for those confused, long story short:
- NO 1000Mbps wired network support!
- NO TransportStream (.TS files) support!
- NO USB3 support
- NO HFS+ support (the Paragon driver doesn't seem to work on this box at all)
- NO access to your attached harddrives from the (home) network side
(you have to buy an extra app from Google for that, only to find out it does one share only,
so if you want to connect another drive, you have to pay Google extra...)
- the wireless on this thing is ridiculously slow. After purchasing the Samba server app from Google store,
so I can actually access the drives over my network, I've found out that my upload over the wireless
is roughly about 25kB/s! That is insulting. Wired isn't way better, at it's under 10MB per second average transfer.
Buying the Samba Server app was necessary to figure it out.
- NO continuous FastForward
- choppy video from local files
- noisy video from 4k files
This device, in reality, is just another streaming video player with support for common Google streaming apps,
where you can load your scripts and watch your choppy, pixelated super low res pirated tv stuff.
Something's not working? Blame the app developer, and he will blame your device back...
Really, the Android O/S is not the most fortunate choice for creating a device like this.
Besides, it is more of an open concept development platform, with the requirement to purchase and install your own apps for the functionality you want, rather than a real commercial product with clearly defined functionality.
Seems to me like probably just anything Android would be more or less the same concept, especially with the Android distro likely available publicly, so anyone can just grab the complete checkout and compile it, with their own drivers.
Sort of how we were making the images for the Dreambox 7000 sat receiver box, back 10 years ago...)
If you need something that would handle your local file repository, this box is not for you.
If you want streaming web tv box, most so-called smart TV's already have the functionality implemented, for the most part.
If you want 4k...
Really? over the 25kB/s wiereless?
Or perhaps the 10MB/s LAN? Or USB2, with the 2GB HDD limitation.
Do your homework before buying, and that's anything, have some questions ready before you buy.
Signing off...
(admin, you can delete my account. I have no intention of further exploring this product in the future)
(hoped I might have helped some clearly define what they need, before they buy their devices...)
Statistics: Posted by jarekp — Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:23 am