

I dunno, do you? A lot of people are asking me about will X type fare well with an ENTP, etc., etc., so I’m just going to make a long ass post about different potential/likely situations with ENTPs! While this is written from my ENTP perspective, I am going to try to maintain as objective a tone as possible throughout.

Rationals (NTs) and ENTPs

As dictated relatively accurately in “Please Understand Me II” (the book which got me my start in MBTI) Rationals tend to seek Mindmates. Someone to intellectually stimulate them. This doesn’t mean they don’t believe in soulmates, but many Rationals tend to look for those that will work their minds. That being said, let’s move into the different types of Rational Relations.


INTJs tend to stimulate ENTPs with their depth of knowledge about specific topics; however, ENTPs may find the INTJ viewpoint to be a bit constricting. When it comes to debating, unless both types are extremely balanced, you will see severe function conflicts - primarily in regards to Te vs. Ti. INTJs tend to quickly become exasperated with ENTP games and are often a bit overwhelmed by the sometimes contradictory/devil’s advocate arguments of an ENTP.


ENTJs typically have a level of focus and applied skill that the jack-of-all-trades ENTP may admire. Instead of getting caught up in fluffy Ne, ENTJs perceive the world first through the someone stringent function of Te, then Ni. While the lifestyles of both types can look markedly similar, below the surface are two totally different ways of processing the world. Both types tend to be too caught up “in their own thing” to really have much depth outside of an almost business-partner type relationship. The arguments resemble INTJ-ENTP arguments strongly; however, an ENTJ will be much more brutal than an INTJ.


Typically, chemistry arises quite quickly between these two types. The ENTP tends to view the INTP as their “better half” - the half that has a few subjects of great and dear interest that they pursue rather than getting bored of, the half that has likely spent a good deal of time solidifying thoughts and arguments, etc. I’ve seen favourable interactions between these types. While you will see less function conflict, you will see more conflict in the lifestyle of both.


A personal favourite pairing of mine, but an equally loathsome one. Two ENTPs together will stimulate each other to no end, even if they get little accomplished in the process. Arguments will likely be more of heavy debates, with little sensitivity involved. If one or both ENTPs are driven and directed, then there is actually a fair amount of possibility neither will die of starvation from forgetting to eat. Potential issues reside in how similar or different the ENTPs are. There is a delicate balance with two ENTPs being romantically involved.

Idealists (NFs) and ENTPs

Idealists and Rationals are the stereotypical OTP of the MBTI world - a stereotype perpetuated more by Idealists than Rationals. There are obvious reasons the two types could get along - ENTPs can be quite poetic and romantic, and many NFs are innately this way. ENTPs tend to find NFs to be mysterious creatures - both a good and a bad thing.


INFPs are typically very set on being very original and interesting. An ENTP will either find the INFP’s strong sense of self intriguing, or find it self aggrandizing and dull. Regardless of what the ENTP thinks, the biggest conflicts will come into play when the INFP shows their true, strong Fi colours. The simple fact of the matter is that most ENTPs show varying levels of not caring/being morally grey. This tends to frustrate INFPs, who are so certain in their moral assertions. Furthermore, Te-Ti conflicts will crop up.


An ENFP-ENTP relationship is a bit of a mixture of the INFP-ENTP and ENTP-ENTP relationship. ENFPs tend to be up for anything, but on the other hand are deeply sensitive, and reactive. Rather than hearty debates, as seen in an ENTP-ENTP relationship, an ENFP will most likely slip into a moral diatribe against the ENTP. The ENTP may appreciate the certainty of the ENFP, but will quickly grow weary (and wary) of it.


A second favourite pairing. While their functions differ dramatically, ENFJs are an excellent complement to an ENTP. ENFJs tend to know what questions to ask to make an ENTP go on a tangent that is enlightening for both parties. Internally, the ENFJ will likely struggle a fair amount (much unbeknownst to the at-times emotionally oblivious ENTP). The ENTP may find themselves in situations where they are told by the ENFJ how much they have hurt them, and will find themselves analyzing what they say (if they care enough about the person). The comfort an ENFJ can provide is unparalleled and a driven ENTP will value this greatly.


Fools! INFJ-ENTP relations are not the OTP of the MBTI world! Just kidding, you’ve heard me go on about this enough. A fair and in some ways easy-going relationship. The INFJ will find themselves providing as much support as they can to the ENTP, often at the expense of their own well being. The issue here is that ENTPs do so many things that the INFJ can become a bit confused about what exactly is most important to the ENTP and will try to support them in every manner (even if the ENTP expressly says they don’t need it). The INFJ provides a kind of mysterious, strange romance that is quite enigmatic to the ENTP.

Artisans (SPs) and ENTPs

Artisans look for playmates, and man, do ENTPs like to play. Artisans are typically very sensual, earthly creatures that are quite interesting to the super-heady ENTP.


ISTPs and ENTPs get each other in a very odd, somewhat unpredictable way. Both greatly enjoy “doing things” and ENTPs oftentimes very much enjoy being “in the present moment.” Like the other Artisans, the ISTP can provide just this. Assuming they are not too different in their ideologies, it is quite easy for an ISTP to get on with an ENTP. There is the possibility for the ENTP to want to discuss heavier, more intellectual issues, and many ISTPs simply aren’t interested in these types of topics.


This type of pairing is also quite interesting. A balanced ESTP is rather similar to an ENTP and, like the ISTP, ESTPs provide exhilarating in-the-moment experiences that many other types simply cannot. Objective, yet very emotional, ESTPs provide good companions for ENTPs; however, the ENTP may ultimately find the ESTP a little shallow for their tastes and move on rather quickly.


Like an ESTP, the ESFP will likely be quite stimulating for the ENTP. Fortunately, Fi value conflicts tend to arise less with the Se (present moment) driven ESFP than the Ne (idea) driven ENFP. This is because their life is experience through their five senses (like the other Se users) whereas the ENFP has strong emotional ties to their moral ideas. ESFPs are typically a bit flamboyant, fun, albeit a bit schmoozy, in a way that is stimulating to an ENTP. While on the surface both types can actually appear quite similar, they are incredibly different and these differences can cause quite the divisive wedge.


ISFPs are interesting creatures. Deeply moral like the INFPs, they are less prone to get on a soapbox about emotions (fortunately for the ENTP). The ISFP defends their inner harmony by behaving in an almost Fe manner - they tend to try to please the ENTP while not acting at the expense of their honesty. While INFPs can be conflict driven, ISFPs will want to quietly, simply, and sensually enjoy moments as their way of showing love or interest.

Guardians (SJs) and ENTPs

This is the NOtp of the MBTI world in my very humble opinion, but I will go into detail nonetheless.


ESFJs are weird in that they can be so incredibly normal. Sooooo normalllllll. It’s both a good and a bad thing. ESFJs are the “soccer mom” or “cheer leader” types. ENTPs do like to be encouraged, and the ESFJ is great at this. However, ESFJs are typically not challenging enough for ENTPs (as ESFJs are always trying to maintain external harmony) though they are interesting in other regards.


Honestly, I don’t know how an ISFJ can put up with an ENTP unless they are a total badass. The complete opposite of ENTPs, ISFJs tend to be very steady individuals (until they blow up). This is both good and bad for this type of relationship. ISFJs are able to not be oppressive in their affections, unlike many other feeler-types. ISFJs, as Guardians, also tend to be quite rational and practical. All in all, this sort of pairing is rather excellent on paper. Like with all Guardians, ENTPs may find their lack of challenging the status quo to be quanit at best and dreadfully stagnant at worst.


No. I would call this a notp. Mix together a the ENTJ-ENTP pairing, the ESTP-ENTP pairing and add a little more bossiness on the ESTJ part and you have an ESTJ-ENTP pairing. Perhaps I am being harsh, but I’ve yet to see an ESTJ and an ENTP get along for more than 10 minutes. Quite interesting, actually.


While ISTJs can be a bit stodgy and stuck-in-the-mud for ENTPs, they can also have quite a biting wit and intellect that comes out more strongly in a relationship. The catch is, this typically comes out in a relationship. The ENTP will relate, in likelihood, to the nerdy/practical ISTJ in many regards, and if they have enough in common, conversation should never get boring; that being said, divergences in thought or opinion will pose incredible trouble as the ISTJ uses Si as a first function (something an ENTP uses, but loathes on principle) and Te as a second (which the ENTP doesn’t use and also loathes). Thus, when discussions take a “logical” turn, things can get intense, in a bad way.

Well, that was a general synopsis. I’m putting this on a separate page as well so ya guys can look at it later. 

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