
Rt. Hon Perry G. Christie

Mr. Chairman

First of all, I wish to thank President Peña for the gracious and professional courtesies extended to my delegation and me. Your hospitality, from the beginning, has already left a great and lasting impact, and I look forward to our stay in your beautiful country. I thank you.

Mr. Chairman

It is with great pleasure that I address this auspicious body for the opening of the 6th  Summit of the Association of the Caribbean States and the 3rd Annual Mexico-CARICOM Summit that seeks to continue the dialogue between the member states of CARICOM and Mexico in further deepening and strengthening of relations between the countries involved.

Mr. Chairman

The Bahamas cites the importance of the dialogue between Mexico and CARICOM as a means to express ideas and strategies that will promote the further development of the region in the areas of cooperation, Tourism, Financial services, agricultural development, infrastructural development, and air and maritime transport, as outlined in the Draft Declaration for the Third CARICOM-Mexico Summit, and showing a keen interest in ways to generate resilience to  natural disasters and climate change that has become a factor in the way we implement our policies regarding risk management.

Mr. Chairman

The Bahamas is committed to the development of Tourism as our industry that provides not only economic development but also sustainable development, and it is these initiatives that have allowed us to formulate strategies to balance other sectors within our economic framework.

Tourism in The Bahamas has seen growth in the expansion of its Resort and Casino facility with diverse offerings like Atlantis Paradise Island, that offers products and services for family, business, sports and entertainment events and the soon to be opened 3 billion dollar Bahamar Resort that will host the largest casino in the Caribbean with 3,000 rooms, making it the largest single hotel project in this region.  In addition, The Bahamas has been able to identify key sectors in its Tourism product that will generate further development and economic growth in the family islands such as High-end Boutique Resorts, Bed and Breakfasts, Fishing Lodges and Exclusive Villas that will present a unique experience to the consumer of the un-spoilt way of life that they will come into contact with.  I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the Investors of Mexico to consider The Bahamas as their destination of choice to invest in Tourism.

Mr. Chairman

I would like to take this opportunity in dialogue with Mexico as a G20 and OECD member on an issue of primary importance to my country the Bahamas, but certainly to many countries around this table. As our economy has evolved into a services based economy, financial services has grown into our second largest contributor to GDP, only after tourism. All too frequently we see multilateral organizations such as the G20 and OECD develop policies and positions that under the veil of global standards are a direct assault on us small international financial centers, who in many instances have regulations and procedures in place that are more robust than member states of these very same multilateral institutions.  In the interest and commitment to cooperation, I ask Mexico as a member of both the G20 and OECD to appreciate our concerns, and be a advocate for international financial centers such as The Bahamas to have a seat at the table when formulating these policies and standards, solicit our input, and appreciate that arbitrary policies that threaten our financial services industry threaten our economic viability.

Mr. Chairman

I take special note and welcome the collaboration agreement in agriculture between Mexico and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture. This is of keen interest to me as in the Bahamas my Government has committed to and is in the process of developing the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Institute which will be the central point for agriculture research, education and economic development in the Bahamas. I have a specific interest in the commitments with respect to building capacity and development assistance in sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards as we recognize this as a fundamental element to agricultural productivity for economic development and trade.

Mr. Chairman

The Bahamas has committed itself to the further development of its infrastructure and has through the completion of the 150 million road project and underground utility infrastructure that has improved the flow of traffic and water systems throughout the city of Nassau on the island of New Providence.

Another project of note is the award winning Lynden Pindling International Airport that has become the most modern in the Caribbean. This outstanding facility has become the focal point that will allow for connectivity to the region through direct flights that as a part of our seamless travel campaign.  As you are aware, The Bahamas and Mexico have already completed the first step in this campaign through our visa abolition agreement signed 10th May 1982 where Mexican citizens are not required a visa to visit. The next step would be for direct flights from Mexico to The Bahamas.

Given the geographic layout of our islands, The Bahamas has 20 international airports, all of which have been cited as projects for upgrade and further modernization.

In addition, The Bahamas is committed to the expansion of maritime, container and shipment ports that will allow for further connectivity and trade within the region.

With affordable and reliable air and sea connectivity among our regional partners such as Mexico, we welcome discussions for direct air transport and sea links between Mexico and The Bahamas

Mr. Chairman

We are approaching hurricane season and we are low lying states. The Bahamas is unique in the fact that it is a country of over 700 islands. When a hurricane affects the Bahamas, it affects multiple islands, multiple communities and causes repeat damage to the infrastructure and ecosystems of our islands.  The Bahamas has taken the initiative to identify resilience through this by way of our National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) that helps to train our communities in disaster preparedness and relief.

Mr. Chairman

The Bahamas remains committed to the promotion of development within the Caribbean region and its people and will continue to encourage legislations and policies that will support Human Rights including the rights of women and children.

Mr. Chairman

As we prepare to sign and adopt the Declaration of the Third-Mexico Summit that the Ministers and delegates have negotiated assiduously in the spirit of consultation, dialogue and cooperation, I wish to reiterate The Bahamas’ commitment to CARICOM, the Association of the Caribbean States and to Mexico in cooperation and the strengthening of relations between our countries.

Mr. Chairman,

I thank you.

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