
Oh, the Holidays. It should all be joy and fun but often times it’s more stress-inducing and anxiety-provoking than anything! I’ve compiled some tips to help keep the nerves in check this Holiday Season, and help you keep your confidence as well when the Holiday Parties and Festivities start rolling in!

5 Tips for Remaining Calm and Keeping Your Confidence During the Holidays:

1. Prepare, this is absolutely not the time to procrastinate! Start making lists of things that need to be done for holiday shopping, organizing Holiday Parties, gift giving, decorating, etc. It’s never too early to start planning! Get a FREE Holiday Planner HERE.

2. Once you’ve got your lists, pull out your organizer/calendar and start making yourself deadlines for each item- and Stick to it! Give yourself plenty of time to sit back and relax and Enjoy the Holidays knowing you’ve got everything taken care of!

3. Plan what you’ll be wearing to your Holiday parties now. Don’t save this for last minute as the week before Christmas is not the time to be headed to the mall to buy a last-minute dress, not to mention money may be tight and you don’t want to be spending that Christmas money you had planned on spending on your kids, for your new dress you may only wear once a year!

4. Speaking of money, set a budget now and stick to it! Start looking for gifts now and find deal sites where you can save the item and be notified when it goes on sale. Now is also a good time to start tracking your favorite stores for the deals they will be offering on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

5. Keep the stress low by planning some me-time. Hit up the spa, get a manicure, relax with a good book, do some meditation, but most of all… remember to slow down and enjoy this wonderful time of year with friends and family!

Still feeling a little less than confident with enjoying the things you love without fear this Holiday season? Urinary Incontinence is no joyous matter, but Impressa by Poise allows you to enjoy the holidays confidently! It helps stop leaks before they happen! After all, there’s no room for that big pad with that little Holiday Dress! Impressa helps you live pad free!

Holidays are an important time to gather around friends and family, enjoying the holidays, and not being afraid to laugh for fear of leakage.  The last thing I want to worry about is laughing too hard and leaking! I give myself the gift of Poise Impressa this holiday season, so the fun doesn’t have to stop! Stop leaks and gain confidence with Impressa!

Ready to take on the Holidays with Total Confidence? Visit your local Walmart (and find your perfect size with their super helpful sizing kit) and pick up Poise Impressa Bladder Supports today and #LivePadFree!

Also, check out this fun video of how myself and some other fabulous bloggers are celebrating the Holidays with Confidence! https://vimeo.com/190584649/93c3a10fdc

Happy Holidays!

What gift will you be giving yourself this holiday season? Let me know in the comments, I love hearing from you!

Be Sure to Like MyStyleSpot on Facebook and Follow on Instagram to stay up to date on all things fashion, beauty, and holiday parties!

*I was given this product for the purpose of review. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are solely my own. I only share reviews with my readers, I feel will be beneficial or informative in some way.

The post 5 Tips for Staying Calm & Keeping Your Confidence Through the Holidays appeared first on MyStyleSpot.

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