
Comedian Michael Jr. is used to making people laugh with his stand-up routine, so even he was surprised to discover the power of his voice as a father — but in a much different and unexpected way.

Michael was going through some old footage and found a video he recorded on the day his youngest daughter was born. As he filmed his baby girl, she started to fuss, then scream and cry as newborn babies tend to do. That’s when Michael started using his voice to try and calm her down. What came next is such a raw, heartwarming moment between a father and his child, but you have to see it for yourself.

When it happened a second time, Michael was overcome with emotion in watching back the footage. Notice how when he tells his baby “I love you,” she immediately opens her eyes and relaxes. It’s almost as if she not only hears him, but truly understands what those words mean.

One YouTube commenter says it best: “Thank you for the reminder to ‘be still’ in the midst of the storm!”

Please SHARE this touching video with your friends on Facebook for those in need of a little peace and calm today!

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