
Southlake senior citizens received some valuable information this week about West Nile Virus

Sgt. Mike Dunn gets a hug from one of the seniors while at the presentation.from the City of Southlake’s Emergency Management Coordinator Kyle Taylor. The City has been providing current information and updates for its residents on our My Southlake News website. “We also wanted to reach out to our senior citizens who fall into one of the more vulnerable groups for West Nile exposure,” said Taylor. The presentation was held at the Southlake Senior Center to a group of about seventy-five people. Each senior citizen was also provided a handout with lots of information and tips including:• What is West Nile Virus?E.O.C. Kyle Taylor gives presentation on West Nile Virus to seniors.

• What can I do to prevent WNV?

• What are the symptoms of WNV?

• How does WNV spread?

• What are the risk factors?

• Remember the Four D’s for added protection.

• How to keep areas around homes free of standing water that can breed West Nile mosquitoes.

• The difference between West Nile fever and West Nile virus

• Where to find additional information on the City’s website and social media sites.

Corporal Kevin Deihl visits with a senior during the presentation.

The group had a lot of great questions for our emergency management coordinator.

Taylor provide answers to all of their questions as well as direct them to this website for additional information.

Representatives from Southlake DPS Police, Fire and Emergency Operations attend the senior luncheons each Tuesday.

If you have any questions please contact our Emergency Mangement Coordinator Kyle Taylor at ktaylor@ci.southlake.tx.us.

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