
Dear readers, thank you for your continued support and encouragement. Without you there would be no blog.

So thank you, for making 2014 a wonderful year - a year of growth and learning. I look forward to 2015.

So, I don`t know about you but I want to know which blog posts were most popular. Most popular by number of page views that is.

And the readers have chosen three very different posts - crocheting, tips and a list. So let`s take a look.

1. Handmade Ponchos Never Go Out of Style - Crochet Pattern Included

The number one spot goes to my purple Daisy Poncho (crochet pattern included).

Some of the comments were made by readers remembering their childhood ponchos. Other comments were about the gorgeous colour and the very pretty pattern.

The poncho was also well received by the Google+ communities with a remarkable +175. Remarkable for me that is.

I was also fortunate to have my poncho featured at four awesome Linky Parties which you can see HERE.

Why do you think this post was so popular?

2. Score the Best Deals - 40 Thrift Store Shopping Tips

In the number two spot is Score the Best Deals - 40 Thrift Store Shopping Tips.

Obviously there are a lot of us thrift store shoppers out there. Readers let me know how much they love to shop and even added a few tips of their own.

There was an amazing 26 comments left for me. Talk about jump up and down with joy!

This post was also popular at the Linky Parties. I did my happy dance. This post was featured at three different parties.

You can see the entire post, comments and features HERE.

What do you think is the reason for this post being popular?

It could be my beautiful granddaughters smile!

3. 110 Random Acts of Kindness

And in last place is 100+ Random Acts of Kindness.

This post came in third place because it was viewed just a few less times than the number 2 post.

I had nine wonderful comments which I cherish plus was featured at a Linky Party.

Why did this post make the top 3?

Well that`s it for 2014.

What will 2015 hold for this blog?

What would you like to read about?


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I love to read your opinions and comments. It makes my day a little bit brighter.

My apologies, all anonymous comments are deleted due to an excessive amount of spam.

Wishing You a Wonderful Week.

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