


1)   Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy know as (POLTAVA STATE MEDICAL DENTAL UNIVERSITY) 2)    Donetsk National Medical University (WWW.DONNMU.COM) 3)     Dnepropetrovsk National Medical University Ukraine's educational legislation places great importance on pre-school education. This early form of education is to be cared for by the family or through a pre-school institution. A variety of institutions are available for this level of education in Ukraine and include day care centers, kindergartens and special facilities for disabled children. Provision is also made for orphans. Elementary school education in Ukraine forms the foundation of a child's schooling career. Ukraine's Law on Education states that provision of elementary schools must be made wherever there are students. Elementary or primary education acts to develop children's personalities, talents, formation of morals, working education as well as knowledge of the human body, nature, industry and society. This level of education is compulsory in Ukraine and is available at various types of institutions. Students begin secondary comprehensive schooling at the age of 6 or 7 years. Basic school also falls under the secondary education system in Ukraine. This is the students' last level of formal basic education. This level of education provides the link to continuous education systems. It is compulsory to attend basic school for five years. Formal basic education is completed between the ages of 14 and 16 years. On completion of basic schooling the student will receive a certificate allowing them to continue on to upper secondary school as well as certain higher education institutions. Ukraine has a very well-developed higher education system. Higher education is provided by higher education establishments, private bodies and scientific and methodological facilities of the government. This system also encompasses post-graduate programs and Ph.D's as well as self-education. The levels of accreditation depend on the Higher Education Institutes' status. Level one includes vocational schools and the like who train junior specialists. Level two are colleges and similar organizations who teach bachelors. Level three is made up of universities, institutes, academies and conservatories which provide education for bachelors and specialists. Level four includes universities, conservatories, institutes and academies which educate bachelors, specialists and masters. It is evident that the system of education in Ukraine has been well-developed and opportunities exist for the entire population, even those living in the rural areas. Poltava is the 7th largest city of Ukraine , an Industrial, Scientific, Cultural and agricultural centre of Ukraine. According to the territory, Poltava region occupies 28,8 thousand sq. km and takes the 7th place in Ukraine as well as exceeds the territory of more than 50 countries. The population of Poltava is 315, 000 peoples and is constantly increasing due to internal migration of the village population and student from other regions. Among the regions of Ukraine, Poltava region is famous for its iron ore, fuel, machine-building and light industry and the agroindustrial complex with developed food industry, sugar production, grain growing, meat and milk cattle breeding. The Poltava region specializes in oil and gas extraction, iron ore extraction, oil processing, production of lorries and railroad cars, diamond tools, stockinet, leather shoes, sophisticated clothes, butter, grain, sugar, confectionery etc.  Poltava State Medical Dental University is the leading state higher educational institution in training both physicians and dentists. The Poltava State Medical Dental University started its activity in 1921 as the Odontologic Faculty of the Kharkiv Medical Academy. In 1967 the Institute was transferred to the city of Poltava and renamed as the Poltava Medical Dental Institute, which in 1994 was granted the highest (IV) accreditation level and the status of the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy (UMSA). Its accreditation level IV was confirmed in 2004.Poltava State Medical Dental University provides high quality education to our students who are looking for quality education at an affordable course fees. Poltava State Medical Dental University has a good team of long term experienced lecturers in providing quality education to the students. At the present at Poltava State Medical Dental University, there are 3500 students studying today , including 729 international students from 39 different countries. There are General Medicine, Pediatrics, Pharmacy and Stomatological (Dentistry) Faculties, the Preparatory Faculty for international students training, the Postgraduate Faculty and the preparatory training course Department. A medical college, training bachelors and junior specialists, has been founded based on the Poltava State Medical Dental University.Poltava State Medical Dental University is known as one of the most prestigious dental school of Europe and USSR. Dentists of our School are working in all over the world.  56 chairs, including 9 leading ones, function at the Poltava State Medical Dental University. Clinical and consulting work is carried out at 35 clinical chairs of the Poltava State Medical Dental University, located at the best regional and city medical establishments of Poltava. The scientific potential of the Poltava State Medical Dental University is represented by 82 Doctors of Medical Science, 316 Candidates of Science, 75 Professors, 174 assistant professors, 2 winners of the Ukrainian State Prize, 8 Honored Science and Technology workers of Ukraine, 6 Honored Physicians of Ukraine.  There have been a number of considerable changes at the Poltava State Medical Dental University for the last decades having raised our higher institution on a new competitive level of specialist training and implemented the latest modern technologies of education. A great reputation of the Poltava State Medical Dental University was confirmed by two Silver and one Bronze Medals received at the International Exhibition of Educational Institutions “Modern education in Ukraine- 2001, 2002, 2004”. In June 2003 the Poltava State Medical Dental University participated in the rating of the higher educational institutions of Ukraine “Sophia Kyivska”. For the active operation in increasing quality of modern education the Poltava State Medical Dental University was rewarded a Diploma of Rating of Higher Educational institutions. In the nomination “The Third Millennium Quality” the Academy was awarded a silver Medal and the Diploma of the International Academic Rating of popularity “Golden Fortune”. From 1999 to 2007 the Academy published over 516 educational and methodical textbooks in various scientific spheres. 106 patents were obtained in Ukraine and in Russia last year. 7 scientific schools have been founded here which function nowadays: operative surgery; topographic anatomy; normal physiology; oral surgery; biological chemistry; pathological anatomy; conservative dentistry; clinical and experimental pharmacology.  Being a member of the UNO and UNESCO Ukraine takes an active part in fulfillment international Programmes of high education. The Poltava State Medical Dental University provides assistance to foreign states in training their national medical specialists. A Faculty for international students was founded in 1992 in order to improve the quality of Medical training for foreign citizens. 729 international students from 37 different countries including India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Morocco, Algeria, Jordan, Kenya, Libya, Russia, Turkmenistan etc., study at the Academy today. They are guaranteed all the rights and freedoms stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine. The training of foreign citizens is carried out in accordance with syllabuses and curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Science and the MHS of Ukraine. International and Ukrainian students have rights of equal access to lecture rooms, classrooms, reading halls and libraries, sports gyms. The students are also provided with some premises for organizing cultural, religious events and association meetings. The training process is provided by our scholars and educators who have a specialized education and rich experience in working with foreign citizens at the primary stages of their training. Having graduated from the Poltava State Medical Dental University foreign students obtain an international standard Diploma.  Poltava Medical Dental University is the leading state higher educational institution in training both physicians and dentists. The Poltava Medical Dental University started its activity in 1921 as the Odontologic Faculty of the Kharkiv Medical Academy. In 1967 the Institute was transferred to the city of Poltava and renamed as the Poltava Medical Stomatological Institute, which in 1994 was granted the highest (IV) accreditation level and the status of the Poltava Medical Dental University. Its accreditation level IV was confirmed in 2004.Poltava Medical Dental University provides high quality education to our students who are looking for quality education at an affordable course fees. Poltava Medical Dental University has a good team of long term experienced lecturers in providing quality education to the students.Poltava Medical Dental University trains specailists in six faculties and a preparatory department. Poltava Medical Dental University trains specialists along the following education / qualification levels: Junior specialists, specialists, Masters for the following specialties:General Medicine                       ( duration of study is 6 years)Pediatrics                                    ( duration of study is 6 years)Stomatology (Dentistry)                 ( duration of study is 5 years)Pharmacy                                       ( duration of study is 5 years)Medical Nursing                              ( duration of study is 2 years)Orthopedic Stomatology              ( duration of study is 2 years)The forms of studies are full-time and part-time (evening form of studies).  At the present at Poltava Medical Dental University, there are 3500 students studying today , including 729 international students from 39 different countries. There are General Medicine,Pediatrics,Pharmacy and Stomatological (Dentistry) Faculties, the Preparatory Faculty for international students training, the Postgraduate Faculty and the preparatory training course Department. A medical college, training bachelors and junior specialists, has been founded based on the Poltava Medical Dental University. 56 chairs,including 9 leading ones,function at the Poltava Medical Dental University.Clinical and consulting work is carried out at 35 clinical chairs of the Poltava Medical Dental University,located at the best regional and city medical establishments of Polatva.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The scientific potential of the Poltava Medical Dental University is represented by 82 Doctors of Medical Science, 316 Candidates of Science, 75 Professors, 174 assistant professors, 2 winners of the Ukrainian State Prize, 8 Honoured Science and Technology workers of Ukraine, 6 Honoured Physicians of Ukraine.  There have been a number of considerable changes at the Poltava Medical Dental University for the last decades having raised our higher institution on a new competitive level of specialist training and implemented the latest modern technologies of education. A great reputation of the Poltava Medical Dental University was confirmed by two Silver and one Bronze Medals received at the International Exhibition of Educational Institutions “Modern education in Ukraine- 2001, 2002, 2004”. In June 2003 the Poltava Medical Dental University participated in the rating of the higher educational institutions of Ukraine “Sophia Kyivska”. For the active operation in increasing quality of modern education the Poltava Medical Dental University was rewarded a Diploma of Rating of Higher Educational institutions. In the nomination “The Third Millennium Quality” the Academy was awarded a silver Medal and the Diploma of the International Academic Rating of popularity “Golden Fortune”. From 1999 to 2007 the Academy published over 516 educational and methodical textbooks in various scientific spheres. 106 patents were obtained in Ukraine and in Russia last year. 7 scientific schools have been founded here which function nowadays: operative surgery; topographic anatomy; normal physiology; oral surgery; biological chemistry; pathological anatomy; conservative dentistry; clinical and experimental pharmacology.  B eing a member of the UNO and UNESCO Ukraine takes an active part in fulfilment international programmes of high education. The Poltava Medical Dental University provides assistance to foreign states in training their national medical specialists. A Faculty for international students was founded in 1992 in order to improve the quality of Medical training for foreign citizens. 729 international students from 37 different countries including India,Pakistan,Malaysia,Nigeria,Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Morocco, Algeria, Jordan, Kenya, Libya, Russia, Turkmenistan etc., study at the University today. They are guaranteed all the rights and freedoms stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine. The training of foreign citizens is carried out in accordance with syllabuses and curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health Sciences of Ukraine (MHS). International and Ukrainian students have rights of equal access to lecture rooms, classrooms, reading halls and libraries, sports gyms. The students are also provided with some premises for organizing cultural, religious events and association meetings. The training process is provided by our scholars and educators who have a specialized education and rich experience in working with foreign citizens at the primary stages of their training. Having graduated from the Poltava Medical Dental University foreign students obtain an international standard Diploma.                                         Donetsk National Medical University  is attested according to the highest (the fourth) Level of accreditation. The Donetsk National Medical University  activities confirm with The Constitution of Ukraine, Ukrainian legislation, acts issued by the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Decrees of the Health Department and Education Department of Ukraine, the University Rules.Donetsk National Medical University  prepares specialists in 172 medical specialities. Good facilities, high qualification level of the teaching staff, scientific and methodical provision led Donetsk National Medical University  to one of the leading places in the country.Donetsk National Medical University  has very good facilities. There are six building for theoretical classes and a wide net of clinical bases of medical institutions of Donetsk, which are equipped at the level corresponding to world standards. Today Donetsk National Medical University  is a complex of buildings designed for practical classes, lectures, laboratory studies, library, research work and auxiliary services, covering. The total area owned by the Donetsk National Medical University  is 181454sq.m: within it the area of study and laboratory premises is 66089 sq. m. The teaching area per one student is 15 sq.m. Other clinical bases used by the Donetsk National Medical University  are administered by the Government health care department.Organization of the medical process and methods of teaching at Donetsk National Medical University  are built according to modern demands and world experience.admissiondnmu@yahoo.com The Donetsk National Medical University  has introduced the conception of continuous medical education that in all parameters corresponds to all world standards, giving an opportunity to get qualification of different professional levels from Bachelor to Doctor of medicine.The Donetsk National Medical University  activities cover a wide range of subjects, all aimed at shaping a global University policy. Thus, educational policy, quality assurance, University management, legislation and international contacts all fall within the scope of the University's competence. Donetsk National Medical University  constantly keeps in touch with its graduates: Many of them have become highly qualified doctors, known scientists, health service managers and political figures in their mother countries.The Donetsk National Medical University's  long experience in training admissiondnmu@yahoo.com of foreign specialists, highly qualified teaching staff and modern facilities - all guarantee high level of theoretical and practical training to the students of the University. Donetsk National Medical University  started firstly the faculties of General Medicine and Dentistry in English medium of instruction in all over Ukraine and USSR.  Main levels of education are Undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses. Training at Donetsk National Medical University  is carried out in the Ukrainian, Russian and English languages.M.Gorky Donetsk National Medical University has been recognized the best training-methodical centre among Ukrainian medical universities in 2001 – 2004 and was awarded with the Diplomas of Ukrainian Health Ministry and Ministry of Education.According to the Ukrainian Health Ministry Order N148 of March 22, 2004 DSNMU has been appointed to be the primary Regional Centre of Bologna Process managing in Ukraine. In 2005/06 academic year DNMU starts teaching its students in accordance with the Bologna Agreement on specialists training using the credit-modular system, and upon completion of their education the admissiondnmu@yahoo.comstudents will obtain the Specialist Degree of European standard. DNMU students will be able to study various academic modules at practically any European Medical University, and after getting the Specialist Degree they will have very attractive employment prospective. DNMU offers a huge range of graduate and post graduate courses as well as excellent resources and support facilities. We have over 10000 students. ACCELERATED SCHEDULEBecause of our year-round class schedule-classes take place at DNMU and in 2 semesters per year (September- January, February- June, there is traditional summer break) you complete your first 6 semesters on the DNMU campus in just over 3yearsCLINICAL ROTATIONS Medical University Donetsk maintains extensive clinical program conducted-approved teaching hospitals across the DonetskDNMU carefully manages the clinical program to ensure that students are able to get in-depth exposure to clinical challenges, complete both the core and elective rotations in a timely manner, and be in an ideal position.,THE DONETSK CITY Donetsk is one of the most surprising destinations in Ukraine. Located in the country’s east near the Russian border, Donetsk city is an exciting blend of Ukrainian and Russian cultures spiced with European ambitions. Being the centre of Ukraine’s coal-rich Donbas region and a host city for Euro 2012 football championship, Donetsk is working hard to retain business appeal and establish tourism opportunities. We are located in the heart of Donetsk. A major international, business, cultural and communication centre and one of the most beautiful and historical cities of the world.DNMU ranks admissiondnmu@yahoo.com Ukraine`s number one medical university which every year produce great doctors and future scientists. DNMU welcomes thousands of students from over 190 countries who between them speak over 140 languages.The university has departments which are modernly well equipped to help our students in acquiring best of knowledge.Our University was rated excellent by Quality Assurance Survey (QAS review all Ukraine universities), and received full marks in that survey.We have extensive and well established links with employers, professional bodies and research organizations. The university has important connections with city of Donetsk.DNMU recently opened its new $ 30 million university clinic containing almost all latest diagnostic and therapeutic equipments and it`s probably one of the best clinics in Europe.We have internationally acclaimed research institutes which pursue thematically related academic research in their chosen area. Several of the institutes are multidisciplinary, related disciplines being brought together to address major scientific issues in a vibrant and challenging intellectual environment Donetsk National Medical University  started firstly the faculties of General Medicine and Dentistry in English medium of instruction in all over Ukraine and USSR.  Main levels of education are Undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses. Training at Donetsk National Medical University  is carried out in the Ukrainian, Russian and English languages. IN (DNMU)  DONETSK NATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITYOn having successfully served their internship or specialized clinical course, the graduates obtain a narrow specialization in particular fields of medicine. For the last ten years, M.Gorky Donetsk National Medical University has been the leader in the qualified training of general medicine specialist.  Throughout the first three years at the University, the students study fundamental medical subjects as well as medical botany, pharmacognosia, medicaments technology, pharmaceuti¬cal and toxicological chemistry, clinical pharmacy, etc. admissiondnmu@yahoo.comDuring the fourth and fifth academic years, they specialize in pharmacy, complete the practice period at the chemist's shops, pharmaceutical enterprises. After completing their education the DNMU graduates obtain Degree of pharmaceutists and the Certificates on the chosen specialization:- Small scale production of medicaments; - Medicative plants and plant therapy; - Medicative plants quality control; - Organization and regulation of the pharma ceutical enterprises, etc. Having successfully completed their internship or special clinical courses they obtain a narrow specialization in:Preventive Dentistry Operative Dentistry Prosthetic Dentistry Children's DentistryM.Gorky Donetsk National Medical University has 30-year experience in training dentists for the countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. Our priority is the combination of profound general-medical knowledge with the high level of specialized training in all fields of dentistry. During the last five years the University has been leading in dentists training.Moderate tuition fee is one of the advantages of our University as well.When you arrive on the DsNMU campus in Donetsk you will begin to experience one of the hallmarks that has enabled DNMU to rapidly assume its place as a leader in international medical education: experienced faculty. All DNMU faculty members hold an advanced medical (M.D., M.B.B.S.) or doctoral degree in the field they teach, and are experienced educators.admissiondnmu@yahoo.com The quality of the DNMU faculty combined with small class sizes, extensive student-teacher interaction and a continual emphasis on preparing you for Medical Licensing Exam in your country, is an unbeatable combination for preparing you to assume your place in today’s medical profession.ONE-ON-ONE ATTENTION To ensure that our students get the individual attention and support they need to succeed, DNMU keeps class sizes small and equipped with multimedia technology. This is for more effective in-class, experienceEach group consist of 8 to 10 students not more, this helps the student to get their own attention when need with the professor .this makes the student satisfied in each classYou won’t find the anonymous, big lecture hall experience at DNMU the way you do at many schools. It also allows for individualized attention to take place throughout the semester in the important early days when critical concepts are being established as well as during exam time, when getting just a few more minutes of insight and explanation from an experienced teacher can make all the difference  At first the students acquire knowledge in fundamental medical subjects: anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, etc. From the second academic year they start to study special disciplines of their future profession, practicing their first manipulations on waxworks and models. Later on, experienced teachers among which there are four professors and 50 assistant professors help the students to master the modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of children and adult dental diseases. admissiondnmu@yahoo.comThe students are taught to rehabilitate the teeth and tooth row with the help of composite rehabilitation materials, metal-ceramic and cerami prosthetic appliances; they master the art of surgery in the oscular cavity, on fao and neck. They get comprehensive knowledge in orthodontics - the part of dentistry that studies methods of the wrong teeth and jaws position. At the PGE students can specialize and do advanced training in the following specialities:Obstetrics and GynecologyAllergology and immunologyGastroenterologyGeneticsChild GynecologyChild Infectious diseasesChild DentistryChild SurgeryMedical Intensive Care and TherapyInfectious diseasesClinical PharmacologyCardiologySkin and VDCombustology and Plastic SurgeryRadio Diagnostics and TherapyNeurology (child and general)NeurosurgeryNeurologyOncologyOrthodonticsOrthopedic dentistryENTOphtalmologyPathological AnatomyPediatricsInfant careProphylactic DentistryPsychiatry and narcologyPulmonologyRheumatologyFamily MedicineGeneral MedicineTraumatology and OrthopediaUrologyPhysiotherapyTB careAbdominal SurgeryThoracical SurgeryDental SurgeryEndocrinologyetc. There are more than 100 specializations.Duration of the course Specialization - 1 - 23 monthsClinical residency - 2 to more as per wish PhD (med) - 3 years.  Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) is having the highest (the 4th) level of accreditation among all universities of Ukraine.According to ranking of Ukrainian Medical Institutions Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) is having the first position from last 4 years constantly.Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) - Center of Education, Science and Culture of highly industrial region of Ukraine,Dnieper. The city of Dnipropetrovsk is is the main Industrial city of Ukraine. Above than 40% industry of  Ukraine is located in Dnipropetrovsk. It is known as the business city of Ukraine.The city is highly developed and well established in all aspects of life. Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) is  one of the oldest higher educational institution of Ukraine having 4th (the highest) level of accreditation in Ukraine.Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy is also known as Dnepropetrovsk Medical University.Dnepropetrovsk  State Medical Academy (DSMA) was founded on September 15, 1916 on the basis of Ekaterynoslavsky higher female courses Institute. Institute acquired the status of State Academy in 1920 and it was confirmed again to Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) in Ukraine in 1994 by th order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 224 dated 20 April 1994.Foundation and the establishment of the Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) was led by eminent scientists with world-known names, such as VP Karpov, Oleg S.Abrazhanov, O. Drzhevetsky, L. Gromashevsky, L.S. Halperin, M.F. Rudnev, G.F. Tsomakion, N.S. Kakhiani, M.S. Stanishevskaya, M.O. Kabanov, O.I. Talyantsev, I. Troitsky, S.M. Kompaneets, M.V. Donici, AV Padlewski etc.Teaching Staff: Among teaching staff at Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA),there are 566 teachers work at 56 departments of the Academy, among them are 96 Doctors of Medical Sciences, 347 Candidates of medical Sciences,1 Academician of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,1 Corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,2 Corresponding members of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,4 employees were awarded the Prizes of the President of Ukraine, 6 distinguished workers of higher educational and public education of Ukraine, 11 honored workers of Science and Technology, 10 laureates of State Prize Ukraine and the Russian Federation, 8 Honored doctors of Ukraine, 24 full members and corresponding members of many national and foreign academies, members of international scientific societies and associations.The total number of Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) employees is 1345.Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) is having the highest (the 4th) level of accreditation among all universities of Ukraine. In 1922 the Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) organized and edited two scientific medical journal: "Ekaterynoslavsky Medical Journal" and "New Surgical Archive". When the Academy created a single scientific society that was theoretical, surgical, therapeutic, orthopedic, trauma and pediatric sections.Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy is the only in all over Ukraine, providing training to students in all seven faculties and preparatory department for foreign citizens.The faculties are following:             General Medicine     Pediatrics     Public Health      Dentistry      Pharmacy      Nursing     Postgraduate Education     Foreign Students Faculty  The Academy trains specialists in all faculties in English, Russian and Ukrainian languages.Throughout its history the Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) has trained about 49 000 doctors,dentists,pharmacists and nurses-bachelors.Since 1996, the Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) is headed by Academician of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor G.V. Dzyak.At present 4500 students are studying in Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA), among them are than 700 students from 38 countries are getting training in different specialities, among them mostly students are from Jordan, Syria, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Sudan, Palestine, China, Morocco, Lebanon, Kenya, Ghana, Angola, Portugal and others.Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) conducts training of foreign nationals since 1990. In 1995 the Academy graduated the first batch of  foreign physicians. For 10 years, Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) trained more than 1000 foreign specialists from 30 countries of the world. Scientific activities of the Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) are provided with modern technical and methodological bases. The priorities are: development of new diagnostic technology development and progression of hypertension;perinatal HIV infection: assessment of the effectiveness and optimization of modern pharmacological means of prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and deter the spread of HIV / AIDS;development of new treatments and prevention of bladder cancer and prostate cancer;Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular disease;development of domestic technologies treatment of orthopedic diseases and injuries of musculoskeletal system. Academy scientists actively participate in international congresses and symposia. Over the last 5 years, Academy defended the 15 doctoral and 167 master's theses. Performance of graduates of Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) was 100%. Academy received 265 patents, Published 6507 articles, 516 of them were internationally published. The Academy produces 3 academic scientific journals - "Medical Perspectives", "Urology" and  "Dermatovenereology, cosmetology, sexual pathology".The Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) occupies an area of 85 hectares. Academy has 8 academic buildings with total area of 52000 square meters, in which 608 classrooms, offices and laboratories are located.Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) has 7 hostels for students with area of 46000 sq.m. 2849 students can stay at the Academy's hostels. The Academy has a sports complex(which includes gaming, fencing, fitness room, table tennis hall, wrestling, swimming pool, shooting gallery, a sports stadium with tennis courts), vivarium, a sanatorium, country sports camp for 250 people, academic library with electronic devices, Technocenter and two museums.42 Clinical departments of Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) are located at the Clinical bases of the University at 29 different hospitals of the city of Dnepropetrovsk and the number of beds which clinical departments use is 15000.Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) is having 29 specialized centres at the clinical bases of Academy also.At the disposal of students and teachers: :sanatorium for 100 places;sports complex, including gaming, fencing, fitness room, hall table tennis, wrestling, swimming pool, shooting gallery, a sports stadium with tennis court, country sports camp for 250 people;complex student canteens, cafes and bars;People's History Museum DSMA;basic anatomy museum and others.Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) provides high quality education to students who are looking for quality education at affordable course fees. Dnipropterovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) has good team of long term experienced teachers in providing quality education to the students 19 professors and 58 associate professors works at the Faculty of Postgraduate education in Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA). Faculty Conducts postgraduate training in three areas:   primary specialty medical interns - internshiptraining or retraining of medical specialistsClinical residencies The Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) has long experience in training of foreign specialists, highly qualified teaching staff and modern facilities - all guarantee high level of theoretical and practical training to the students of the University.REQUIREMENTSStudents who seek admission in the first year medicine,dentistry,pharmacy or Nursing should have passed higher secondary school certificate or 12 years of education with passes in Chemistry, Physics and Biology.Students with school certificate of 10 or 11 years study need to do one year preparatory course (premedical program). Courses in mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and English form the basis of this program. This program offers the students to complete their higher secondary schooling. Upon successful completion, students receive our Higher School Diploma and are eligible to enroll in as first year medical student.Admission applications are accepted from 1st of march till 1st of November.Classes starts from 1st of September but students for first year can join their classes till 15th of November.Students who will arrive after 15th of November can join only in Preparatory course (premedical course).Students has to send us the following documents to receive an invitation letter. - Filled Application form- Copy of International passport- Copy of Higher Secondary school certificate- Transcripts of previously attended schools (only for transfer students)- MBBS/MD degree with complete subjects details (only for PG students) Students can send us the above written documents by email or by fax.After receiving documents and invitation charges we shall send you the invitation letter and admission letter with visa support letter through courier. For information about visa please check visa information page. After getting visa, students should bring with them the following documents to present them in Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy:  The following necessary documents should be submitted before the admission:Valid passport with Ukrainian study visaApplication for entering the UniversityPersonal particulars of the student entering the UniversityOriginal copy of certificate of secondary education with the list of having been studied disciplines, got marks and its translation into Ukrainian language.Medical certificate about absence of contraindications for study at the higher medical institution of UkraineInsurance policy of Ukraine insurance company for rendering first aidPhotos sized 4x6 cm (8 pieces)Receipt of payment for one year of study and accommodation before the beginning of study at the University.Transfer StudentsStudents with transfer credit who apply to Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy must submit the following:Official academic transcripts from previously attended colleges and universitiesSchool CertificatesApplication formDnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) accepts qualified transfer students from other universities. We operate on semester system. Admission will be based on your overall academic record. Some programs are very competitive and the requirement for consideration will likely be higher.COURSES OFFERED Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy offers the following courses to prospective students: GENERAL MEDICINE: Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy offers General Medicine course. Duration: 6 yearsDegree Awarded: M.D.(Doctor of Medicine)/MBBS Language of Instruction: English, Russian, Ukrainian.Tuition Fee Details: Please go to TUITION FEE PageCourse Details: Please visit COURSE CURRICULUM page  PEDIATRICS: Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy offers Pediatrics course.Duration: 6 yearsDegree Awarded: M.D.(Doctor of Medicine)/ Pediatrician / MBBS Language of Instruction: English, Russian, Ukrainian.Tuition Fee Details: Please go to TUITION FEE PageCourse Details: Please visit COURSE CURRICULUM page  Preventive Medicine: Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy offers Preventive Medicine course. Duration: 6 yearsDegree Awarded: M.D.(Doctor of Medicine)/Sanitary Dcoctor/MBBS Language of Instruction: English, Russian, Ukrainian.Tuition Fee Details: Please go to TUITION FEE PageCourse Details: Please visit COURSE CURRICULUM page   DENTISTRY: Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy offers Dental course.   Duration: 5 yearsDegree Awarded: B.D.S.(Bachelor of Dental Surgery)/Dentist Language of Instruction: English, Russian, Ukrainian.Tuition Fee Details: Please go to TUITION FEE PageCourse Details: Please visit COURSE CURRICULUM page  PHARMACY: Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy offers Pharmacy course.   Duration: 5 yearsDegree Awarded: B.Pharma(Bachelor of Pharmacy)/ Pharmacist Language of Instruction: English, Russian, Ukrainian.Tuition Fee Details: Please go to TUITION FEE PageCourse Details: Please visit COURSE CURRICULUM page  NURSING: Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy offers Nursing course.   Duration: 4 yearsDegree Awarded: Bachelor of Nursing Language of Instruction: English, Russian, Ukrainian.Tuition Fee Details: Please go to TUITION FEE PageCourse Details: Please visit COURSE CURRICULUM page   PREMEDICAL COURSE: This is a Russian intensive program for students wishing to continue their studies in Russian medium of instruction at the Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy or any other University in Ukraine. The duration of the preparatory course is one year. Upon successful completion a diploma is awarded.This course is not required for students who want to study in English medium of Instruction.   FOUNDATION COURSE: This course is specially designed for the foreign students who do not have the necessary requirements for the undergraduate programs and also it helps to enable students to bridge the gap between school and University. The duration of the foundation course is one year.This course is not compulsory required for students who want to study in English medium of Instruction.   POSTGRADUATE COURSES: Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy offers post graduate studies in all medical fields. The duration of the study is 2-3 years. International Students TrainingStudents - since 1989. Postgraduate students - since 1990.. Preparatory Department for international students. FOR MORE DETAILS DO CONTACT US DIRECT ON OUR EMAIL OR CELL PHONE NOTE :  STUDENT WILL PAY TUITION FEE ON ARRIVAL TO UKRAINEYOU CAN SEARCH US ON GOOGLE ALSO IN SEARCH BOX YOU CAN WRITE                                                        ( UKRAINE ADMISSION OPEN)   FOR ALL THE DETAILS OF UKRAINE Believe it or not you can make your dream of studying in europe without having to break a bank. NO IELTS NO TOFEL NO BANKSTATEMENT REQUIRED Admissions open for Academic year in all programs i.e. Medical postgraduate,Veterinary Medicine, BSC,MASTER,PHD, MD, MBBS, MSC ,computer Science, BDS(Dentistry),Nursing, Microbiology, Computer/ Aviation/ Aeronautical/ Civil/ Electrical/ Architecture Engineering, Business Administration BBA, MBA, Marketing, Accounting, International Relations. Right now Universities are issuing Invitations. To get the best and affordable education in Ukraine contact us through the mail .We guarantee you high quality European standard education in Universities of Ukraine Thanks.It will be better to contact us direct through mail or on our cell number .                                    For enquiry in UKRAINE: admissionukraine@yahoo.com  +380963093786,+380630282828website: www.europeanstudyservices.com              www.donnmu.comWWW.EUROPEANSTUDYSERVICES.COM  See More

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