In today's education arena data-informed decision making is essential to the success of our schools. Increasingly, both teachers and administrators, need to be more versed in how to collect and analyze data in such a way that helpful information is gleaned and instruction, leadership and operations are improved.
With the implementation of high-stakes educator evaluation models being implemented that soon will require 50% of each educator's evaluation be based on student growth data, it is essential that building leaders understand what data to collect, how to best analyze and communicate information gleaned from it, and make the necessary adjustments to improve performance.
If you are looking for focused professional development on how to facilitate data informed decision-making, work in a district that is lacking in the use of data, or are data rich, but information poor, MASSP invites you to apply to be part of Western Michigan University's i3 grant.
In partnership with MASSP, Western Michigan University is applying for an i3 grant focusing on principals’ data-informed decision-making to improve student achievement. If funded, we plan to assemble two cohorts of principals, and provide them training over a 2 1/2 year period. The grant activities involve workshops, mentoring, and practicing data-informed decision-making in one's school. The grant will pay for training and coaching. Each participant will be provided $3,000 that can be used for facilitating the implementation of data-informed decision-making in their school, graduate credits from Western Michigan University, or other professional purposes.
If you are interested, click here to take a very brief survey to apply. If you have any questions please email Dr. Jianping Shen at