
Nondual Energetic Embodiment Through Entheogens

The Nondual state, transcending the distinction between subject and

object, self and other, is the natural and fundamental state of being

and is the genuine ground of reality as a unified expression of

awareness. To embody the energy of this state in one’s being means

to live with a radically open heart, to love infinitely and without

reservation or qualification, and to be free and clear from the

distortions, illusions, and habitual attachments of the ego, free from

self-created stories and the need for a specific identity. The ego, as

a self-constructed collection of energetic patterns and systems of

identification, is not the genuine nature of being, but a false

construct created by the need for identity and sense of individual

self. Powerful entheogens have the capacity to shatter this persistent

illusion, and help relax an individual into a fully embodied nondual

state of being that is not subject to the illusory confines of the

limited ego. For this workshop, we will investigate and explore how

this process works on an energetic level as made possible by the

conscious and intentional use of powerful entheogens such as

5-MeO-DMT. As an energetic process, this is not about spirituality,

religion, ritual, or a specific practice of meditation and prayer. It

is a direct entry and encounter with one’s limitless and

energetically expanded being. We will discuss how this process works,

how an individual can maximize his or her entheogenic work to move

beyond the ego, and how the energy of being functions in one’s body

and mind to fully relax into one’s natural state, allowing for the

genuine expression of one’s self as a full and conscious embodiment

of the One Universal Consciousness of which we are all a direct


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Martin W. Ball, Ph.D. is an independent entheogenic researchers whose

work focuses on the nondual nature of being and the role that

entheogens can play in helping to facilitate natural being, authentic

embodiment, and genuine awakening to one’s fundamental nature. He is

the author of over 14 books on the subject (both fiction and

non-fiction) and is currently working on an autobiography, detailing

his own process of relaxing into full nondual awareness and embodiment

as facilitated by his explorations with entheogens. In addition to his

books, he has published numerous articles on the subject, produced

short videos, and spoken at numerous events and conferences including

the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference, Burning Man, the Science and

Nonduality Conference, the Multidisciplinary Association for

Psychedelic Studies, Evolver Spore events, the Mystic Garden Party,

and many others. He is also the host of the Entheogenic Evolution

Podcast and creator of the Entheological Paradigm website, which

provides guidance for working with entheogens in a nondual fashion.

His work can be found online at www.martinball.net,

www.entheological-paradigm.net, and www.fractalimagination.com

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