
As Carroll Dragons returned to school this August, they were greeted by signage throughout their schools promoting the Grubbs Infiniti Drive2Excellencep program. Students at both Carroll High and Carroll Senior High have the opportunity to win a 2014 Infiniti Q50 for one year through good grades.

Each six weeks, report cards of students in grades 9-12 will be validated for excellence in academics, attendance and good behavior. At the end of this school year, 20 students will be awarded one vehicle key each. One of those keys will start their 2014 Infiniti Q50 and that student will have this all-new luxury vehicle for one full year. Better grades equal more tickets and more opportunities to win. The student who has the key that starts their new car will not be the only winner. The additional 19 students who also won an opportunity to win the Infiniti will all win excellent prizes as well— including a new computer and other prizes. 

An “A” on their report card awards three tickets, a “B” awards two tickets and a “C” earned awards one ticket. Tickets are also earned for perfect attendance. At the end of the school year, all awarded tickets would go into a drawing and 20 students will win a key that will allow them the opportunity to insert in to the ignition of the what could be their very own all-new Infiniti Q50 for one full year. Prizes for the other 19 contestants will also be awarded.

For Owner/General Manager George Grubbs III, it’s a total win/win situation. “Drive2Excellence was such a no-brainer for us. We are passionate about serving this community and encouraging kids to do better in school with a free car just made sense. When our kids hit high-school, it’s a critical time for them to dig in and focus on doing well. Better grades mean scholarships and more opportunities for a secondary education. Fewer absences help the school districts with their funding. If we can encourage them with an amazing incentive like one of our Infiniti vehicles, we are thrilled to be a part of that process”.

Teachers and students at Southlake High School have responded to the Drive2Excellence program with enthusiasm. One teacher said, “Of course we’re pushing them to strive for better grades and to really think about their future. When you have a company like Grubbs Infiniti donating a new car, it really helps us to make that happen for the entire school year when they’re hoping to win the car or another big prize.”

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