
Osmania University Nov, Dec 2013 Exam Timetable BCA, B.Ed., MCA, MBA, BCom, BSC, BA Supplementary Examination 



Date Released

Timetable pertaining to B.C.A I-year(suppl.) & III-year II-sem &
II-year II-sem(suppl.) & II year I-sem & III year I-sem(main
& backlog) Examinations-Nov/Dec-2013.

November 14, 2013 

Timetable pertaining to Master of Physical Education I-Year I-Sem & II Year III-Sem Examinations.

November 14, 2013 

Timetable pertaining to M.Ed I-SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS (2013-2014 BATCH) Examinations.

November 14, 2013 

Timetable pertaining to B.Ed SUPPLEMENTARY 2010-2011(One time last
chance),2011-2012 (Backlog) & 2012-2013(Backlog & Improvement)

November 14, 2013 

Time Table pertaining to MDHM I-Sem(New Syllabus) and III-Sem(Old Syllabus) Examinations-2013.

November 13, 2013 

Table pertaining to M.B.A. III-Sem(Regular) and I & II-Sem(Backlog
& Improvement, 2012-2013 Batch only) Examinations-2013.

November 13, 2013 

Postponed and Reschedulig of 15-11-2013 of B.Tech. and Pharmacy Examinations

November 13, 2013 

Rescheduling of some of M.Sc. (Disability Studies - Early Intervention) Examinations

November 12, 2013 

Rescheduling of some of B.E. Examinations

November 12, 2013 

B.Sc. and B.A. (Only Mathematics) I, II and III year Practical Examinations, Supplementary 2013 City Centres

November 08, 2013 

BHMCT and BCTCA Main and Suppl. Examinations

November 07, 2013 

M.Sc. (Chemistry) Five Years Integrated Course III, V, VII and IX Semesters (Regular) Examinations

November 07, 2013 

UG Practical Examinations City and District Centre-wise allotment colleges

November 07, 2013 

Master of Physical Education Time Tables

November 06, 2013 

M.Pharmacy 1 Yr 2 sem (Main & Backlog),1 Yr 1sem (Suppl.) Examinations Nov. 2013

November 05, 2013 

BE Time Tables

November 04, 2013 

PG (CBCS and NON-CBCS) I and III Examinations Nov./Dec. 2013

October 31, 2013 

Rescheduling of Postponed Oriental Examinations

October 29, 2013 

UG Rescheduled Dates for Postponed Examinations

October 29, 2013 

B.Tech. (Bio. Tech and Chemical Engineering) Main and Suppl. Time Tables

October 25, 2013 

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