
        Rava pongal one of the easiest pongal made with sooji /semolina or cream of wheat.I love sooji because of the fact it can be used varied in dessert,upma,idli,dosa,kichadi,kesari,pooridge etc. Yes !! When you want an instant sweet or breakfast you can count that in.

Pongal is basically a south Indian breakfast made with rice. In savory version usually lentils are added to make the outcome creamier and give extra protein at the start of the day.Pepper and jeera is the main spice in the savory version not any masala powders.For sweet version the creaminess comes from milk and ghee.
Now a days variations to the basic recipe is made using oats or any other millet.This is one such variation to the basic recipe i learnt from a friend of mine.I love to give some more details about her.I got impressed by her interest in food.She loves to try different cuisines everyday and love to experiment  each day.One day i ate this pongal at her house and really impressed, got the recipe from her and tried it.It was super yummy and really creamie.So here i am with the recipe.

Like any other sooji recipe, this is an instant one. No much preparation is needed for this.Cook moong dal,roast sooji and then temper.Just 30 minutes is enough for preparing.Sprinkle some pepper on top to give a extra kick and also don't forget to relish it hot.A coconut chutney or sambar is enough to finish the meal.

Step by step picture recipe for making pongal with semolina:

Roast rava until aroma comes.Pressure cook moong dal until mushy.

We are almost done.Just tempering is remaining.Add oil and ghee to tava.When the oil +ghee is hot  add pepper ,jeera and pepper jeera powder then add  chopped ginger,green chili and curry leaves.

When the aroma got infused in the oil ,add  cooked mashed dal and add enough water like for 1 cup 2 cups of water+ dal.When the water is about to boil(when the sides started to get bubbles), add rava and give a good mix without any lumps.

Switch off the flame.First it should look watery.Cover with a lid until all the water gets absorbed.After few minutes it gets the perfect texture.

Serve hot with chutney or sambar.

How to make rava pongal recipe

Sooji khara pongal

Cuisine: Indian   Category:Breakfast   Prep time:20 minutes
Cook time:15 minutes Total Time:30-35 minutes Serves:2-3


1 cup rava/sooji/semolina/cream of wheat/farina

1/2 cup moong dal (pressure cooked).

salt as required.

2 cups water.

turmeric powder and hing for pressure cooking the dal.

To Temper:

2 tbsp oil.

1 tsp ghee.

1/4 tsp pepper.

1 green chili.

1/4 tsp jeera.

1/2 tsp pepper jeera powder.

few curry leaves.

2 inch ginger piece.


Roast rava until aroma comes.

Pressure cook moong dal until mushy.

Add oil and ghee to a tava large enough .When the oil +ghee is hot  add pepper ,jeera and pepper jeera powder then add  chopped ginger,green chili and curry leaves.

When the aroma got infused in the oil ,add  cooked mashed dal and add enough water like for 1 cup 2 cups of water+plus dal.

When the water is about to boil(when the sides started to get bubbles), add rava and give a good mix without any lumps.

Switch off the flame.

First it should look watery.Cover with a lid until all the water gets absorbed.After few minutes it gets the perfect texture.

Rava pongal is ready.Serve hot with chutney or sambar.


Make sure to roast the rava well.

Make sure there is no lumps after adding the sooji.

Cover with a lid until all the water is absorbed.Otherwise it will not get cooked.

Add pepper and jeera if you feel its too bland.You can add powder or just whole pepper ,jeera.I love to add them mixed.

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