to drop out of the race, then asked the panel if they would consider raising the water and sewer rates to generate funding for repairs to the system. Candidate Skaggs told the audience that he and his fellow Aldermen already have a plan to do this, but it cannot be disclosed until other details are determined. He did say that “I think that most people will approve of this plan,” adding there are always those who will not.

Bourbon Boosters President and Forum Host Mary Heywood asked about using the Meramec Regional Planning Commission to help obtain funding, and Candidate Skaggs replied that he already had and is waiting for some more information.

A discussion was held about a need for a grant to help cover the cost of a portable generator that can be used during power failures. During the Uncle Ernie’s fire two nights ago, the power had to be turned off downtown, which also shut off the water pump at the closest wells. This forced the firefighters to transport water from the well across from the High School. If the City had a portable generator, it could be used in these types of situations.

Mrs. Heywood also suggested asking the School District if they would pay to have their logo put on the water tower after it was painted. Candidate Skaggs then said that maybe the City could hold a contest to create a new City Logo.

Two questions were then put to the Candidates pertaining to the use of the Internet to both promote the City and create “podcasts” of the City Council meetings. Both Mrs. Haven and Mr. Skaggs were in favor of these ideas.

The penultimate question put to the Forum was: “How would you get more of Bourbon’s youth involved in government?” Mr. Skaggs replied “I honestly don’t know, but it’s something that their parents need to get involved in.”

Candidate Havens told the audience that she believed “if you want to see the change, be the change!” She added that she worked with a lot of young people, and if elected, would work with the School District to get them more involved.

A comment was made from the audience about the possibility of creating internships for high school students to gain extra credit towards graduation.

The Boosters Club’s Alice Bremer commented that the committee involved with creating a new sports complex for Bourbon had many young people on it.

The last question asked of the Candidates related to the ongoing funding problem the Bourbon Police Department has. With a lot less revenue coming in now that traffic citations are forbidden on the Interstate, the needs of the police force are coming up short. Both Candidates praised Chief Rick Wise and his staff, and Skaggs said that he and his fellow Aldermen were looking for ideas. He stated that anyone who could help, can find him most mornings at City Hall and he was available to talk.

Both Candidates did not issue Closing Statements, but Alice Bremer stated that she would like to see local dollars remain in this community instead of going to the surrounding areas. “We need to buy local,” she said.

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